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Posts Tagged ‘Panicked members of the Elite are buying luxury bomb-proof underground survival bunkers

5 Reasons to stockpile food now

July 12, 2021

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Scientist to start trials to ‘Reanimate Living Cadavers’ in Latin America

July 22, 2017

When injected into humans, he claims, the bioquantines find their way to diseased or damaged cells and help restore them to a healthier state.

The company Dr Paylian founded, Bioquark, is part of a broader project called ReAnima – which is ‘exploring the potential of cutting edge biomedical technology for human neuro-regeneration and neuro-reanimation.’

Global Elite prepping for the Zombie Apocalypse

November 30, 2016

Panicked members of the elite are buying luxury bomb-proof underground survival bunkers because they fear mass civil unrest might be on the horizon.

Something wicked this way comes – before the inevitable Zombie Apocalypse

April 18, 2016

It certainly looks like the elite know something the rest of us don’t, as many are fleeing cities and even entire countries.

Some are preparing emergency bunkers and panic rooms – all at a time when Republican front-runner Donald Trump and some economists are predicting an imminent recession.

Global Elite buying bunkers for the Zombie Apocalypse

April 15, 2016

Panicked members of the elite are buying luxury bomb-proof underground survival bunkers because they fear mass civil unrest might be on the horizon.