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Scott Brown wins! Communism loses! America can sleep safer tonight!





Great American Scott Brown

wins the election against
party hack Martha Coakley!

State Senator Brown stood against
the Socialist/Communist takeover
of America,
and in typical John Wayne style,
Brown faced down the Obama/Pelosi/Reid machine
and he won!

It is a new day for America
and a sad day indeed for the Socialist/Democratic Party.

All you “Blue Dog” Democrats
who voted for ObamaCare may
as well pack up your personal
stuff and be ready to vacate your
Senate and House offices because
all of you “Blue Dogs” are as
good as gone.

Every one of you wimps who
voted for ObamaCare have a
great chance of being voted
out of office,
so enjoy your waning days
of power for they are quickly
coming to an end.

__God Bless America and
__God Bless Scott Brown!



_Scott Brown and Coakley links!

Brown and Coakley:



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