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Posts Tagged ‘Obama used ‘Conversational Hypnosis’ to become President – 22moon.com

Obama believes he is smarter than anyone and everyone

June 13, 2014

George Will wrote two years ago that “that “Barack Obama’s intellectual sociopathy — his often breezy and sometimes loutish indifference to truth — should no longer startle.” If journalists had only fulfilled their responsibilities as the fourth branch of government perhaps Obama’s career would have never led to the presidency, because his lying started at the very beginning of his national career. His memoir was riddled with inaccuracies. In a prime example of projection he repeatedly has warned Americans not to listen to his critics and opponents as they were trying to “bamboozle “people, while he bamboozled his way to the Oval Office.

He would be nowhere without the lying. That was all he really ever had.

One suspects that he could pass a lie-detector test with honors. But why does he feel so comfortable lying? For the same reason a con man does: he thinks most people are suckers, dummies, and rubes. A con man has to know his targets to reap his “rewards”.

Joseph Curl in the Washington Times wrote in “Is Obama really that stupid” that Obama and his underlings must have known Bowe Berghdal was a deserter and the Taliban 5 were war criminals and murderers and concluded “The president may be incompetent, but he’s not stupid. He’s just counting on the American people to be.” That is correct and has been true for years.


April 21, 2014

President Obama’s healthcare reform is roaring success. Dr. Mesmer tells us so.

In the late eighteenth century, a physician named Franz Mesmer proposed the existence of an energy that could pass from inanimate objects to living organisms, such as animals and humans. He called this unseen force “animal magnetism.” Forty years later, his theory formed the basis of what we now call hypnosis. In his honor, 19th-century hypnotherapists first named the technique mesmerism.

Mesmerism has become shorthand for persuading people that something is true when in fact it is false. Using mesmerism, black is white; good is baaad; “Freedom is slavery; War is peace; and Ignorance is strength” (from Orwell’s 1984.)

Deploying a strategy of mesmerism, Washington has tried to convince us that their PPAHCA treatment of poor sick patient Healthcare is a reform, a change for the better. Their approach is poisoning the patient. Then they use mesmerism to make us believe that PPAHCA: protects patients; is affordable; and will increase access to health care.