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Posts Tagged ‘HuffPo feeds on Drudge page views regularly and often

Arianna Huffington accused of ripping off HuffPo founders

October 15, 2013

OCTOBER 15–In a new court filing, lawyers for two men suing Arianna Huffington for allegedly denying them credit and cash for their role in the founding of The Huffington Post have made public an internal document detailing exactly what Huffington pocketed following the site’s $315 million purchase by AOL.

Marked “Confidential” and “Attorney’s Eyes Only,” the February 2011 memo was prepared for AOL board members by Tim Armstrong, the company’s chief executive, and Artie Minson, the firm’s former chief operating officer. Armstrong is pictured at right with Huffington.

Arianna Huffington using tricks to ride DrudgeReport.com’s coattails

August 5, 2013

Drudge is known for being a self-made success. However, as one builder to another, no matter how their stepping stones differ, perhaps Arianna Huffington might add her congratulations or gratitude for the “help” she artfully pilfers from Matt Drudge