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Posts Tagged ‘John Dee and Edward Kelley planned to open a portal to the other side by using the lower keys of Enoch

“Mock Human Sacrifice” outside CERN – VIDEO

August 19, 2016

Have you seen the video of the “mock human sacrifice” that was conducted right outside the entrance of CERN?

Satanic looking VIDEO from the Large Hadron Collider

August 18, 2016

This chilling mysterious video shows a group of ‘researchers’ at the CERN Large Hadron Collider staging a chilling ‘satanic human sacrifice’ ritual.

The footage shows a group of cloaked men gathering in a courtyard around a statue at the facility in Geneva, Switzerland.

But CERN has declared that the video is fake, and claims that the ritual was simply researchers and scientists coming to work at the facility ‘taking their sense of humour too far.’

The facility is home to the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator, known as the Large Hadron Collider.

Its aim is to allow physicists to test the predictions of different theories of particle physics.

Large Hadron Collider may open door to another dimension

August 11, 2016

The public has been told that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a city-sized circular particle accelerator deep underground outside Geneva, is for the scientific study of reality. This is NOT the intended purpose of this gigantic machine. Under development since the early 1950s, the CERN complex is a grand secret international project and its main purposes are coming to fruition now. The LHC is a doorway.
By now, many of you will have heard of the disappearance and removal of all records of Edward Mantill

The Large Hadron Collider: Hi-tech Ouija Board

September 25, 2015

One of the mysteries that has the buzz on the internet is when you type in date of 9-23-2015 or September 23rd, 2015 into Goggle Maps, the computer will direct you to a place near Geneva, Switzerland. After further magnification you realize that you have landed at the headquarters of LHC at CERN.