You can see the whole Earth from the Moon!

Lisa Williams: Life Among The Dead act appears to be “cold reading”!

My wife and I recently
attended a night with
“psychic” Lisa Williams
during a performance
she held in Virginia.

Her “act” was much
different than her TV show
“Life Among The Dead”
would lead one to believe.

Lisa is charming in person,
quite interesting,
and a total fraud.

Mz. Williams employs
a method called
“cold reading” to make
her awe struck audience
members think she is speaking
with their dead children,
husbands, wives, ect.

Her act is smooth
and well done.

But once one knows the
tricks behind cold reading,
it is apparent that she has
no real ability except for
preying on the hopes of
her victims to reach loved
ones who have passed on.

Lisa’s show on Lifetime,
“Life Among The Dead”
is edited to make her seem
very talented at speaking
with dead people,
clearing homes of ghosts
and demons,
and psychic healing.

Ms. Williams is simply
a charming fraud.

Rash Manly

March 6th, 2009

Doctor Edward Tate

pointed out a big hole in my

“Cold Reading” theory Jan. 26th

in a posting he made to this story

that must be made part of the post.

(His post is in the “Responses” below

but I’m making it part of the story

to make sure everyone reads it.)


From Doctor Edward Tate

January 26th, 2010 / 8:35 PM

My compliments on your

very interesting web site.

My question to you is this:
why do you not mention “familiar spirits”
in your explanation of how Lisa Williams
mimics psychic abilities?

In all likehood,
she is not even aware of their presence
and their influence on her.

she cannot communicate with the dead.

In Luke, chapter 16,
it is clearly stated that the dead
can’t communicate with us,
and that any semblance of this happening
is clearly demonic forces at work.

Thank you again for your

enlightening web site.






Doctor Edward Tate cleared
up a great gap in my thinking
I should have caught long ago.

I still think Lisa Williams
and those like her
(people who think they are
speaking with the dead)
are doing cold reading,
but the truth is much more
sinister than that and explains
the knowledge of things

“Cold Reading”
cannot account for.

As the wise Dr. Tate pointed out,
it is “familiar spirits” speaking to Lisa
which can tell her things about dead people
she would have no way of knowing.

(What is that, you may say) –

From Holman’s Bible Dictionary:

Familiar spirits, divination, witch, medium and necromancer (LINK)

One possessed by (Lev. 20:22)
or consulting (Deut. 18:11)
a ghost or spirit of the dead,
especially for information
about the future.

Acting as a medium was
punishable by stoning
(Lev. 20:27);
consulting a medium,
by exclusion from the
congregation of Israel
(Lev. 20:6).

The transformation of Saul
from one who expelled mediums

(1 Sam. 28:3) to one who
consulted a medium at En-dor

graphically illustrates his fall.

“The Hebrew word translated
medium (ob) may refer
to the spirit of a dead person,
to the medium possessed by the spirit,
or to images used to conjure up spirits.

Manasseh made such images
(2 Kings 21:6; 2 Chron. 33:6).

Josiah destroyed them as part
of his reforms
(2 Kings 23:24).

Saul’s success in quickly locating
a medium
(1 Sam. 28:8)
points both to the popularity of the
practice of consulting the dead
and the difficulty of eradicating it.

“Isaiah 8:19 suggests a possible
connection between the consulting
of mediums and ancestor worship.

Those to be consulted are termed
“fathers” and “gods.”
(Compare 1 Sam. 28:13 where Samuel
is described as elohim or “god.”)

The chirping and muttering of the
spirits perhaps refers to the inarticulate
sounds which must be
interpreted by the medium.

Consulting of mediums defiled
the land and was described
as prostitution.

God’s people were to trust God
in times of distress and not resort
to other “gods” in an attempt
to learn the future.”



Priscilla Van Sutphin writes –

Familiar Spirits
by Priscilla Van Sutphin

familiarspirits (LINK)

“There are many in the church who
when praying against demons…
speak of familiar spirits as if they were
those passed down from family…
which is to say they are familiar to us,
but this is an error as the definition
for a
has to do with those spirits
who are called up in seances
and other such occultic activity,
like playing the ouija board.

They should not be confused
with generational spirits
inherited from relatives.

These are a different type entirely.

They appear as ghosts of dead
relatives or people we know.

They cause havoc in manifesting and
drawing great attention to themselves,
in order to entice the person away
from God or to scare them.

I think that the alien stuff is
basically the same thing –
familiar & other spirits
masquerading as aliens to
entice people away from interest
God and putting doubt in
them about th
e Bible and God.

(look at the Maneelock prophecy
on the prophecy page)
have the power of familiar spirits
and can actually through
being possessed by these change
their appearance to be
like an animal.

This is where the gypsy
“werewolf” tales come from.

There was a show on
TV a couple years ago,
a talk show –
can’t remember which network aired it –
but there was a Catholic charasmatic
couple called to minister to a
man in England who had
a werewolf spirit.

They had photos of him in the
actual changing process and
showed the deliverance changes.

He came on afterwards to
testify of the saving power of

Jesus Christ from his former state.

The presence of FAMILIAR SPIRITS
always signals occultic activity…
whether it is handed down from family,
or if they are active in a house haunting
or causing
ILLNESSES in their victims
who are inhabited by them due
to past activity of family members
in the occult or the person

One example would be a young woman
I met years ago who had sores & scars
all over her legs which made her look like
she was a drug addict,
but in fact her father was a
Satanic High Priest and had involved
her in satanic rituals as a child.

Demons inhabited her body and
were making her break out
in these unsightly sores,
and it was a perpetual wounding –
even though she had long before given
her heart to the
at least two years previous.

She did not yet have the
deliverance from them.

Jesus took the curse.
He became the curse that we
might be set free.

In Nehemiah 9 ,
the children of Israel stood for
hours repenting of their sins and
those of their fathers and
grandfathers, etc.

For some who have been hurt
by such activity in their families,
they may not even KNOW what
sins to repent of…
Even if they do,

Remember how Lisa speaks
of getting her gift from her

As Doctor Tate said in
his posting above –

“In all likehood,
she is not even aware of their presence
and their influence on her.

she cannot communicate with the dead.”

In Luke, chapter 16,
it is clearly stated that the dead
can’t communicate with us,
and that any semblance of this happening
is clearly demonic forces at work.”


I cannot thank you enough Doctor Tate
for providing the missing piece of the
puzzle that was right in front of my
eyes yet I missed it.

Your wise words came just 28 minutes
after I needed some expert advice and
you provided it.

I really think the hand of GOD
was at work herefor people who
may be going down the occult


Thank You for exposing the
gap in my thinking,
the final piece of the puzzle
is now in place,
a puzzle that has been
bothering me for months.





174 Responses to “Lisa Williams: Life Among The Dead act appears to be “cold reading”!”

  1. I have to set the record straight.
    I went to a show and had a reading
    in fact the first of the evning and she
    was right on. I have had people blog,call
    ,email me about the authenticity and
    there was no set up!!!

    • I don’t see any viable proof or support documentation that LISA Williams is a fraud.
      I see some examples about James Van Praagh, but what does that have to do with Lisa Williams?

      I do think that there are frauds out there….but i also think there are some who have capabilities that the average “Joe” does not have.

      I appreciate you trying to expose the frauds, but be careful not to be so closed minded that you eliminate the possibility that you may discover something new.

      Remember that every scientist who ever made a new discovery was considered a fraud or a nut. If we had called every scientist a fraud just becuase frauds existed, then we’d never have discovered that the world wasn’t flat or that Earth wasn’t the center of the universe.

      All I ask is that you keep your mind open and I will do the same.
      If there are people who say that Lisa Williams is legit, who am I to say they are liars?

      I wasn’t there to see what happened and neither were you.

      If they’re proven to be lying, then OK.
      If not, then I’m equally obligated to at least CONSIDER the possiblity that there’s something out there worth evaluating.

      Just like every other person in history who, contrary to the popular mindset, went against the current way of thinking and discovered something new.

      One last thing, we learn things and are limited in that learning by our senses (ears, eyes, nose, etc). A dog can smell and hear a heck of a lot more than i can, but JUST BECAUSE i can’t smell or hear the things that he can smell and hear does not mean they don’t exist.

      We (as humans) l ive in a bubble…a sort of “wall of limits” set by the limits of our own senses.

      BUT we have to keep in mind that just because we can’t see or hear or taste something, doesn’t mean they don’t exist!

      I agree we should sort out the frauds and consider carefully, but we should NOT crucify the whole “lot of them” just becuase a few frauds exist.

      There will always be bad and good people in the Don’t let that keep you from opening your mind to consider the possiblities and while you’re at it….get yourself a book on Quantum Mechanics!!!

      See how that makes you look outside your “bubble”!

      Sincerely, Emily

      • There is not a medium on the planet
        who can put their hand on their heart
        and absolutely guarantee the identity
        of the spirit they are communicating with.

        the means of deception by the spirit is there,
        and the medium must take it on trust that they
        are who they say they are.

        But the spirit is not
        from the so called afterlife,
        they are the fallen angels cast down
        to earth with Lucifer,
        and it is their life’s mission
        to contradict the word of God
        by convincing mortals that entry
        to the so called afterlife
        follows death of the earthly body.

        These spirits can mimic to perfection,
        they can glean from your mind,
        for example,
        a one on one conversation
        you had with your mother,
        and repeat via the medium the content,
        thus convincing you that it is indeed
        your mother because you say,
        it must be my mum because
        no one else heard that conversation,
        in the moment you forget
        that someone else did hear it,
        you heard it,
        and it is from your mind that
        the spirit extracted the conversation.

        People never stop to consider that
        all this is too good to be true,
        it’s like every single mortal winning
        the lottery when they die!

        When people have a gift
        they should give freely of
        that gift to all,
        but here we have people
        making a living out of it,
        and the familiar spirit
        exploiting their greed
        for their own vested interests.

        Their intentions are
        to contradict the word of God,
        for the living know that they shall die,
        but the dead know not anything,
        for the memory of them is forgotten etc etc.

        Those who die in God may
        be dead for a million or more years,
        and when they open their eyes it
        will be as though they closed
        them for a second,
        for time means nothing to the dead.

        The so called afterlife appeals
        to the wishful thinking of mortals,
        and churches have edited and perverted
        the word of God to suit their own scheming agenda,
        setting their word of man higher
        than the word of God,
        and themselves as having
        authority to speak for God on earth.

        In so doing they have preached
        a message of lies to control the
        minds of the people, we’ll tell
        you what to believe,
        we’ll tell you what to do.

        They are like the spirits deceivers all.

        People need to think for themselves,
        and pay heed to the warning, let no man
        (or spirit) deceive you by any means.

      • Well said Michael,
        from my own experience
        when I used to go ‘out of body’
        and spoke with the most interesting beings
        and animals that only wanted to help me.
        (Yeah right)

        I found out the hard way the beings
        were not what they appeared to be –
        I call them demons.

