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Lisa Williams: Life Among The Dead act appears to be “cold reading”!


My wife and I recently
attended a night with
“psychic” Lisa Williams
during a performance
she held in Virginia.

Her “act” was much
different than her TV show
“Life Among The Dead”
would lead one to believe.

Lisa is charming in person,
quite interesting,
and a total fraud.

Mz. Williams employs
a method called
“cold reading” to make
her awe struck audience
members think she is speaking
with their dead children,
husbands, wives, ect.

Her act is smooth
and well done.

But once one knows the
tricks behind cold reading,
it is apparent that she has
no real ability except for
preying on the hopes of
her victims to reach loved
ones who have passed on.

Lisa’s show on Lifetime,
“Life Among The Dead”
is edited to make her seem
very talented at speaking
with dead people,
clearing homes of ghosts
and demons,
and psychic healing.

Ms. Williams is simply
a charming fraud.

Rash Manly

March 6th, 2009

Doctor Edward Tate

pointed out a big hole in my

“Cold Reading” theory Jan. 26th

in a posting he made to this story

that must be made part of the post.

(His post is in the “Responses” below

but I’m making it part of the story

to make sure everyone reads it.)


From Doctor Edward Tate

January 26th, 2010 / 8:35 PM

My compliments on your

very interesting web site.

My question to you is this:
why do you not mention “familiar spirits”
in your explanation of how Lisa Williams
mimics psychic abilities?

In all likehood,
she is not even aware of their presence
and their influence on her.

she cannot communicate with the dead.

In Luke, chapter 16,
it is clearly stated that the dead
can’t communicate with us,
and that any semblance of this happening
is clearly demonic forces at work.

Thank you again for your

enlightening web site.





Doctor Edward Tate cleared
up a great gap in my thinking
I should have caught long ago.

I still think Lisa Williams
and those like her
(people who think they are
speaking with the dead)
are doing cold reading,
but the truth is much more
sinister than that and explains
the knowledge of things

“Cold Reading”
cannot account for.

As the wise Dr. Tate pointed out,
it is “familiar spirits” speaking to Lisa
which can tell her things about dead people
she would have no way of knowing.

(What is that, you may say) –

From Holman’s Bible Dictionary:

Familiar spirits, divination, witch, medium and necromancer (LINK)

One possessed by (Lev. 20:22)
or consulting (Deut. 18:11)
a ghost or spirit of the dead,
especially for information
about the future.

Acting as a medium was
punishable by stoning
(Lev. 20:27);
consulting a medium,
by exclusion from the
congregation of Israel
(Lev. 20:6).

The transformation of Saul
from one who expelled mediums

(1 Sam. 28:3) to one who
consulted a medium at En-dor

graphically illustrates his fall.

“The Hebrew word translated
medium (ob) may refer
to the spirit of a dead person,
to the medium possessed by the spirit,
or to images used to conjure up spirits.

Manasseh made such images
(2 Kings 21:6; 2 Chron. 33:6).

Josiah destroyed them as part
of his reforms
(2 Kings 23:24).

Saul’s success in quickly locating
a medium
(1 Sam. 28:8)
points both to the popularity of the
practice of consulting the dead
and the difficulty of eradicating it.

“Isaiah 8:19 suggests a possible
connection between the consulting
of mediums and ancestor worship.

Those to be consulted are termed
“fathers” and “gods.”
(Compare 1 Sam. 28:13 where Samuel
is described as elohim or “god.”)

The chirping and muttering of the
spirits perhaps refers to the inarticulate
sounds which must be
interpreted by the medium.

Consulting of mediums defiled
the land and was described
as prostitution.

God’s people were to trust God
in times of distress and not resort
to other “gods” in an attempt
to learn the future.”



Priscilla Van Sutphin writes –

Familiar Spirits
by Priscilla Van Sutphin

familiarspirits (LINK)

“There are many in the church who
when praying against demons…
speak of familiar spirits as if they were
those passed down from family…
which is to say they are familiar to us,
but this is an error as the definition
for a
has to do with those spirits
who are called up in seances
and other such occultic activity,
like playing the ouija board.

They should not be confused
with generational spirits
inherited from relatives.

These are a different type entirely.

They appear as ghosts of dead
relatives or people we know.

They cause havoc in manifesting and
drawing great attention to themselves,
in order to entice the person away
from God or to scare them.

I think that the alien stuff is
basically the same thing –
familiar & other spirits
masquerading as aliens to
entice people away from interest
God and putting doubt in
them about th
e Bible and God.

(look at the Maneelock prophecy
on the prophecy page)
have the power of familiar spirits
and can actually through
being possessed by these change
their appearance to be
like an animal.

This is where the gypsy
“werewolf” tales come from.

There was a show on
TV a couple years ago,
a talk show –
can’t remember which network aired it –
but there was a Catholic charasmatic
couple called to minister to a
man in England who had
a werewolf spirit.

They had photos of him in the
actual changing process and
showed the deliverance changes.

He came on afterwards to
testify of the saving power of

Jesus Christ from his former state.

The presence of FAMILIAR SPIRITS
always signals occultic activity…
whether it is handed down from family,
or if they are active in a house haunting
or causing
ILLNESSES in their victims
who are inhabited by them due
to past activity of family members
in the occult or the person

One example would be a young woman
I met years ago who had sores & scars
all over her legs which made her look like
she was a drug addict,
but in fact her father was a
Satanic High Priest and had involved
her in satanic rituals as a child.

Demons inhabited her body and
were making her break out
in these unsightly sores,
and it was a perpetual wounding –
even though she had long before given
her heart to the
at least two years previous.

She did not yet have the
deliverance from them.

Jesus took the curse.
He became the curse that we
might be set free.

In Nehemiah 9 ,
the children of Israel stood for
hours repenting of their sins and
those of their fathers and
grandfathers, etc.

For some who have been hurt
by such activity in their families,
they may not even KNOW what
sins to repent of…
Even if they do,

Remember how Lisa speaks
of getting her gift from her

As Doctor Tate said in
his posting above –

“In all likehood,
she is not even aware of their presence
and their influence on her.

she cannot communicate with the dead.”

In Luke, chapter 16,
it is clearly stated that the dead
can’t communicate with us,
and that any semblance of this happening
is clearly demonic forces at work.”


I cannot thank you enough Doctor Tate
for providing the missing piece of the
puzzle that was right in front of my
eyes yet I missed it.

Your wise words came just 28 minutes
after I needed some expert advice and
you provided it.

I really think the hand of GOD
was at work herefor people who
may be going down the occult


Thank You for exposing the
gap in my thinking,
the final piece of the puzzle
is now in place,
a puzzle that has been
bothering me for months.




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