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Fear of offending Islam stopped FBI from investigating Fort Hood murderer






The media must bend over

backwards to be

politically correct,

so allow me (Rash Manly)

to translate this story

using RashSpeak.





Major Nidal Malik Hasan,

known in RashSpeak as

“Major Terror”.

is a Major Wimp.


This cry baby wanted to

play bad boy terrorist,

so he takes two handguns

and goes somewhere to

shoot people that he

knows will be unarmed.


Among his victims was a

pregnant woman who died,

but that fact is too awful

for the regular media

to tell you about.


So this whiny wimp

chicken dropping Hason

is too scared to be

shipped overseas,

so he murders a bunch

of people,

hoping to get killed

and be a hero to his

terrorist buddies.




Now the big baby wakes

up in a hospital bed,

and rather than

man up and say,

“Yes, I am a terrorist”

and relax in a jail cell

for decades watching TV

and getting three square

meals a day –

he wimps out again

and is going to say,

“I’m insane in the brain!”


He is a headshrinker,

he knows how to fake

the symptoms.


How this man-baby

became a Major in

the U.S. Army is

no mystery.


The Army has to have

“Cultural Diversity” and

“Political Correctness”

and Hason’s bosses

were more worried about

getting their next

promotion than about

using common



(Given their Commander-

In-Chief is Obama,

no wonder.)


So in conclusion,

this “Major Wimp”

Hason will get a

cushy rubber room

for the rest of his life,

and a mint on his

pillow each evening,

lest he cry –

“Cultural Insensitivity!”

and hold his breath

until he turns blue.


Excuse my “rash”




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