        I’ll skip the rest of this story,
        I’ve told it before anyway.

        Thank You
        for telling the truth Michael!


      • Well said Michael,
        I agree with all of that.


    • I had the rare pleasure of boarding a flight
      out of LAX right behind Ms Williams.

      I was one of the last to board, due
      to a last-minute biz meeting,
      and Ms Williams jumped ahead of me
      in line out of no where,
      of course b/c she was first class.

      I didn’t realize who it was at first.

      She was traveling with an assistant.

      I’d seen her show a few times and the
      director shoots her from the shoulders up.

      She is enourmously bottom heavy
      and she was not wearing any makeup.

      Her face looked like a pimply pubescent.

      She was chugging Starbucks
      and chatting away with her
      assistant/flight companion.

      I was littlerally mentally boring holes
      in her back thinking,
      if this woman is psychic she will
      turn around and tear me a new one.


      See her in person.
      She is just totally random.

    • You’re saying Lisa Williams is the real thing?
      I’m going to her show and was wondering
      if it’s worth it,
      please tell me if it’s a good idea!
      thanks soooooo much!

    • Please explain yourself to me??

      I look all over this web site and
      I see examples and proof that these
      Psychic readers are fraud except Lisa Williams.

      You say it was a “Cold Reading”
      but you have no example pertaining to her.

      To me it looks just like your opinion!!

      If you strongly believe that she is fraud
      where is your proof of this cold reading
      or your examples.

      How can I believe you
      and not Lisa Williams???

      • I completely agree with Angela.
        As soon as the word ‘Bible’ is
        mentioned people are supposed
        to have blind faith –
        yet when there is a person
        who is doing something deemed
        ‘evil’ by the Patriarchs of the church
        (which in my opinion is just a
        threat to their credibility)
        then people feel obliged to
        prove them as fraudsters.

        I honestly think it is the church
        trying to manipulate people’s thinking.

    • It’s amazing how you religious fanatics
      who stick to only one belief and how
      everyone else in another religion is
      damned to hell and guided by demons.

      The truth is every religion based
      on the golden rule which Christ showed
      was LOVE accepts all people and life
      as brothers and sisters with a destiny
      of Heaven when we do follow LOVE.

      However those that are soooo far in the dark
      cannot see the love and truth that comes from
      real psychics ands spiritualists…
      which are STILL condemned and would
      be burned at a stake if they had their
      angry and ignorant ways…

      Didn’t we learn enought from the Crusades
      which nearly wiped out all Native Americans
      or slavery with African Americans,
      or from Jihad terrorists.

      If we all could just love each other…
      we would see the truth…
      however only those that truly do love
      get to see the miracles and signs
      from our Creator,
      leaving the dense,
      close minded skeptics without
      seeing the spiritual light.

      I can only pray for our less mature brothers
      and sisters and that they learn to open their
      hearts and live a spiritual life…
      helping to make this a better world for us all <3

    • I paid to see her in Tampa a few years ago .
      Thank God they did not film her show that night.
      She has so many misses and then she would go back to a certain couple every time who would be her safe space.
      She would not read me and skipped to person standing in front of me . It seemed like nothing but cold reading because when she was wrong she started to get nervous and quick to move on and then the charm exit button light would go on . It was a waste of money and gas to go and see this show. We waited forever for her to come on stage and she was not that good people. She had so many misses it was shameful. Before we went in she had certain people go into a book signing room that had online membership with her . The couple she kept going back to for a safe space was in that room getting their book signed. I talked to them in parking lot after show and they said she did not tell them what they wanted to know . They belong to her membership club online I was told. I remember waiting in hall with others to get in while they were aloud in room to get their books signed because they were members. A long time after for her to finally come on stage. I told the couple I was born with a gift they then wanted me to give them the information she did not give them . I looked at them like they where crazy ! I wasted a lot of money to see if she was a phony and I got nothing out of the boring show. The only thing great about the show was her very sparkling high heel shoes. I watched a lot of desperate people feeding her information and she does ask questions . She starts out don’t tell me anything but she does ask questions in a round about way . If you don’t answer she moves on like other cold readers. Sorry but I did not get a great psychic on stage people. I think people may start out with a gift but it’s to help others suffering and if you get greedy with being famous and rich the gift is removed.

  2. HAHA this websites a joke.How can you make a claim and show no proof at all.Seriously if you want to make a claim explain how and why instead of just sayng shes a fake.Her show actually says she is psychic so unless ur saying the show is a fake I suggest u get personal reading to test it out.

    • i went to a show of lisa’s , did not get a reading.i was in line at the end of the show,to met her.when it was my turn to come up to her, she looked at me and said you have a male next to you. i started thinking,dad, father in law, grandpa,but i kept walking and wondering who she was talking about because a male seemed to me to be an older person.i was standing there thinking. when she said the person next to you is a young man. i knew right then she was talking about my son, who i was there to see about. i lost it. she told me what he had to say ,and everything was true, she had no way of knowing any of this or who i was there to contact. the next few days it was like an outer body thing, i can’t explain, but i would pay a million bucks ,if i had it . to talk with her again . i wish i could , because i do believe she is the real thing,anything is possible. and she was given a gift .

      • I just attended her workshop for Psychic awareness in Santa Monica. I know she is real, because I too have “some” gift.
        A wise woman once said..If you dont know how to hunt, you shouldnt be in the woods holding a gun.

        So to those sceptics, until she reads for you… hold your tounge.

        More power to those who have been lucky enought to have a reading from her. Shes the real deal.

        Blessings all!

    • Btw…
      I had someone close to me pass…
      and a psychic from another country….
      told me their name…
      Now, how can a Skeptic explain that…
      when there are at least over a million common names…
      get real with your crazy theories…
      she wouldn’t of known the name if she wasn’t psychic…
      and no cold reading explanation could prove that…
      That’s proof I have in the REAL…
      that no one can ever take or explain way…
      and no they weren’t guided by some demon…
      demons don’t know how to even say the word love….
      because love is the highest spiritual energy there is…
      I would leave hate,
      and all the negative attributes to an illusionary Devil….
      and all the good attributes of
      etc. to our Creator.

  3. Please tell Lisa
    that James Randi has
    for her that she can easily
    claim by passing his challenge.

    Enter “cold reading” in the
    search box in the top
    right hand corner of
    22moon.com to read about
    cold reading.

    Lisa Williams on TV
    and Lisa Williams in
    person are as different
    as night and day.

    If I am wrong about Lisa,
    the million dollars is
    as good as hers.


    The Art Of

    Cold Reading

    by James Randi

    The currently-popular “psychics”

    like Sylvia Browne,

    James Van Praagh,

    and John Edward,

    who are getting so much

    TV spaceon Montel Williams,

    Larry King, and other shows,

    employ a technique known as

    “cold reading.”

    They tell the subjects nothing,

    but make guesses,

    put out suggestions,

    and ask questions.

    This is a very deceptive art,

    and the unwary observer may

    come away believing that

    unknown data was developed

    by some wondrous means.

    Not so.


    “I get an older man here”

    is a question, a suggestion,

    and a guess by the “reader,”

    who expects some

    reaction from the subject,

    and usually gets it.

    That reaction may just be a nod,

    the actual name of a person,

    or an identification

    (brother, husband, grandfather),

    but it is supplied BY THE SUBJECT,

    not by the reader.

    “They’re saying, ‘Bob,’ or ‘Robert.’

    Do you recognize this person?”

    is another question,

    suggestion, and guess.

    If there’s a Bob or Robert,

    the subject will amplify

    the identification.

    But if there’s no Bob or

    Robert immediately recognized,

    the reader passes right on,

    after commenting that Bob

    is there alright,

    but not recognized right now.

    If any Bob is remembered later,

    that is incorporated into the spiel.

    You should observe and

    listen to a video of a reading.

    In one such by Van Praagh,

    prepared by the “48 Hours”

    TV program,

    a reading that lasted 60 minutes,

    we found only TWO actual

    statements made,

    and 260 questions asked.

    Both actual statements–

    guesses–were wrong.

    Van Praagh was looking for

    the name of the woman’s

    deceased husband,

    and he came up with it by asking,

    “Do you know anyone named,


    The woman answered,

    “Yes! Jack, my husband!”

    But Van Praagh didn’t identify

    “Jack” at all.

    He asked her if SHE

    would identify him.

    By that time,

    Van Praagh had already tried

    on her 26 other men’s names–

    all wrong. But, the woman–

    the subject–

    forgot about those failures,

    because they were not

    important to her.

    “Jack” was important.

    The readers have a way of leading

    the subject to believe that they

    knew something they didn’t.


    Reader: “Did your husband linger on in the hospital, or did he pass quickly?”Subject: “Oh, he died almost immediately!”

    Reader: “Yes, because he’s saying to me,

    `I didn’t suffer. I was spared any pain.’”

    It’s strange that the reader

    (Van Praagh, in this example)

    had to ask that question…..

    And remember, these readers

    often go out and interview the

    audience members when they’re

    on line waiting to get into the

    studio or auditorium.

    That technique was employed

    by the very successful reader

    Doris Stokes.

    She would feed back any data

    she got as if she were refreshing

    her memory of what had

    been told her.

    “Are you the lady who has

    a passed-on sister, dearie?”

    would of course receive

    assent from the victim,

    and ahhhs from the audience.


    a person who approaches

    the reader before the TV show

    or auditorium meeting and says

    she has a question about her

    deceased grandmother,

    can then later be selected out

    of the audience when they’re

    on-camera or during the

    live encounter,

    and can then be asked,

    “Is your question about

    your grandmother?”

    and that appears–

    to everyone else–

    like a bang-on “hit.”


    and this is very subtle indeed,

    people in the studio or

    auditorium audience–

    usually seated up front

    for best visibility–

    are sometimes those who

    have already been to the

    “psychic” for a private reading,

    and have then been asked

    to show up later to occupy

    reserved seats at the public

    in-person gathering

    “to develop more information”

    using the “collective power

    of the assembled audience.”

    The reader then repeats

    previously-gleaned data,

    and that appears miraculous

    both to the audience in the

    studio and at home, watching,

    or elsewhere in the auditorium


    We tested Sylvia Browne in 1989,

    on live TV, and she failed miserably.

    On that occasion,

    she was not allowed to speak

    to anyone in advance,

    or to be asked or told anything

    in advance.

    The audience was told to

    only answer “yes” or “no,”

    when asked a DIRECT question,

    and Sylvia bombed out big-time.

    She blamed it all on bad vibrations….

    Van Praagh and Edward have

    <b.not responded to our offer

    to test them–

    for the million-dollar prize, even.

    So, you see,

    it’s your perception of what’s

    actually being done,

    rather that the reality of

    the procedure,

    and your ignorance of other

    subtle clues and methods,

    that misleads you in your

    observations of these “psychics.”.

