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The Real Housewives of New Jersey country club cat fight!




Oh, The Drama!

Did you watch The Real
Housewives of New Jersey

Teresa Giudice unleashed
her Trailer Trash Jersey Style
persona on Danielle Staub
and it was quite a

_______Teresa Giudice

Danielle was trying to leave
the New Jersey country club
without drama but Teresa
Guidice was not about to
let that happen.

_______Danielle Staub

Teresa called Danielle
a bitch,
trying to provoke
a fight.
but Danielle chose
to walk away rather than
engage in White Trash
cat fighting.

The fur wearing Teresa
started the head bobbing
and the hand gestures,
then jumped up and ran
after Danielle.

____._Jacqueline Laurita
Co-conspirator Jacqueline
Laurita joined the pursuit,
and a crowd appeared to
watch the festivities.

Danielle broke a heel
off her shoe during the
run for the front door.

Teresa was held back
by some people trying to
prevent a rear attack on

Danielle hid around the
corner of the front door
protected by her much
needed bodyguard,
screaming to be taken
away from the scene,
while Kim G. kept screaming
“Calm down -calm down!”

_____.__Kim Granatell

On the way to Kim G.s
Bentley getaway car,
Jacqueline Laurita’s
spoiled brat daughter,
Ashley Holmes,
pulled out a clump of
Danielle Staub’s hair
and hair extensions from
behind Danielle’s back,
then bragged about it
on video.

_______Ashley Holmes

Danielle called the Police
from the back seat of
Kim G.s car,
while two faced Kim G.
went back inside and
was all buddy buddy
with Teresa,
typical for Kim Granatell.

Ashley Holmes,
who is 18 but acts
like she is 12,
kept bragging about
ripping out Danielle’s
Danielle made a police
complaint to the Jersey
but instead of taking
Ashley away in a cop
car they let her drive
off and go home.

So the next day,
genius Ashley posted
on the internet the scene
the night before was
“unbe – weave -able”,
referring to the hair and
hair extensions she had
ripped from Danielle’s
head from behind in
a cowardly attack.
She explained her crime
by saying she thought
her Mom Jacqueline had
been hit by Danielle.
(She was not hit.)

(Ashley was later fined
in court $189 dollars.)
Now I see why Danielle
Staub needs a bodyguard,
Teresa Giudice clearly
provoked this fight and
Jacqueline Laurita and
her spoiled brat daughter
Ashley made it much worse.

How I love this show!

Rash (Drama King) Manly



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