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Afghanistan Honor Killings (Part TWO of TWO)





in Afghanistan:


Father Kills His

Daughter and

_Her Lover

By Mohammad Barat and

Habib-ul-Rahman Sherzai

_____February 11th, 2010

Rawa News


Honor-Killing in Afghanistan

____Part TWO of TWO

Both the directorship of

Women’s Affairs and Human

Rights condemned both the acts.

Hanifa Aashna director of the

Women’s Affair of Samangan said

that according to the information

the boy had an illegitimate

physical relation with the girl.

Aashna said both the acts were

crimes and should be condemned;

the father shouldn’t have murdered

them but handed them to the law

to make the decision.

She said the murder of the girl

and boy were due to the

emotions of the father.

She said this year (solar year)

24 cases of violence had been

recorded in the Women’s

Affair which include beating

and escape from home due

to lack of sustenance,

but the murder of a girl and boy

has been seen for the first time.




Qazi Said Muhammad Samay,

head of the Human Rights

Commission in the Northern Zone

called both acts crimes and said

that the boy shouldn’t have raped

the girl and sent a proposal.

Samay says that the father

(Haji Gulbuddin) should have

handed the boy to the law and he

should be punished according to

the law for the murder of the

girl and boy.

A similar incident took place on

the night of 29th April in Taimoorban

Village of Baghlan District

(centre of Baghlan province).

A father shot dead his daughter

and a young boy for the accusation

of having illegitimate relations.




The boy was 23 and the girl

was 25 and they were cousins.

Azimullah the girl’s father who

is in police custody claimed that

the boy had secretly come to

their home at night to meet

his daughter;

this was against his honor

and that is why he shot and

killed them.

According to the police,

the boy’s family had brought

a proposal several times but

the girl’s family was against it.

Also last month a woman named

Rahila was stabbed to death in

Bilchuragh District of Faryab


According to Sharifa Azimi,

director of Women’s Affairs

of Faryab,

four years had passed of

18-year old Rahila’s marriage and

she had a child.

Rahila’s family claimed that she

had been killed by her father-in-law.

But Officer Mohammad Khalil

said that Rahila’s father-in-law who

had been arrested regarding the

matter claims his daughter-in-law

had committed suicide.




According to the AIHRC in 2008

more than 2000 cases of violence

had been recorded in the country

including cases of murder,


self-immolation and rape.

In another incident,

two motor bikers had been

killed by unknown armed men

in Baghlan District of centre

of Baghlan province.

Javed Basharat,

spokesperson of Commanding

Security of Baghlan told PAN that

these two young men were

returning from their lands at 11

the previous night when they were

killed with bullets of a Klashinkov.

Dr. Khalil Ahmad Narmgoy,

director of Central Baghlan Hospital

said that the bodies had been brought

to the hospital and their bodies show

signs of bullets.

Javed Frough,

one of the residents of the area,

said that at night illegally armed

men move about and so

commit these crimes.

He demanded the government to

arrest such men and punish them.

No one has taken

responsibility for the

murder till now.








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