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Sean Penn divorce off, Hugo Chavez heart broken


The Sean Penn Robin Wright divorce is
canceled, at least for the time being,
and one South American dictator is
upset about it and
his name is Hugo Chavez.
The love affair between Sean Penn and
Hugo goes back years, and the dating duo
never bothered to hide their passion
for one another.
Though Sean spent time with his wife
while Hugo courted Danny Glover and
Kevin Spacy, it is well known that the
two only had eyes for each other
when time allowed.
No doubt Hugo Chavez is crying
into his pillow this week in between
keeping busy controlling
the press and suppressing human
rights in Venezuela.
No doubt Penn will send flowers
and candy to his South American
love interest, the man who puts the
“dick” in dictator to try to smooth
things over.
No doubt Hugo will flaunt his
other Hollywood girl and guy friends
in Sean’s face to make him jealous.
These two lovebirds seem most
happy when their torrid affair remains
just that, perhaps keeping the romance
alive with the excitement of flaunting
their mutual admiration in public to the
delight of the worldwide press.
Not since Elaine Bennett dated a Commie
on a Seinfeld episode has a sexy Commie
love interest with an American been
so exposed.
When these two life partners
will renounce all others
and move to an island hideaway
someday is anyones guess.
Danny Glover and Kevin Spacy
will be heartsick, but Sean Penn’s
current wife will no doubt
breath a sigh of relief as she rids
herself of a husband who keeps
getting caught kissing dictators
behinds instead of his wife.
Rash Manly       22moon.com

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