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Posts Tagged ‘Numerous school murders occurred with the assailants saying they got the idea directly or loosely from “Rage”

Stephen King cranks out whiney liberal diatribe about those evil guns

March 30, 2013

. ____GREEN link below . ___The (absurd) Stand:  ___Twitter shreds gun– -_slinging ghoul Stephen  _King over gun–grabbing, ___NRA–bashing essay  .______| Twitchy . . .__3 GREEN links below .. Stephen King: NRA Should ‘Clean Up Blood, Brains  and Chunks of Intestine’  _After Next Massacre  ___| NewsBusters . . __Stephen King Thinks  __Illiterate Join Military  __ The American Mind . . __Stephen King thinks military  __.people are stupid – YouTube .

Madly overrated writer Stephen King blames the NRA for psychos who kill

January 27, 2013

In subsequent years, numerous school murders occurred around the country with the assailants saying they had gotten the idea directly or loosely from “Rage.”