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Posts Tagged ‘A photo from the Mars Curiosity rover appears to have captured what appears to be a near-replica of the famed Egyptian Sphinx

Former civilization on Mars wiped out by man caused Global Warming?

September 12, 2015

Is there tangible physical evidence of a former civilization on the planet Mars, one that may be at least 200,000 years old with intimate connections to the evolution of the human race on earth? The author and astronomer, Richard C. Hoagland, once a consultant to NASA but now its most irritating gadfly thinks so, and he has the NASA photographs to prove it in a book he has written called: The Monuments of Mars. A City on the Edge of Forever. 1 In addition, Mr. Hoagland has made available a videotape of his lecture delivered to delegates and friends at the United Nations in New York City on February 27, 1992, entitled: Hoagland’s Mars: The Terrestrial Connection, where he focuses on the amazing geosophical significance of these alleged artifacts — “geosophical” because they display intimate correspondences with known earthly artifacts such as the Sphinx in Egypt, Stonehenge, Silbury & Avebury mounds in England and the Mayan temple ruins in central Mexico. In decoding the “message of Cydonia,” Hoagland and his “Mars Mission” group have discovered the same geosophical principle of the tetrahedron as a formative planetary force as Rudolf Steiner spoke about seven decades ago in explaining the origin of volcanoes.