    I’ll give you one example of

    something I did when I was

    performing as a mentalist

    in Toronto, my home town,

    at the age of 18.

    (I hasten to add here that

    I would ALWAYS thoroughly

    disclaim any genuine powers,

    before and after my show.)

    They had a huge auditorium

    filled with reserved seats,

    just about every one of them

    occupied by eager subjects.

    It was some sort of a charity affair,

    and seats were expensive.

    After I got rolling with the various

    moving objects and blindfolded

    duplication-of-handwriting stunts

    (spoonbending was not yet

    a popular miracle!)

    I stopped abruptly and pointed

    to a lady in the third-row aisle seat.

    “I’m led to say to you that

    I get a middle name of ‘Rose’

    for you, madame!”

    I cried.

    Her gasp verified that I was right.

    “And that name is more

    than significant to you.”

    She leaned forward.

    “I see a clock,

    a very old clock,

    and on the dial three pink roses?”

    She started to speak,

    and I silenced her by raising my hand.

    “But this is a strange clock.

    It can’t tell the time!”

    By now, the poor woman was

    about to pass out in excitement.

    “Why is it useless?

    I see two arrows, or darts…

    They’re metal,

    and they’re broken…Ah! I see!

    These are the hands of that clock,

    and they’ve come off the clock face,

    and are lying together behind

    the glass cover of the clock dial!

    Is that right?”

    The woman was standing,

    mouth open, nodding vigorously.

    She was awe-struck,

    and the applause was

    vigorous indeed.

    How was it done?

    A lucky guess?



    T.K. Lawson, my buddy,

    had been working with that charity.

    He was the one who got me

    the gig (a contracted appearance).

    And he also went through several

    neighborhoods selling tickets

    to likely donors.

    He had sold tickets CC-20 and

    CC-22 to this lady,

    and she’d invited him into her

    living-room while she made

    out a check to pay for the tickets.

    He observed that the “rose”

    theme was everywhere,

    and an embroidered “sampler”

    was framed by the door,

    with the woman’s full name on it.

    That clock was by the fireplace.

    T.K. noted these facts,

    and reported them to me.

    I must tell you that together we

    intercepted that dear lady as

    she left after the show,

    and explained to her how I’d been


    She was highly entertained

    with the explanation,

    and grateful for our caring

    to tell her.

    I somehow don’t think that Browne,

    Edward, and Van Praagh would

    trouble to do such a thing.

    But, after all, they say they’re

    REALLY “speaking with the dead.”

    I’m amazed at how much death

    affects people who undergo

    the process.

    It makes them really

    stupid and forgetful.

    Whenever I’ve asked any

    psychics–or spiritualists–

    to contact my paternal grandmother,

    it seems she doesn’t remember

    such basics as the name of

    her husband,

    or the name of her church–

    both important elements in

    her life while she was “here.”

    Now that she’s “there,”

    her rather prodigious intellect

    has left her quite completely.


    James Randi

    has an international reputation

    as a magician and escape artist,

    but today he is best known as

    the world’s most tireless investigator

    and demystifier of paranormal

    and pseudoscientific claims.

    Randi has pursued “psychic” spoonbenders, exposed the dirty tricks of faith healers, investigated homeopathic water “with a memory,”

    and generally been a thorn in the sides of those who try to pull the wool over the public’s eyes in the name of the supernatural.

    He has received numerous awards and recognitions, including a Fellowship from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation in 1986.

    On October 19, 1993, the PBS-TV “NOVA” program broadcast a one-hour special dealing with Randi’s life work,

    particularly with his investigations of Uri Geller and various occult and healing claims being made by scientists in Russia.

    He is the author of numerous books, including The Truth About Uri Geller, The Faith Healers, Flim-Flam!, and An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural.

    His lectures and television appearances have delighted — and vexed — audiences around the world.

    In 1996, the James Randi Education Foundation was established to further Randi’s work.

    Randi’s long-standing challenge
    to psychics now stands as
    a $1,000,000 prize administered
    by the Foundation.
    It remains unclaimed.

  4. Maybe Randi should also try to uncover how pharmaceuticals don’t work, since those are killing thousands every day, supported by an endless line of “scientific” tests for which there are at least as many tests that prove the downside – to say the least – of certain medicines.
    I presume that should be even easier than trying to cover up that you are afraid of the knowledge that lies above science and beyond the things we can understand or physically test.
    Why make a living trying to take away what keeps many people alive and standing in their times of need and sorrow?
    I wonder.
    I have an extremely open mind and much respect for anyone who wishes to improve the quality of life for all, scientifically or otherwise, but one needs to have the guts to think beyond what seems humanly possible…try it sometime…
    by the way: i’m from Belgium, Flanders

  5. I agree with you %100 percent
    about pharmaceuticals Kathleen!

    U.S. television has 100’s of television adverts
    that want the viewers to take a pharmaceutical
    drug for every condition known to man or woman.

    “BIG PHARM” spends a fortune developing drugs,
    then they push doctors to prescribe them for
    about every condition on the planet.

    How these drugs mix together in the human body
    is anyone’s guess, but it cannot be healthy.

    Natural healing medicines and herbs seem to be covered
    up or forgotten about, bacause “BIG PHARM” can not
    patent them and make a fortune off them.

    Some drugs work of course,
    but I think the great majority
    are just to make money,
    and the side effects are covered
    up by shady testing and research
    funded by “BIG PHARM”.

    The world is brainwashed about so many things,
    few people think outside the box. (Unlike you!)

    Aspartame alone, found in many diet drinks
    and foods, is so dangerous!

    (See ASPARTAME in the right hand column)

    Vitamin water is a joke (See VITAMIN WATER)

    Splenda (See SPLENDA)

    All bad or at least unhealthy.

    Wise readers like you make doing this
    site worth all the hard work Kathleen!

    The people must hear the truth!


  6. I wonder if Lisa has considered helping the Mcaans find Maddie. The parents are so desperate, it would be wonderful if she could assist in some way.

    • yes iv often wonderd why these people dont help mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i wonder i watch lisa many times i just dont know what to beleive i like her but i still wonder

  7. Are you saying psychics, mediums and so forth are frauds or just Lisa?
    How exactly do you know, from observation?
    It doesn’t seem fair to lump some one in a fraud category just because you can.
    I believe in psychics,
    I also believe in frauds, but unless I have a reading with them, I can’t call it.

    Also, Lisa makes a point of stopping her guests from giving information.
    I have also seen her quote private comversations between someone and their passed loved one, that they claim NO ONE could have ever known.
    She tells exactly how someone dies and the circumstances surrounding it.
    Once a woman was looking for her missing son and Lisa was immediately drawn outside, she wanted to travel to where the lady lived the last time she saw her son.
    Upon getting there, Lisa picked out the exact spot where the woman’s son was the last time she saw him and even pointed out the tree her ex-husband propped hisself on prior to taking their son.

    There are just so many questions, and I feel if you don’t have stone cold proof then you shouldn’t scandalize someone’s name.
    This country has become riddled with claims and accusations, the mere mention of which destroys lives, whether they are true or not.

    Just because some people out there admittedly use ‘cold reading’ to fool people doesn’t mean everyone does.

  8. My wife and I both
    were sure Lisa Williams
    had real psychic powers
    until we saw her in person.

    We watched her TV show for months,
    and the Lisa Williams on television
    seemed worlds apart from the
    Lisa Williams in person.

    We personally think she is great
    at reading body language,
    but is not psychic.

    Of course,
    we could both be wrong.

    I personally do believe some
    rare people are psychic,
    I used to have the ability to
    look at people in photographs
    and tell people about them,
    but it only worked with candid
    not posed photos,
    and if I knew the person in the photo
    in advance it never worked.

    My mother gave me my first Ouji board
    when i was 12.

    I read books about the occult and
    psychic powers from the age of
    9 or 10 and never stopped,
    and discovered my weird photo
    reading ability in my mid 20’s.

    I was never wrong,
    but one time a friend asked me
    to “read’ a photo of his new pregnant
    wife, whom I had never met.

    He wanted to know the
    sex of the baby.

    All I saw was what looked like
    a blank black surface.
    This had never happened before.

    His wife’s baby was born stillborn,
    and I felt so awful I prayed to GOD
    for the ability to go away,
    because i felt the ability may be
    from the Devil.

    I quit doing readings for anyone
    after that,
    but i discovered a few months later
    I can do it sometimes still,
    with much more clarity than before,
    when it does work.

    I did some free work for two years
    after that,
    trying to help people
    who were oppressed by psychic
    oppression and bondage to break free
    from it,
    and I would NEVER EVER own
    an Ouji board or touch one again,
    talk about some bad experiences!

    The occult is real,
    it is dangerous,
    and i found out the hard way.

    I will never “play” with it again
    and I’m darn near an expert on
    most occult practices after years
    of study.

    GOD gives real gifts,
    the Devil gives fake gifts
    that often work,
    they really do,
    but the payback,
    and there is always a payback,
    can be an awful price to pay.

    The “other side” owes humans
    no favors and they do not work for free.

    People who would never go into a
    strange town and think every person on
    the street would tell them the truth,
    some of these same people will go
    “out of body” and take as truth the words
    every being and creature tells them.

    I’m saying this from personal experience.

    Is Lisa Williams evil or of the Devil?
    I don’t think so at all.
    I have personal friends that are witches.
    I knew a Satanist once (CREEPY!!!)

    Lisa is super charming, friendly,
    and I think she means well,
    though she does it for money.

    I assume she has a bit of a gift,
    and uses cold reading to fill the gaps.

    She can make an easy million dollars
    from the James Randi Foundation,
    if she will just allow herself to be tested
    by them.

    My own mother had some gifts.

    But playing with fire is dangerous.
    Playing with fire with it’s own agenda
    is even more dangerous.

    We can draw “circles of protection” on
    our floor all we want and stand in them,
    burn “protection” candles,
    say ‘protection” chants or spells,
    but do they work because a book
    tells us they do?

    Because people who
    sell us the candles and
    spells tell us they do?

    Do psychics win the lottery?
    No, because it is for money, they say.

    But it is OK for them to charge money
    for readings.

    I can’t prove my words,
    but i have
    “been there, done that”
    and I have been burned badly
    more than once for my occult play.

    The occult is real,
    it often works,
    but it is never ever free.

    I found out the hard way,
    and I can not thank you enough
    for your thoughtful comments.

    I strongly feel you have some gifts
    just from reading your words.
    Please be ever so careful and
    THANK YOU for speaking out
    and thinking for yourself.

    Rash Manly
    June 25th, 2009

    • I’m actually relieved to hear some one else talk
      about their own personal experiences with the occult
      and while it is it not directly stating if Lisa
      is a fake or not,
      it highlights the seriousness of what it costs
      when you even go near it.

