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Lady GaGa VOGUE rouge!


__Photos by Annie Leibovitz
____VOGUE Magazine




Lady Gaga

On Her Style:

“I’ve Always

Been An





November 13th, 2009


Vogue’s December issue

is getting bewitched–


by fierce style star

Lady Gaga.

Starring in a Hansel and

Gretel-inspired spread,

shot by famed photographer

Annie Leibovitz,

Lady Gaga channels her

naughtier side to play a witch,

dressed by her pal Marc Jacobs.

The pop sensation

tells the magazine,

“I’ve always been an

outspoken and extreme


And while her ruffled bloomer

shorts and insanely high heels

for the Vogue spread were

nothing out of the ordinary

for Gaga,

Vogue staffers were intrigued

by what the star wore to visit

their office before the shoot!

Lady Gaga reportedly showed

up to 4 Times Square first

wearing a trailing white chiffon

Galliano goddess gown with a

Philip Treacy headdress that

spelled VOGUE in clipped

white feathers,

only to turn up the next day

in a little black dress and

flaming-red wig.

And if that wasn’t

outrageous enough,

the singer arrived for

the actual shoot

“stark naked except for

her white rubber raincoat

and some very, very

high heels!”

recounts Vogue Creative

Director Grace Coddington.

So where does she get

her crazy fashion from?

Her art director,

Matthew Williams–

”my Jean-Paul Goude”–


“the inspiration that made

the connection for me

between the art world

and the fashion world,”

Lady Gaga tells Vogue.

“He used to say things like

‘If you want to make

a shoulder pad,

don’t research jackets—

research sculpture,

mineral rocks,


He thinks in a different way;

he is the designer of the future.”

Check out the rest of

Lady Gaga’s spread and

hear more from the pop star

at in Vogue’s December Issue,

on newsstands November 24th.



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