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Archive for the ‘Sociopath’ Category

Climate Change hoax useful propaganda for forcing the New World Order

December 7, 2015

Since the Islamist terrorist attacks in Paris on November 13, leading progressives, inspired by the coincidence of the attacks occurring in the host city for an upcoming climate change conference, have tried to exploit the anguish caused by terrorism to promote their global governance agenda. In a classic instance of never letting a crisis go to waste, these amoral snake oil salesmen, from leading Democrats to Prince Charles, have insisted we acknowledge a link between global warming and terrorist violence.

Obama’s happy laughter the King’s reaction to domestic and international chaos

July 12, 2014

I can remember several times when Obama just started to laugh in public at various disasters triggered by his policies.

Happy laughter now seems to be the official White House reaction to domestic and international chaos and human suffering. You could call it leading with Obama’s big strength — a great smile on TV — while avoiding the worst of his weaknesses — his inability to actually solve anything.

10 Red Flags of the Sociopath

December 16, 2012

. ____GREEN link below . ._How to spot a sociopath – –10 red flags that could save ___you from being swept .__under the influence of a ____charismatic nut job ___4 GREEN links below . -____How to ______________________________________________________________-_-Prove Someone -_Is a Sociopath -___eHow.com ____How to _Tell If Someone __Is a Sociopath ____eHow.com -__How to Get .____Over a -__Relationship -____With a -___Sociopath […]