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Posts Tagged ‘The Swedish town where migrant gangs have killed multiculturalism stone dead – KATIE HOPKINS – DAILYMAIL.CO.UK

The Swedish town where migrant gangs have raped and murdered Multiculturalism

March 3, 2017

There’s been a complaint about my first report from Sweden.

A reader is very angry because I suggested the child raped by a 45-year-old migrant (posing as an unaccompanied minor) was 14.

In fact, he was 12.

This is the state of liberalism today. So determined to prove I am wrong, my observations erroneous, the stories I have on tape inaccurate, that it has lost all sight of the raped migrant child crumpled in the corner.

Similarly, the ‘we know better brigade’ are so puffed up with smug self-importance as they point out Trump got his dates confused over the troubles in Sweden, they can’t see past their own chest to the riots in Rinkeby.