      I was also born with demonic possession,
      and cannot tell you how much suffering I endured,
      and not just my state of fear, but my body
      which was often beaten and tortured,
      my hair pulled to my bed head and things
      which I am not going to discuss here.

      I’ve never spoken in public about it
      because people will think you’re off
      your mind or something,
      but unlike meddling with ouji boards,
      I was unfortunate in the sense that it
      plagued me since I was 2 years old and
      my memory serves me very well.

      I did not ask to be a witch,
      or to partake in evil knowledge.

      What I can say after reading these articles
      is that it is refreshing that someone has
      a lateral perspective,
      and expressed their own real occult experience,
      I can say from my experience that the only thing
      that can free you from this torture is Jesus,
      which is the only name under Heaven where
      you can escape the fallen angels on this earth
      who love throwing marbles at your feet.

      It is very so true,
      and not some hyped up story.

      When you are Christian,
      Jesus takes away every fear and protects you
      from all the demonic tricks .

      Believe me,
      Satan is definitely planning his army
      including the world to war against Christ,
      because he does not have long left.

      Satan was Lucifer once,
      who was God’s wisest and highest
      ranked angel of God in Heaven.

      Is it so strange that Satan
      is so smart that he can’t work out
      a way to get people to go against God?

      Lucifer means “light”,
      and he was ordained with the most precious
      stones and was most loved by God out of all his angels.

      We also should not insult the devil
      for the reason that God created him,
      and you do have to be careful if you want
      to rebuke him because the devil is full
      of hatred and anger and there is a war
      between good and evil going on and the
      earth is in the open field.

      In my experience,
      there is no other power in this earth,
      that can stop satanic experiences,
      including what Lisa does except for Christ.

      If you say can a Christian give future prophecies?

      The answer is YES.
      BUT the difference is VERY GREAT
      because all the true prophets were
      dedicated to God and when they said
      something was going to happen it did.

      To the point where they irritated the kings
      and were ex communicated or thrown into prison
      by the kings or killed BECAUSE THEY GAVE TRUE PROPHECY
      and not for some SHOW or tickling your ears.

      They even wanted to die because they suffered
      so much rejection but they did not do it for money
      AT ALL and also they gave Christ the Glory
      for the prophecy.

      One needs to understand that the Christian Faith
      has nothing to do with “man made buildings or churches”.

      Jesus came to destroy the churches/synagogues
      made with human hands because they were corrupt.

      think more than twice,
      if you have the ability to actually see
      THROUGH the “goosebump” senses of spirits
      walking or floating by if they’re not torturing you,
      and you were able to see the actual spiritual creature causing it,
      you would be screaming,
      and know why Jesus said “First test the spirits”
      because many fallen angels have come to deceive.

      Jesus says you must first test every Spirit,
      and test it by the power of Christ.

      Because Jesus’ message was all about?
      love, unselfishness,
      giving without expecting to be
      given payment back for,
      not being concerned about this world,
      and healer and hope for everyone and
      he destroyed the dimension and sting of death.

      Jesus only spoke to the people for three years,
      and for no money and after three years of speaking
      about the truth and being a perfect example,
      they killed him.

      God is about Truth.
      The Truth will set you free.

      People by nature do not want to believe
      that there is a judgement day.

      It is very scary and I understand
      but Jesus gives us a chance.

      It is easier to believe we will come back many times.
      Jesus walks with us here and now,
      and the Holy Spirit tells you where to walk,
      here, left, or there if you are able to hear
      his quiet and still voice.

      God’s children will be persecuted.
      Just watch the animosity against Christians
      (not referring to happy social church goers),
      even though it helps some people,
      it merely tickles their ears no different than Lisa,
      so if we’re going to test Lisa,
      let’s talk about false Christians
      and churches because after all,
      they are ALL THE SAME,
      and these are the people who led
      the way to the TV shows,
      including church TV shows,
      they’re all the same hypocrites.

      Who killed Jesus?

      It was these same spiritual people,
      churches/synagogues who killed Jesus.

      Lisa is only but one person who may well
      be sensing Spiritual beings,

      this is just not enough for one to find the path
      to the truth because there are people in this world,
      who have just the same connection,
      but if you had the eyes to see through it all,
      you would see that it would turn Amytiville horror
      into a 1st degree burn.

      You really have no idea about what some of us
      have been through 3rd degree and are too scared
      to talk to people about it and I give my respects
      to the person whom I am responding this thread
      to because it DOES give insight to whether
      Lisa is fake or not.

      I hope this message reaches one person
      from their soul being stolen,
      when you cannot stop satan from walking
      through you and grabbing your soul while
      your cupboard doors bang open and your bed jumps up,
      only Jesus can save you,
      trust me,
      I’ve been there…

      There are people like us who have truly met satan,
      and have been taught his languages and secrets,
      and will not publish it and have resisted temptation.

      We have only survived only because of ONE POWER
      and this is JESUS.

      No other spiritual creature was able to save us.

      We repented to Jesus and begged him to forgive us.


      If Lisa was even close enough
      to connect with Spirits “so freely”,
      she would have to be a prophet of God
      and which I must say,
      just looking at her attire and lifestyle,
      I’m sorry to disappoint but that’s not
      what I call “holy” and “humble”,
      and leading people to be free from their bonds to sin,
      or judgement.

      The survivors become Christians
      and please understand this is not a joke.

      There’s too much in this subject to talk about
      so I’ll stop now and let you respond.

      This explanation should be enough to shed
      just a little flicker or light enough for you
      to recognize that Lisa cannot and is not
      anything but someone who has the ability
      to listen to demonic beings,
      and make millions out of it.

      The Revivalist Churches do the same on TV too.

      There is a difference between religion
      whether spiritual/church and God.

      I also don’t judge people who are children
      of God and who don’t even know it,
      or live in another culture with different
      beliefs because God is a wonderful God who
      uses the nature he created to communicate
      to his people.

      The truth is written on every person’s soul.

      The demons know more about your thoughts
      than you even know because they create many
      of your thoughts when you do not give your
      thoughts to Christ,
      you are an open book for the spirits.

      I just love watching “mentalists” who make you
      look silly because they can show you how they
      can supposedly read your mind and they tell you
      it’s not psychic.

      I love it.
      You need to understand the game.
      If you don’t you’ll have no idea
      how to recognize whether someone is a fake or not.

      And Lisa is most definitely not a prophet of God,
      she speaks from fallen angels but Jesus said that
      even the angels don’t know everything,
      and only God does.

      I have no animosity for Lisa,
      and I wish no one any hard feelings.

      I don’t think it is good to attack
      one person when the churches are equally guilty,
      after all,
      they did kill Christ.

      Why is it so hard to just accept
      the Holy Spirit through Jesus.

      If you do,
      you WILL know God,

      God Bless everyone,
      and please read this with an open mind.

      It’s not good to crucify anyone
      who does something wrong,
      but give something in a positive way
      which will be able to deal with issues
      because God does not wish for any of us
      to perish but have everlasting life.


      • Thank You Mary,
        for such an essay on truth
        from a personal perspective.

        No doubt your words will reach
        many people who need to hear the
        facts without sugar coating.

        I agree with everything you say %100 percent.

        People need to TEST THE SPIRITS
        if they do hear from them or seek them out
        (which is a very bad idea)

        Your words have the ring of powerful truth
        and as you say,
        only the power of JESUS can protect
        and save we humans.

        such amazing words and you have insight
        almost no humans will ever know firsthand-
        lucky for them.

        I know the feeling about not wanting
        to talk about occult experiences to
        most people because they label us ‘crazy’
        but you have a forum here and are always more
        than welcome to share such truth here-
        which will help people understand before
        they play with forces they can not understand
        nor control.

        Thank You Mary for such a dose
        of reality and Thank You for
        reading 22MOON!


        Please write more in the future,
        you have great ability for compressing
        much truth in few words.

        Time is running out in this world
        and people need to learn
        the facts before it is too late.

  9. Rash you never say how you KNOW Lisa is a fake.

    You just tell everyone other experiences you have had with occults, witches and so on but no concrete evidence about Lisa.
    I have seen her on TV both new and old shows.

    She intrigued me that I had to see her in person.
    I do not believe in feeding the medium or psychic.
    I went to see her and she read for someone beside me who claimed it was for them.
    The entire read I know was for me but I was SO nervous to say anything then.
    I went to see her again and this time she read for me.
    She said many things that were not to be found in papers, court houses, conversation prior to entering the venue or any other way.

    One of the things was she said my father said he likes what I had done to my eyes.
    Being a woman I never discuss ths with anyone but I had eye surgery and had some skin taken off my eyelids so I could see better.
    Before I said anything to her and actually I didn’t want to say anything because I was still not sure she was talking about the surgery,
    she said I am not sure if it was for cosmetic or you had to had the eye surgery done but dad says you look great. WOW how would she know that?

    Everything she said to me was not pulled from me nor was not fished from me.
    She got it all on her own.
    Why in your eyes do you feel she has to prove herself just for you?

    As far as charging money, it is what she does for a living, don’t you get a paycheck every payday?

    And she does help and volunteers info for free to help with murders, missing persons and so on.
    I was lucky to have been read for by her anther time and again all different info and all right on.
    She knew i love candles and have them all over my home.
    She said not like I have a few in every room but many in every room and even described one to a T.
    I have been to her shows 15 times now and she still blows me away every single reading she does.

    We have since become friends and she is so humble and giving. She has donated many of her show proceeds to many charities .

    I truly wish 2 things of you,
    give her another chance and do not say she is a fake if YOU have no proof.

    • I never said Lisa was a fake
      because I don’t know,
      I said I feel she is a fake,
      which is just a personal opinion.

      I also feel she is a nice person
      who means well and I wish her
      no ill will.

      Thank You for the comments Lynn and
      Thank You for reading 22MOON.


  10. You make valid points Lynn.

    What i say is just my opinion,
    I have been wrong about many things
    I could easily be wrong about Lisa.

    No one should ever take anything
    I say for gospel proof,
    I want everyone to think for themselves.

    I think some psychics are real,
    and Lisa may very well be one of them.

    In my opinion she is a gifted reader
    of people with some slight psychic
    ability with cold reading added on.

    But you know her personally,
    so if I’m wrong I’m sorry.

    She really should take the challenge
    to test herself at The Randi Institute,
    she could pick up a quick million dollars.

    I don’t mind if she makes money,
    that is her business.

    I really do think she is a charming person
    with a good heart and i wish her all the

    Both my wife and i were sure she was %100
    percent genuine until we saw her in person.

    But again, we both could be wrong.

    If she helps you,
    that is all that matters.

    Why the dead hang around Earth
    instead of going to Heaven or Hell
    seems odd to me,
    but again,
    what do I know,
    perhaps the Bible is wrong
    on that score and Lisa is right.

