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Posts Tagged ‘The Hypocrisy of Hollywood – Derrick Wilburn – AmericanThinker.com

Hollywood hypocrisy

January 11, 2014

That Hollywood is no longer a source of entertainment but now a source of (liberal) propaganda isn’t exactly news. Even avowed leftists will admit that film and television are solidly the domain of progressive liberalism and that progressive messaging is embedded in just about everything Hollywood produces. From children’s programming to the gratuitous “awards shows” that basically feature writers, actors, and producers giving awards to one another, it’s either bold and in-your-face or latent and just beneath the surface — but its there. The overt liberalism that is the entertainment industry is indisputable.
The entire state of California is radically blue (from a legislative point of view), and the segment of it known as “Tinseltown” is basically a caricature of itself. These people have a very high pulpit from which to preach and they habitually use is to its full advantage.
The entertainment industry is full of famous and infamous individuals who wholly support and verbally tout the most extreme of liberal policies and causes. More remarkable than their slavish devotion to all things progressive is how these people either cannot see or chose to ignore the massive flames of hypocrisy raging all around them. For instance, global warming and the need for a “green” planet.
These mouthy Hollywood stars are millionaires many times over and as is the case with most human beings, their homes, automobiles and lifestyles tend to reflect their income and personal net worth. Turn on E!, MTV’s “Cribs”, pick up a magazine or tabloid sometime and take a look. They virtually all drive huge luxury SUV’s or exotic sports cars that get nine miles-per-gallon (downhill, with a tail wind), live in 20,000 square foot, 12-bedroom mansions with theaters, bowling alleys, indoor pools, multiple kitchens, etc., which require heating, air conditioning, lawn maintenance, and generally suck up massive amounts of power — mostly from coal-fired power plants (which the politicians they’re supporting are trying to eliminate.) They travel on privately-chartered jets and get around city streets in limousines large enough for 10 occupants but carrying just one.
Moreover, many of these entertainers are motion-picture action stars. Could anything be more environmentally unfriendly than the production of today’s action flicks? All are rife with car chases and massive explosions. The size and scale of stuff blowing up gets bigger and bigger. In each of these movies huge plumes of thick black smoke goes billowing into the sky to supposedly eat away at our ozone layer. But apparently that’s okay if there’s a paycheck in it for the actor. But you and I? These same people want you and me to upgrade to a 90% efficient furnace, drive a car the size of a shoebox, and heat our homes to no more than 68 degrees to help save the planet.

Virtually all of the Hollywood elitists march in lockstep with the Democrat Party and its freakishly cultish devotion to abortion and gun-control legislation. They scream bloody murder when a deranged person walks into a building and shoots the place up, but look the other way when it comes to the million a year who are liquefied and sucked out of their own mother’s wombs. “We’ve got to get rid of the guns to save lives”, but we’ve got to keep “choice” so we can keep on destroying lives. Talk about having it both ways. They will volunteer time to support a cause trying to save the eggs of the Dusky Seaside Sparrow but would not lift one finger to save a human being in the same state of existence.
These same people produce the most ultra-violent movies imaginable, filled with more gun violence in an hour than the United States sees in a year. You’d think them the most pro-gun, pro-2nd amendment, NRA-friendly people on the planet. In these movies (and games) they’re grabbing guns and shooting people to death at a breakneck pace. Yet, they come out in favor of more restrictions on gun ownership and take zero responsibility for so much as the possibility that the products they produce and feed our society may at least in some way be contributing to the ill people who go out and do in real life what they see these Hollywood stars do on the screen.