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Miley Cyrus smoking a bong – HAS THE WORLD GONE MAD?!!!


What is salvia?
Miley Cyrus caught
smoking salvia from
Plant’s high akin
to marijuana, LSD

By Rosemary Black

____December 10th, 2010


What exactly was
out of that bong?

The teen pop star was caught
on video getting high on what
is believed to be salvia.

But what is it?

A member of the mint family
and a variety of an ornamental plant,
salvia divinorum is sometimes
dubbed diviner’s sage.
And it’s especially popular
with minors,
medical director of Willingway Hospital,
a drug addiction treatment facility
Rolled into papers and
smoked like a cigarette,
or inhaled from a pipe or bong,
salvia offers a quick,
potent high that users sometimes
describe as being like both
marijuana and LSD.

according to the DEA.
the state where Cyrus was caught
on video smoking the plant,
has legislation restricting the
distribution of the plant only.

“Though it’s illegal in some states,
salvia in many states is legal for
minors to possess,”
Mooney says.

“People dry the leaves and smoke it.
Many say it gives the same effect
as a marijuana high.”

It is estimated that 1.8 million
Americans aged 12 or older used
Salvia divinorum in their lifetime,
and approximately 750,000 did
so in the past year,
according to the
The strong hallucinogen
is fast acting –
the onset of effects is less
than 30 seconds,
psychology professor Ramani Durvasula,
and it lasts for only
about 10 to 15 minutes.

“Users report perceptual distortions,”
she says.
“And many people report a sense
of subjective well being,

So far,
salvia has not been proved
to be harmful,
Mooney says.
“There have not been long term studies,
it’s just not something that has been
extensively studied,”
he says.
“We just don’t know
that much about it.”


Fourteen states have enacted
legislation placing regulatory
controls on Salvia divinorum
and/or salvinorin A,
according to the DEA.

While it has yet to be proven addictive,
salvia can damage the lungs,
pulmonary specialist at
“Whether it is tobacco or salvia,
there really is no such thing as
safe smoking,”
he says.
“In terms of taking
a bong hit of salvia,
you are still enhaling
thousands of chemicals,
and the heat and combustion
materials are harmful,
Is it getting more popular?

“Salvia is one in a long series
of substances that people use
to get high with,”
Mooney says.
“There’s always something
coming up.
It’s hard to outthink addicts.”

Video Link Miley hitting bong



I heard about Salvia about a year
ago and I bought some to conduct
a field test on myself and perhaps
get a story out of it.

I canceled the story idea later
after smoking Salvia three times –
I didn’t want to promote it by
even mentioning it on MOON.

The Salvia Effect goes from
zero to 1000 miles an hour with
no stops in-between.

It in no way felt like marijuana,
it felt like 20 hits of LSD at once.

Then I not only lost my body
but forgot I even had a body –
I was watching molecules fuse
together in the air.

I was somewhere else.

15 minutes later I was back,
sort of,
feeling like other people
were in the room about
ten more minutes.

It was creepy.
I say one can not enjoy
any kind of high if one
has no concept of self –
where you are,
who you are.

That is Salvia,
at least how it
effects me.

If I were driving a car
smoking Salvia,
or in a bathtub,
or just falling down
while “somewhere else”

I give a Thumbs Down
to this legal drug.

If you must smoke
to relax or feel a
controlled mild buzz,
At least smoke a legal
marijuana substitute
anything but that
too powerful to
even enjoy Salvia.
One should never be
out of control or mind –
and never do anything
in a moving car please.




3 Responses to “Miley Cyrus smoking a bong – HAS THE WORLD GONE MAD?!!!”

  1. She is one person that there are no excuses
    for she came from a christian background
    and now has turned to the world
    because of her money and looks.

    I find it so sad when a person
    knows the truth but yet walks away
    from it because the world has something
    better to offer they claim,
    but what on earth can you
    compare the love of God to?

  2. This is why marijuana should be legal:
    Most marijuana smokers smoke the bud,
    not the leaf,
    of the plant.

    The bud contains only 33%
    as much tar as tobacco.

    This is why cannabis must be legal:
    marijuana smokers do not smoke
    anywhere near as much as tobacco smokers,
    due to the psychoactive effects of cannabis.

    This is why marijuana should be legal:
    Not one case of lung cancer has ever
    been successfully linked to marijuana use.

    • Very well said.

      If marijuana were legal,
      the price woud fall and
      people could afford to cook
      with it more as opposed
      to smoking it.

      It would also take
      some income away from
      the drug gangs.

      The Drug War
      was lost decades
      ago –
      it is time to end it.

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