    I have seen demons before but never
    dead people,
    but that is just me.
    I do know for sure that demons can
    assume any guise they wish,
    and they will tell you many true
    things at first…
    I’ll tell more of that story someday.

    THANK YOU for your comments
    and it is great you shared them
    with moon readers.

    everyone remember i could
    easily be wrong about Lisa,
    I just stated my opinion.

    Everyone needs to think
    for themselves.

    Thank You for your
    well thought out post Lynn,
    I want Moon readers to
    hear both sides of stories,
    not just my opinions.

    for reading 22moon Lynn!


    • 0n the subject of the bible
      could be wrong well i believe
      that to be true,
      if you read conversation with God
      that is one of the things that was
      said by God that a lot of the bible
      was written by people that think
      they know what he was thinking
      and he said that mediums are real,
      and i know you would probaly not
      accept a book or books from a person
      that claims to be having a dialogue
      with God but on reading all 3 books i
      can only say it could be no other than our creator,
      with his message for our times.

      God Bless

  11. I have not really watched her shows,
    my mother in law wants to see her about her son.
    She can’t afford the tickets at the moment.

    I want to get them for her –
    but i’m not convinced it’s worth it.

    It’s really important to mum though and even though I know we won’t actually get to talk to her I feel like I should do this for mum’s closure or something.

    I never met this son so it might be interesting.

    • i wanted to join her site but cant afford to join it
      so i know what you mean i watch her when i can but
      i wish her site wasnt so expensive might not be
      to many but to me it it like her tickets are too
      expensive for you know what i mean but
      i quess shes got to earn a living

  12. Thanks for listening.

  13. Hey Rash,
    Sorry my feathers were ruffled a little.

    I just firmly believe in what she does and know she is the real deal and would love for everyone to know that, but like you said we all have our own opinions.

    Not sure why you had a different feel for her after a show was over. Maybe an off day for you, your wife or the audience.

    Did you go expecting a reading?

    I know a see a lot of the times people go the first time and the “expect” to be read and when that doesn’t happen they say she is a fake.
    As far as the dead hanging around I am only aware of them hanging around if there is unfinished business or they pop in from time to time to help out or to just say hi.

    I know my dad comes around a lot, I feel his presence.
    I wish you would give her another try. Her TV shows are different as they have all the time in the world to film.

    In her 3 hour show she has time to read about 8 – 10 people.
    She tries to read as many as she can but still give a detailed readings so you know she is not fake.

    Wife- Just a few thoughts.
    It is great you are considering buying the tics for you mother.
    If you are getting them for her as s gift and she really wants to go, you should not decide if they are “worth it”.
    Do it from the kindness of your heart.

    If it is worth it to here then that should be all that matters.
    If she stays after the show, Lisa always has a meet and great to just say hi and sign a photo not, for readings.

    She may get reading, you never know when you will be the lucky one. There is never “closure in anyones life that has lost someone.
    I guess I have found out that people have different meanings to the word “closure”.

    I have lost someone very special to me,
    which is how I found and became interested in what Lisa does.
    I still wanted this person back with me anyway I could get it.
    I searched and went to I think my 3rd show of hers and I finally got a reading with that person coming through.

    Well yes I got my answers and this person told me things he wanted me to know and I felt like I was on top of the world.
    Then for me after getting that then I wanted to told to this person that had passed all the time.

    You never can forget, with time it gets easier but if there is a way for communication with the ones that have passed over it is a great thing to still “keep in touch” with them.

    I am now able to communicate with my father just about anytime I want.
    He is with me a lot.

    Anyway, if you are going to do this just do it for her just because she wants and feels she needs it and do not go with expectations of a reading but listen to everything because sometimes your loved one comes through through another spirit.

    Love and Energy

    • HI Lynn

      Thanks for your reply –
      It’s not that I don’t think they’re worth it but they are $90 each and i would have to buy two cause she wants me to go with Her.

      Money is a little tight and both our husbands would hit the roof if they found out we were going and they, like Rash, think its a croc.

      I would love to go and for her to find out something –
      anything as his death was a bit mysterious but I’m not sure I can justify $180 bucks on a maybe????

      I was really only joining this blog to see if she was truly gifted and you have made me believe but i still don’t think I can afford it either.

      Not for a maybe.

      Thanks for your help.


  14. Hi Lynn,
    it is so nice you posted again!

    You have nothing to be
    sorry about,
    your last post was very nice,
    you were kind and thoughtful.

    I know I upset people sometimes,
    I go to far being “Rash” in my opinions
    I even changed the headline of the Lisa
    story because of the lisa story because
    of your last post.

    Before it read,
    Life Of The Dead act is “cold reading” to

    Life Of the Dead act appears to be “cold reading.”

    Because I do not know,
    I don’t have medium abilities,
    I never know the future.

    I can still do the picture reading thing
    when it is important,
    and I can still go out of body using self
    but I don’t dare because I’m a ‘marked man’
    over there now and very unwelcome.

    The being of golden light I used to consult with
    over there told me so many true things,
    I was getting addicted to his advice,
    he was always right.

    Then one night he started telling me to do
    some bad things very against my nature,
    so I prayed to Jesus while ‘over there’
    and suddenly it was like a movie set fell
    apart before my eyes.

    The beautiful place suddenly looked like
    space without stars, or more of being
    deep in a black ocean.

    Some creepy things a bit like manatees
    were floating around,
    and my spirit guide’s disguise was ripped
    away and i saw a creature so awful my
    mind can only now remember it’s yellow red
    blazing eyes.

    It was so mad at me suddenly!!!

    It told me it’s real name,
    a three letter word I will never
    write down, tell or say out loud.

    It spewed awful words at me,
    hateful vile things.

    I fled back to my body (I was 24 then)

    A thing that looked like a three foot tall
    child’s doll baby wearing a white dress
    with blond hair was hovering a foot over my
    a six inches or a foot above my body,
    it’s eyes and face inches from my body’s face,
    and i could NOT RE – ENTER!

    was off the chart.

    I started saying “JESUS HELP ME”
    over and over and then I was suddenly back
    in my body.

    I opened my eyes and saw the “doll baby”
    glaring at me with blazing yellow eyes.

    It said nothing.

    And suddenly it was gone.

    My chest hurt like someone had slammed
    me with a ball bat, and it hurt for days.

    Approx. a year later i went into self hypnosis
    and wanted to just “peek’ into the other side
    without going there.

    I went under,
    I ‘peeked’ and suddenly I was
    “over there’ again.

    The black sea/space whatever was exactly
    the same, as if not one second had passed
    in that world.

    The demon, *** was not around,
    thank goodness,
    but two manatee things that were there
    the year before, one above, one below me
    started drifting toward me in slow motion,
    as if in a sea.

    I prayed, “JESUS bring me back!”
    and i was in my body again,
    no pain, no problem,
    no evil “doll baby” blocking me.

    And that was the last time I
    ever went out of body.

    Like I said,
    I am not welcome there.

    I saw through the ‘Act’.

    That set off years of occult research
    to add to my knowledge.

    One night i prayed to God
    to give me the gift of discernment
    and the gift of being able to
    delve into occult books and
    things without getting corrupted.

    He gave me that gift.

    (I would suggest NO ONE
    pray for this,
    there are some side effects,)

    I did some speaking to witches,
    people wanting to contact demons,
    people exploring the Ouji board,
    over the next few years.

    I never sought them out,
    every couple of months one
    would just approach me and start talking
    about what they are doing and
    want to do in the occult field.

    They said they knew that I knew
    something to help them
    become more in touch with the Ouji,
    how to speak with demons,
    how to do occult things,

    When I told them some things
    pertaining to them, they were
    never happy,
    usually very upset with me,
    at least one got very mad at me.

    And the few “church people’ i would
    meet would look at me like I was tainted
    somehow, except for three.

    No pats on the back from church people,
    I felt more like an unwelcome tainted
    thing they could not understand.

    I was trying to do good,
    it was not what I expected.

    And the occult crowd was upset
    at me in general also,
    for telling them things they did not want to hear.

    I seldom write or talk of these things
    because people assume you crazy,
    which has some truth to it I suppose.

    I did not go to Lisa wanting a reading,
    my wife did.

    We both adored her from her TV show.

    But while viewing one night Lisa,
    she told a lady she was born of a rape.

    The woman’s daughter looked horrified.

    You may have seen that episode.

    How that knowledge,
    if true,
    helped the lady at all
    in any way was never explained.

    My wife was very upset and it got to me also.

    How did that help the poor women,
    even if Lisa was right?

    THAT is why i wrote about her,
    I was going to leave her alone
    until I saw that episode.

    My wife met her in person
    and said Lisa was very charming,
    but she felt nothing from Lisa.

    I didn’t write about Lisa until months
    after the live show.

    I was going to leave her alone
    but for her telling that woman she was
    a child of rape.

    It did just not seem right.

    Some things are better left unknown
    to us humans.

    I really think you have “something’
    no doubt Lisa noticed that also.

    (Nothing evil!!!)

    It is a burden,
    is it not?

    I am so glad you posted again,
    we may disagree,
    but you are a charming lady
    and so very interesting!

    You write well also.

    I am thankful I can not
    tell the future,
    or see dead people.

    You have something special,
    there must be a reason for it.

    Your postings always rock Lynn!

    Be well my friend!


    (You got me to tell stuff
    that is hard to talk about –
    i guess there is a reason
    for that also.

    Now Moon readers have it confirmed –
    Oh well,
    I would never make this stuff up.

  15. Hi again Rash.

    You must be careful in what you experiment with.
    You may get more then you can handle.
    It’s like playing with fire,
    you have to be careful or you will burn the entire city down.

    Yes I have been told I have something “special”.

    Lisa always asks ” do you want to know everything” it is up to the person to say yes or no.

    As far as her telling the woman she was born from rape, to some might sound hard but what if she had always felt this hatred towards men for some reason and never knew why.

    You never know what feelings and unanswered questions people have.
    Maybe with this info she can find her mother who might be wonderful but was ashamed of what had happen.
    It could lead to a beautiful reunion.

    We can not process information that someone is given if we and not them and don’t know how they feel.

    I am sure it might have been a shocker (if she didn’t already know) at first but it could have been the answer she was looking for in life.

    Your story is interesting.
    When has this all started?

    Love and Energy

  16. Hi Lynn,
    I can write longer tonight,
    I have to go to work.

    I started looking into the occult
    as a child,
    due to all the books about the
    paranormal my Mother had.

    I started out to disprove it all,
    using science and reason.

    Later I found out it was real.

    I think playing with the occult
    is not like playing with fire,
    it is like playing with fire
    with a brain and it’s own agenda.

    When my wife and i saw Lisa,
    she asked a room of about 400
    “I feel (so and so) –
    does this apply to anyone here?

