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Posts Tagged ‘The president has been fostering racial unrest for the majority of his presidency

Beyoncé: Race Baiting for Dollars and Obama

July 9, 2016

In the wake of the horrific murders of the five police officers shot and killed at a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas Thursday night, it is worth examining one of the anti-police movement’s most affluent and influential supporters: pop superstar Beyoncé.

Dylann Storm Roof details fuel False Flag theories

June 21, 2015

In 1996 Bill Clinton rallied the black base of the Democrat Party when he made a speech conjuring up the memories of Black Church burnings in the South. This has become standard fare in the dysfunctional relationship between the Party and it’s constituencies. We now have this horrific mass murder in a Black Church that was apparently perpetrated by a young white man. The facts that are being reported are suspect as is the timing of the suspect’s actions