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Narcissist Liberalism (Part ONE of THREE)





By Deborah C. Tyler

____April 11th, 2010


Links are in GREEN


Americans have always
expected national television
broadcasters to steer clear
of degrading epithets.

On April 14, 2009,
CNN’s Anderson Cooper
established a new low in
television journalism
when he labeled millions
of Americans in the
Tea Party movement
with a vulgar
sexual term.

______Teabagging Is When You Put Another Persons Scrotum
Other mainstream media journalists
and personalities gleefully followed

There was no outcry from the
“anti-hate community.”

Many liberals do not merely
tolerate contumelies against
but they delight in them.

In the years after World War II,
(many of whom were European
Jews who had escaped Nazism)
intensively studied how fascist
and authoritarian states could
bring ordinary people to commit
extraordinary crimes
against minorities.

The two dominant personality
theories of the twentieth century,
the Freudian and Adlerian
psychoanalytic models,
provided theoretical frameworks
for understanding bigotry and
fascism as forms of individual
and collective neurotic delusions.

The Freudian model attributed
these neuroses to a frustrated
“will to pleasure,”
while Adler pointed to an
unhealthy expression of the
“will to power” over others.
For the most part,
psychologists today deny or
ignore anti-Christian prejudice
in the American conversation.

This is because psychologists
are overwhelming politically
liberal and spiritually humanist.

In social science,
bias in is bias out.

In addition,
America’s dominant psychological
model, behaviorism,
has always been anti-theoretical
and has not produced an
integrated theory of personality
equal in influence to
either Freud or Adler.

Although Freud and Adler
agreed on the existence of
unconscious fear as the core
of neurotic anxiety,
they had different
explanations for it.

Freud posited that bigotry
arises when a child internalizes
the prejudices of the father in
order to resolve unconscious
sexual conflicts in the process
of superego formation.

This thwarted “will to pleasure”
is projected as hatred onto
a scapegoat minority.

fear becomes fascistic,
involving rigid group conformity
against a common enemy.

Freud’s model is obsolete.

Anderson Cooper,
and the Manhattan
micro-niche he typifies,
is not anxiously reacting to
an overbearing father-figure.

It is the extreme opposite.

Mr. Cooper is the son of a
fantastically permissive brand
of humanism.

The only thing he has to feel
guilty about is guilt itself.

But the Freudian model does
have utility in one dimension.

The aggression resulting from
thwarted narcissism is gratified
when projected onto
a devalued minority —
Tea Party participants.

The core phobia is that
non-approving conservatives
are thwarting the
“will to pleasure.”

The need for perfect admiration
and approval is the hallmark
of narcissism,
which is by definition insatiable.


Narcissistic pleasure is the precursor
to inevitable narcissistic rage.

In the narcissistic
liberal imagination,
Christian conservatives stand
in the way of a human heaven
of sexual freedom.




Liberal Narcissism links in GREEN










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