    Usually after two or three questions
    of that sort someone would stand
    up and say
    “that’s me!”

    Out of that many people,
    the general nature of her questions
    of course would pertain to someone.

    The actor Orsen Welles has a great video on
    the internet of how he did a “cold reading”
    with a group of people for an experiment
    and had people convinced he had the
    gift of “talking to the dead”.

    He later told the crowd how he did it
    because he didn’t want them to go away
    fooled by his act.

    For anyone interested in the occult,
    occult bondage, parapsychology,
    spiritism, ect.,
    the greatest and most well researched
    books on the subject are those written
    by noted German theologian,
    minister and evangelist
    DR. KURT E. KOCH (1913 – 1987).

    “Occult Bondage and Deliverance”
    very good,

    “Occult ABC” – “Demonology: Past and Present” –
    – “God Among the Zulus” to name a few.

    My favorite one is very deep but
    a must have for those counseling
    people entrapped in occult practices is

    I have 2 copies of that one.

    His books translated from the German
    can be ordered on the Internet.

    I can go into more detail,
    but i have to go to work now.

    Be well Lynn and Wife!


  17. Hi wife, where are you looking to go to see her? What state and city? Where did you get your price?

  18. Yes Rash,
    Lisa does ask a few questions and asks if it pertains to someone.
    As she and others have said before a lot of the times when a message comes through it may be from several spirits trying to contact their loved ones.
    Then the strongest one comes through and when Lisa has the right person then she brings more stuff out that is solely about that one person.
    A lot of the times spirits are the same as they were her like if they were shy, then they still are.
    When Lisa does shows she knows who she is going to read and has time for things to come to her in advance.
    When people go to see her live shows, she has no idea who is coming and only has a few seconds for the spirits to give her information to find the right person.
    I have seen her in action many times and there was not one time I felt it was fake because of the info she gives.
    There is always personal info that is not common to everyone.
    She usually spends at least 10 more minutes per read with very vivid details.

  19. Hi again wife,
    Did you go to Lisa’s own site to check out the prices?http://www.lisawilliams.com/events/event_list.asp
    I have talked to a lot of people who have spent a fortune because they didn’t get them from her site.
    Just thought I would mention it.
    Let me know either way.

    • Hi Lynn And Rash

      I live in Australia so – we don’t have pennies

      and she’s coming to Perth at the Burswood dome so we buy tickets through the venue’s ticket agent. Our main ticket agent in Australia is Ticketek and they sell all the tickets for big shows and venues. You can’t buy them anywhere else. Also the venue hold about a thousand people so our chances of a reading are pretty much none. Especially from the seats that are available.

      My husband and i live with his parents and at present i am the only one working in the household so i just cant afford it.

      My own mum has even volunteered to pay for getting my car fixed cause i don’t have the money.

      Thanks so much for your help and advice. I would really like to go now too but we just don’t have the money.


  20. Hi Lynn and Wife,
    everyone who wants to go see Lisa
    in person should do so,
    I don’t want to tell anyone what to do,
    everyone needs to make their own decisions.

    remember if you go,
    you may not get a personal reading.

    If Lisa does ten readings in one night,
    and there are 100 people,
    you have a %10 chance of getting a reading.

    If 200 people show up,
    you have a %5 percent chance of
    getting a reading.

    The night my wife and i attended,
    it looked like 400 people or so,
    so my wife’s chance of getting a
    reading was under three percent.
    (She didn’t get one.)

    Lisa told the crowd that if you find a penny
    in your house, this could be a dead loved
    one sending you a message.

    She said to look at the date and see
    if something important pertained to that date.

    I looked in our house when we returned
    home and to my amazement I found about
    25 pennies here and there,
    not counting the piggy bank
    or under the couch cushions.

    Lisa also told us if we find a tissue in a pair
    of pants or see a feather it could also be a
    message from a dead loved one.

    I don’t know if she says these things
    in every show,
    but she certainly told the crowd
    this the night we attended.

    Also if you see Lisa in person,
    ask her where she got the
    “spirit blocking” hat she often uses
    on her show,
    the hat she puts on to block the spirits
    from reaching her brain.

    In all my research in the occult,
    I never ran across one of those,
    I would love to know how and why
    it works and can I order one
    from her website,
    she sells some other items,
    many of the crystals are pretty.

    Also Wife,
    look around your house today and
    see if you can find a penny,
    tissue, or feather,
    it may be a message from a dead loved one.
    (Call me psychic,
    I predict you will find more than one penny.)

    If you go see Lisa,
    it would be great if you could
    come on Moon and give your
    thoughts and impressions of
    Lisa in person.

    See if she mentions the penny thing,
    the feather thing,
    and the tissue thing,
    she certainly did the night we saw her.

    Lynn and Wife,
    you both are very interesting and nice people,
    if Lisa helps you that is great,
    don’t take my word for anything,
    I’m no expert on what she does,
    everyone needs to decide for themselves.

    And about demons,
    everyone remember,
    when Satan was cast out of Heaven,
    only one third of the angels went with him.

    That means there are twice
    as many angels as demons,
    and I firmly believe in guardian angels,
    so wether you are watched over or not
    by dead loved ones,
    you do have angels looking after
    your welfare.

  21. Hey Rash,
    the hat thing Lisa does is one way for her to mentally turn them off, another is her watch.
    Lifetime made a big deal out of the hat to give people something to associate to the “switch”.
    My guess is anyone can use anything they want as a signal that they are turning themselves off.

  22. Thanks Lynn,
    Lisa never explained it,
    now I know.

    She is a very
    charming lady
    for sure,
    I wish her only
    the best –
    if everyone agreed
    with me all the time
    the world would be
    a very boring place!

  23. Hi Wife,
    I hope your Mother can find
    closure somehow –

    Sometimes we just have to pray
    and have faith,
    God watches over us all
    and we will never have all
    the answers we seek,
    at least not in this lifetime.

    I used to be a drunk for decades
    and one night i prayed to Jesus
    as a last resort,
    when the treatment center did not work,
    nothing seemed to work,
    and i was at the end of my rope.

    This sounds like a scene out of a movie,
    but it felt like lightning hit me that night
    I was praying and I never took another drink
    which is very odd.

    I have been alcohol free for over 22 years now,
    if I even smell alcohol my stomach turns.

    The entire story of that night is very dramatic,
    I must tell it sometime,
    things happened that can not be explained
    that night,
    which led me to pray to God and Jesus.

    All i am saying is that prayer is free,
    and God is always listening.

    May God’s blessings be upon
    you and your family Wife,
    he proved he was real to me that night,
    not just with the stopping drinking,
    some other stuff happened just before that –
    it took some dramatic physical things that
    happened to get me to finally hit rock bottom
    and pray that night –
    things that can not be explained
    but were very physical –
    and I was sober when they happened,
    I had just got off work.

    Another time for that story,
    I have to update Moon.

    May God’s blessings be upon you!


    (I pray every day now!)

  24. I don’t see any viable proof or support documentation that LISA Williams is a fraud.
    I see some examples about James Van Praagh, but what does that have to do with Lisa Williams?

    I do think that there are frauds out there….but i also think there are some who have capabilities that the average “Joe” does not have.

    I appreciate you trying to expose the frauds, but be careful not to be so closed minded that you eliminate the possibility that you may discover something new.

    Remember that every scientist who ever made a new discovery was considered a fraud or a nut. If we had called every scientist a fraud just becuase frauds existed, then we’d never have discovered that the world wasn’t flat or that Earth wasn’t the center of the universe.

    All I ask is that you keep your mind open and I will do the same.
    If there are people who say that Lisa Williams is legit, who am I to say they are liars?

    I wasn’t there to see what happened and neither were you.

    If they’re proven to be lying, then OK.
    If not, then I’m equally obligated to at least CONSIDER the possiblity that there’s something out there worth evaluating.

    Just like every other person in history who, contrary to the popular mindset, went against the current way of thinking and discovered something new.

    One last thing, we learn things and are limited in that learning by our senses (ears, eyes, nose, etc). A dog can smell and hear a heck of a lot more than i can, but JUST BECAUSE i can’t smell or hear the things that he can smell and hear does not mean they don’t exist.

    We (as humans) l ive in a bubble…a sort of “wall of limits” set by the limits of our own senses.

    BUT we have to keep in mind that just because we can’t see or hear or taste something, doesn’t mean they don’t exist!

    I agree we should sort out the frauds and consider carefully, but we should NOT crucify the whole “lot of them” just becuase a few frauds exist.

    There will always be bad and good people in the Don’t let that keep you from opening your mind to consider the possiblities and while you’re at it….get yourself a book on Quantum Mechanics!!!

    See how that makes you look outside your “bubble”!

    Sincerely, Emily

  25. Very good points, Emily!

    I had to cut and paste your
    comment and re-post it because
    it was not showing up for some reason.

    I don’t know if Lisa
    is a “cold reader” I claim she
    appears to be a cold reader.

    I was there to see what happened
    in person,
    and unlike watching her edited TV show,
    it very much appeared to be cold reading to me.

    But I could be wrong.

    Lisa could make an easy million dollars
    if she would allow herself to be tested
    by The Randi Foundation and prove her abilities.

    I think some psychics are real,
    I know the occult is real.

    I’ve read about Quantum Mechanics -WOW!
    Very eye and mind opening!

    Wise thoughtful comments like yours
    make people think outside the Skinner Box
    that we all live in as humans.

    Well said and well written!

    Thank You so very much for taking
    the time to share your insights –
    thinking people are in short supply these days.

    I still like Lisa and think she means well,
    and I could be so wrong about her –
    no one should take my word for anything,
    but instead go see her in person as I did.

    THANK YOU for your thoughtful post Emily –
    and THANK YOU for reading 22MOON!


  26. Rash,
    I’m interested to know what
    you think about Alison Dubois?

  27. A good question Susie.

    Ms. Dubois is real for sure!

    I never miss her reality documentary TV show,
    her gift is amazing.

    But for gosh sake,
    will her husband Joe
    PLEASE get a new hairstyle already!!!

    The poor guy never gets any sleep either,
    Alison is always waking him up.

    Alison needs to change the ring tone
    on her phone already also,
    she has had the same one forever.

    Thank You for a great question Susie
    and THANK YOU for reading 22MOON!


  28. I was hesitant to write on this website,
    and really found my way here by accident
    after being up way too late on a Monday night
    and watching the Lisa Williams show.

    While watching,
    I thought about how it would be possible
    for Lisa to be so accurate and thought
    that it must be a scam,
    so I googled “Lisa Williams fraud”
    and here I landed.

    The thing that I found the most intriguing,
    was your story about your experience with
    the “angel” on the astral plane.

    I too used to “play” with magic.

    Although I have not done so in almost 9 years,
    I’ve seen almost exactly the same thing.

    It’s so disturbing that I
    try not to think about it at all.

    The thing that I would remind anyone
    who decides to dabble in the occult is
    that there is a REASON why Jesus’ name
    scares paranormal entities and that
    his name alone reveals
    the evil nature of spirits.

    I don’t recommend doing anything
    that will put you in danger,
    such as astral projecting,
    but just remember that he
    will help you if you ask him.

    I still have unwanted experiences now and then,
    but I know that no matter what they tell you,
    Jesus wants to help and will show you the truth
    and help you through those situations.

    I rarely,
    if ever,
    talk about my experiences
    with the occult because,
    let’s face it,
    people will think I’m nuts.

    Seeing your post on here
    compelled me to post.

    Blessings to all
    who are searching
    for something greater.


    for posting that Leslie!

    I know what you mean,
    the last thing I wanted to
    do was tell about my occult
    because as you say,
    people label you nuts or worse.

    I HAD to tell part of my
    story as a warning to others,
    and your amazing story
    mirrors my own.

    for posting that Leslie!!!

    THANK YOU for posting that and
    THANK YOU for reading 22MOON!


    JESUS is so real!

  30. (The comment below

    was posted by


    but it did not appear

    for some reason so

    I’m reposting it.)

    I had the rare pleasure of boarding a flight
    out of LAX right behind Ms Williams.

    I was one of the last to board, due
    to a last-minute biz meeting,
    and Ms Williams jumped ahead of me
    in line out of no where,
    of course b/c she was first class.

    I didn’t realize who it was at first.

    She was traveling with an assistant.

    I’d seen her show a few times and the
    director shoots her from the shoulders up.

    She is enourmously bottom heavy
    and she was not wearing any makeup.

    Her face looked like a pimply pubescent.

    She was chugging Starbucks
    and chatting away with her
    assistant/flight companion.

    I was littlerally mentally boring holes
    in her back thinking,
    if this woman is psychic she will
    turn around and tear me a new one.


    See her in person.
    She is just totally random.


  31. I love that story Skeptic 2 Ice Over!

    Madly funny!!!

    THANK YOU for sharing and
    THANK YOU for reading 22MOON!


  32. What a load of rubbish,

    i saw Lisa live in Birmimgham last week
    and she certainly is not cold reading.

    She is a fantstic Medium and
    is so accurate it is scary.

    So all you that think she is fake and cold,
    jog on you don’t know what your talking about

  33. I always found it interesting how John Edwards
    gets somewhat curt when asked to in any way explain things,
    often stating he basically wastes no time on skeptics.

    More and more curt everytime someone
    even shows a slight bit of skeptism.

    It’s kinda funny to watch.

    He chose the opposite reaction
    and thinks people won’t see through it.

    He’s taking peoples money –
    He’d better make the time!

    always found it quite interesting-
    and a bit fraudulant to say the least-
    that if you were to book a ticket for his show-
    once it was under your name –
    you had to go –
    you weren’t aloud in any way to
    give it to someone else.

    For example:
    my schedule gets messed up –
    I can’t give or sell the ticket to a friend
    and let them go in my place.


    So this dude really pisses me off.

    So i would never give him any credit.

    I don’t know about Lisa,
    but I might give her shot.

    I do know that she has a
    pay membership website (WHY?),
    thirty dollars per person (RIDICULOUS)
    and no where on there can you try and
    make contact for a reading for yourself-
    like most Psychics have, etc.

    So, I’d might first put a call in to some old friends
    in LA in the entertainment industry before giving
    her that shot.

  34. Great comment Char,
    If you ever see Lisa Williams in
    I would love it it you could
    share your impressions with MOON readers.

    That is so weird Edwards won’t let you
    give your ticket to someone else,
    what is his problem anyway!

    My wife and I were giant Lisa fans
    from her show until we saw her in person.

    BIG let down to say the least –
    her edited TV show makes her seem
    so much better than she is in person.

    But see her if you get the chance,
    I would like the impressions of others,
    no one should take my word for anything,
    I’m no medium or mind reader,
    though I am very good at reading body language
    from making a study of it for a long time.

    I also know way too much about the occult
    (a long story) which I won’t boor you with.

    Your comment is full of insights
    and so well written!

    THANK YOU for reading 22MOON and
    THANK YOU for such an interesting posting!


  35. I have interviewed Lisa
    for a feature article I wrote and
    she was an utterly charming woman.

    I am a huge fan of her TV shows
    and her book,
    which I devoured in one sitting!

    Here’s my two cents –

    For those who say she does it for the money –
    she made $65000 (AUD) earlier this year on tour
    in Australia and donated every cent to the
    Australian Bushfire Charity.

    For those who says that she does cold reading –
    I have seen her live and yes,
    it may look like this at times,
    however in most cases she will tell her
    subjects to keep quiet,
    she will tell some people
    “you’re not the person I need to be speaking to”
    even if all the pieces seem to fit,
    and she comes forward with such personal,
    detailed information.

    So specific!

    And she’s definitely not taking stabs in the dark –
    she’s way too accurate for that.

    I want cold hard proof that Lisa is a fraud,
    because from what I can see,
    she’s pretty damn convincing.

    Any psychic is damned if they do
    and damned if they don’t –
    so let’s see the proof that she’s a fake.

    Has someone investigated
    the methods behind her TV shows?

    Has someone got any evidence
    that she has set up any of her live readings?

    Until I see hard proof then
    I am going to remain open to her.

    She’s totally changed my way of thinking
    and has opened my mind.

  36. I saw Lisa Williams
    earlier tonight in Mesa, Arizona.

    I also LOVED watching her show,
    but seeing her live I was really disappointed.

    In a room full of people who have lost loved ones,
    saying things like
    “you brought pictures with you today,
    didn’t you”
    “are you wearing this persons jewlery”
    “is it someones anniversary or birthday”
    doesn’t impress me,
    anyone can relate to those things.

    I went into it extremely open minded,
    but was almost laughing at her last reading.

    She asked 2 ladies if a black and white fur coat
    meant anything to them and the lady gasped
    and said
    “oh wow,
    I’ve been thinking about getting a dog,
    maybe it’ll be black and white” ??????


    Maybe a personal reading would be better
    but I am convinced she simply does these
    larger shows to pay the bills : (

  37. THANK YOU for that
    first hand account Lanie!

    My wife and i saw her
    and had the same feelings.

    We went to her show as
    big Lisa Williams fans from
    watching her TV shows.

    What a let down!

    Near the end
    of the disappointing evening,
    Lisa said to go home and see
    if a penny might be laying
    around the house somewhere
    because that was a sign from
    a deceased love one.

    Lo and behold,
    we found many signs
    from lost loved ones all
    over the house,
    and many signs from
    lost loved ones in between
    the couch cushions!

    everyone has pennies
    laying around their house,

    She asked the same kind of questions
    you mentioned,
    very general stuff that will
    relate to someone in a large group.

    for the first hand account and
    for reading 22MOON Lanie!


    (And quick,
    check under your couch cushions,
    you too may have a sign
    from a lost loved one!)

  38. Yes, as I said, in a room full of people who each know numerous deceased friends and relatives and friends of friends, she’s bound to hit on something sooner or later. When she asked a woman “was your husband younger” and she replies “yes” Lisa then said “I feel like his death was unexpected, and very sudden” and there were gasps in the audience!!! Seriously people?? Who dies at a young age and expects it? I’ve heard great things about George Anderson and want to read a little more about him and if he does any shows..

  39. Lisa Williams gave me a free membership as a gift.
    she gave me a gift once.

    to the person who was boreing holes in the back of her head
    people with the gift do turn themselves off,
    if I make sense.

    and she is not a psychic a medium.

    Sylvia brown is another story.
    She has the gift but greed consumes.
    her energy is no good,
    no offense to her.

  40. I think that our lives are based on our human
    need to love and be loved.

    When we lose loved ones,
    we lose a part of ourselves.

    I’ve been a victim of several frauds,
    merely because I act on the faith
    that these people are true and genuine.

    I merely feel like a sucker, afterwards.

    as with many things that evolve around human suffering,
    there is always those who prey on our pain and misery.

    I am saddened to read about the
    numerous comments on Lisa Williams.

    Her tv show was endorsed with Merv Griffin’s
    name and I wondered if this led to her credibility.

    Television always paints people in a “sensational” light,
    especially “reality shows.”

    Whatever gets great ratings is the name of the game!

    I watched her shows and often got weird feelings
    when I watched the repeats.

    The episodes started to look staged and phoney.

    It was disconcerting.

    In regards to Sylvia Brown,
    I wonder if she has abilities,
    but she seems rather harsh and “tired.”

    She loves Montel Williams,
    who often had her on his public show, “Montel.”

    Now, they are together in his telemarketing programs.

    Ms. Brown lacks compassion,
    or so it seems to me as I watch her on television.

    Her body language suggests she is sick
    and tired of people asking her for help.

    She doesn’t seem in good health either.

    I belive these two may be stretching their “abilities”
    for whatever dollars they can get.

    And both claim they do not charge
    law enforcement when they ask for help
    to recover a missing person.

    Only the detectives would never tell….

    Except I know one and he was seriously
    skeptical and confirmed the Homicide
    in his division never solved a case with
    any psychic assistance.

    What about Allison Dubrois?
    The now CBS show, “Medium,”
    is loosely based on her life
    and psychic talents.

    Is she authentic?
    I read her books and I believe she
    mentioned she was once a part of a
    research group for psychic abilities.

    Has anyone heard or read any fraud about her?

    I am a skeptic and victim of psychic scams
    but I remain hopeful that what happens will happen,
    in many ways positive….

    P.S. To RASH:
    Are you for real?!
    You sound scarey! 🙂

  41. Hi Keli,
    what interesting comments
    you have,
    very well written,
    I know what you mean about being
    “suckered” by people,
    I can’t count the times that has
    happened to me.

    I think some mediums and psychics
    are real,
    I think Edgar Cayce was real.

    I always watch “Medium”,
    what a fun show!

    I know Sylvia Brown failed the
    “James Randi Challenge” once.
    the psychic debunker James Randi
    offered Sylvia one million dollars
    to take his test to see if her abilities
    were real and she failed.

    The challenge still stands and
    Lisa Williams never took up the
    The Randi Foundation still offers
    the testing for psychics and the
    million bucks has never been claimed.

    (google the Randi Foundation
    or James Randi)

    As for Rash Manly,
    the only fake thing about me
    is the ridiculous screen name “Rash Manly”
    which I made up to make people laugh
    and so they would remember me.

    I do “22moon.com” all by myself,
    i am the entire staff.

    The photo on the
    “Rash Manly is a strange name”
    page is me at age 25,
    and the information is 100 percent accurate.

    Growing up,
    I was surrounded by
    books on the occult which I devoured.

    I thought all things occult were fake
    and my mission was to prove them phony.

    In my teens i developed a weird ability to
    look at photographs and tell things about

    If I knew things about the person in
    the photo in advance,
    the ability would not work.

    the photo had to be un-staged,
    not a posed photo,
    in other words.

    I was never wrong,
    but just treated it like a fun
    toy to amuse my friends,
    no money involved.

    Then one time a friend showed
    me a photo of his pregnant wife,
    whom I had never met.

    He wanted to know the
    sex of the baby.

    I saw a black blank board,
    like a blank black billboard.

    That had never happened before.

    His baby later was born stillborn.

    I felt bad, really bad.

    I prayed for the
    ability to go away,
    and it did.
    (For a time,
    more about that later)

    A bit after that my two year quest
    to start going out of body finally paid off.

    Books on self hypnosis and going into deep
    trance states finally gave me a breakthrough.

    I spoke with spirit animals and a being
    in golden light who told me things,
    true things,
    things that checked out.

    One time I was out of body and upon my
    return about three feet from my body
    i could not reenter my body.

    A thing that looked like a blond
    doll baby, about three feet tall,
    was hovering above my body,
    horizontal, about six inches above
    my body lying on a cot.

    The “doll baby”s face was about 6 inches
    above my face, staring down at me.

    Its eyes were blazing red or yellow,
    my mind can’t quite remember,
    or won’t remember.

    The rest of her (it) had on a white dress
    and looked like a large doll baby.

    I felt an awful fear and dread,
    a panic I guess.

    I could not re-enter!

    Finally I remembered somehow
    to ask for help,
    though I did not attend church
    or read the Bible.

    I just started shouting
    “JESUS! JESUS! help me!”
    in my head and suddenly the
    doll baby vanished and I
    slammed back into my body.

    I erupted out of trance and jumped
    up, my chest felt like it had been
    kicked by a mule.

    My chest hurt for days,
    and I told no one for
    years about this.

    Like an idiot,
    a few months later,
    i went out of body again
    to talk to the spirt animals
    and the “Golden Being”
    about what happened,
    to get advice.

    The “Golden Being” appeared,
    started talking, and all of
    the sudden started saying
    vile awful things,
    nasty things I can not repeat.

    Then the “Golden Being” ripped away
    the golden robe and the most awful
    creature was there,
    I think some octopus likes arms,
    I can’t remember the exact form,
    my mind blocks it,
    just something so beyond scary
    and evil.

    Two red or yellow eyes staring into mine.

    The landscape around us went from
    gentle forest to black landscape like
    a lunar surface or something.

    The game was up.

    The illusions were gone,
    and the animals and the “Being”
    I had been talking to were revealed
    in their true forms.

    I knew what they were then
    and they knew that i knew
    and suddenly and forever I
    was a “marked man” in the
    spirit world.

    I prayed to Jesus and suddenly
    I was back in my body,
    sweating, shaking.

    One year passed.

    Smart aleck that I am,
    I decided to just “peek’
    into the spirt world once again,
    without actually going there.

    I entered trance,
    went to “peek” through the
    window or door,
    whatever it is,
    to look through,
    just a peek,
    i discovered you can not “peek”,
    you are either there or you are not.

    And I was there again.

    Everything looked about the same,
    but the “Golden Being Monster”
    was not there,
    but two of the
    (formerly spirit animal) creatures
    were there,
    they looked like two big manatees,
    one floating above me and off to
    the side,
    one below me,
    almost directly.

    No words this time,
    they just started drifting toward me slowly.

    It was if the year had not passed
    in that place –
    i think these two were
    waiting by the hole I had exited from
    the year before.

    Time is different there.

    I was not welcome!

    I prayed and was back
    in my body in an instant.

    I never went out of body that way again,
    but during an LSD experiment some time
    later I got a visit from another demon
    I had never encountered before.

    He (it felt like a he) told me his (it’s)
    a three letter name I will not say out
    loud or ever repeat or write down,
    and something about I knew what they were.

    I quit playing with hard drugs and alcohol
    some time after that and started about three
    years of deep occult research
    (though I already knew much)
    to learn as
    much as i could so I could help others
    trapped by occult forces.

    I prayed to Jesus for the gift of
    discernment and for the gift of
    being able to deal with occult matters
    without being sucked in by them.

    GOD gave me that gift,
    and I suggest no one ask for it,
    there are side effects.

    The reading photo ability that had went away
    came back,
    much stronger,
    but I could
    only use it for good and never for a parlor trick
    or for money.

    I was already “marked’ so stirring them up
    even more didn’t seem to matter much
    to me,
    I had been burned and burned badly,
    the nightmares,
    once waking with a long scratch on my right forearm,
    once in a while things moving in my house.

    (side effects)

    There is more to this story,
    remind me to tell it sometime,
    but I see what you mean,
    that is scary!

    But I am one of the good guys.

    Not welcome on the dark side,
    and sometimes “church people”
    look at me sideways,
    I suspect I carry a “taint” from my
    past which they may feel.

    But the same “taint” lets occult
    minded people open up to me,
    they think I am one of “them”.

    Is it a lonely road,
    very much so.

    Am I glad i prayed and studied for these abilities,
    very much so.

    I have no reason to make any of this up,
    I seldom even write about it on Moon,
    and I would never exploit gifts for money,
    it is just wrong.

    Thank You for asking that Keli,
    there is some reason I had to write
    about it or you would not have asked.

    But some of us occult lay experts
    are “good guys and ladies” fighting
    the evil.

    two helpful links below



    I would never make anything
    like this up,
    I already look crazy enough Keli!

    And my real name is James,
    by the way.

    Thank You for reading 22MOON Keli
    and thanks for asking an important question.


    • im torn i dont know what to beleive we are taught
      in church n sunday school these things are evil
      i just dont know what to beleive any more
      as i grew older i found some churches evil n
      controlling as well so what do we believe
      in im not sure any more n as silly as this
      all sounds it scare me a lot

  42. Lisa Williams is not a fraud at all!

    I attended her seminar in Omaha,
    and while she was on stage I screamed out to her
    that I wanted her to contact my sister.

    It was very inappropriate,
    but I am not from Omaha.
    I had nothing to loose.

    There is no way she could posibly have known
    anything about me or my situation.

    She talked to me for 45 from
    the stage about my sisters death.

    Her first comment to me was that
    “she was murdered and she is telling me
    that she was hidden and you could not
    find her body for months.”

    I am no stranger to psychics.

    In fact I have met many of the famed ones
    personally and I have the gift myself.

    Lisa is by far the best one I have ever met however.

  43. To all those who seem
    to think Lisa is the real thing.

    there is no such thing as talking
    or seeing the dead.

    Watch Derren Brown “messiah”
    and you will see how its done.

    Please watch the video
    and you will be shocked
    to how so easily its done!


    Submitted on 2009/12/07 at 6:43pm

    Please explain yourself to me??
    I look all over this web site and
    I see examples and proof that these
    Psychic readers are fraud except Lisa Williams.
    You say it was a “Cold Reading”
    but you have no example pertaining to her.
    To me it looks just like your opinion!!
    If you strongly believe that she is fraud
    where is your proof of this cold reading
    or your examples.
    How can I believe you
    and not Lisa Williams???

  45. A good question Ms. Warrick.

    Of course my thoughts are
    just my opinions,
    I am no authority on psychics
    and i am no psychic.

    Even the headline reads,
    “Lisa Williams:
    Life Among The Dead act
    “appears to be cold reading”!

    I said “appears to be”.

    I can prove or disprove nothing.

    I think Edgar Cayce was a real psychic,
    enter his name in the 22moon search
    box to read that story.

    I do not want people to take my words
    for truth without checking the facts for themselves,
    this is a website to provoke people to think
    for themselves.

    I suggest you see Lisa’s act in person as I did.

    As for examples and much about my
    history dealing with matters of the occult,
    just read all the comments on this posting,
    I discuss in length examples of why i think
    what i do.

    Other people who saw Ms. Williams discuss
    their experience with her also.

    I think some people are psychics,
    but those are very rare and many in the
    field are just after taking people’s money.

    I have read some psychics say they do not
    use their powers to win the lottery or
    bet on the horses for money because
    their powers can not be used for
    personal gain.

    Which seems odd when they can charge
    money for personal readings.

    I encourage people to see Lisa’s act
    and decide for themselves.

    She is quite charming and entertaining.

    Thank You so much for asking such a
    well thought out and interesting question
    Ms. Warrick.

    Many of the answers you seek
    should be in the extensive comments
    posted by readers and I with this story.

    And thank You for reading 22MOON!


  46. Yep here I am again. YIKES. Hey Skeptic2IceOver, so you are saying just because you bored holes from behind and she did not turn a round and rip you a new one, then she is fake? Wow you are narrow minded. Do you know how many people do that to her all the time? She does not have time for little games that everyone seems to want to put her through. Plus remember she has a life also. She does not want to be consumed with people wanting her to prove herself all the time. Get real! People say if she was real then she shouldn’t charge money. You charge money for what you do! It is a job for her as much as it is a gift.
    Rash in your own statements you say “Lisa is charming in person,
    quite interesting,
    and a total fraud.” You are stating she is a fraud… prove it. With a statement like that is does not seem like an opinion anymore it seems like you have proof. Lay it on the table.

    Yep didn’t think so. It is just a shame that there are people out here willing to ruin someone because of their own narrow minded beliefs. Such a shame people feel the need to trash other people even without proof

  47. On one of the episodes from Lifetime
    she was asked into the home of a woman
    that thought her house in Los Angeles
    was haunted.

    My husband lived two doors down from
    that house in the 70’s and was best friends
    with the child of the same age in the family
    that lived in that house at the time the
    mother was brutally murdered.

    My father-in-law (a big skeptic)
    said that there were some things from
    the crime scene that were not made
    known to the public that she hit right on.

    He knows these things because he had
    to help the father clean up the house
    after the police were done with
    their investigation.

    This woman’s murderer was never
    caught though there have been many leads
    and one confession from a mentally ill individual.

    (We still keep in touch with the dead woman’s children.)

    There were so many details in
    Lisa’s description of the house,
    including how it had changed from when
    the murder happened to the babies footprints
    in the mother’s blood,
    and what the mother was bludgeoned with,
    that there is no way she could have been tipped off.

    The records for this case have been sealed
    since it is still considered an open,
    albeit cold, case.

    Most of these details my husband and his
    siblings or wife didn’t even know about until
    his father told him after the show aired.

    (We had no idea the show was going to be
    about that house since my husbands family
    moved away in ’78 therefore were unaware
    of any filming.)

    As far as I’m concerned
    Lisa Williams is the real thing.

    • YEAH, RIGHT!

































      WEBSITE: http://www.stopsylvia.com/home/ ,



























      HOW SAD.





      • You definitely have issues
        to deal with in this lifetime.

        How can you call someone
        a fraud who gives you hope.

        I mean,
        I actually considered taking what this site
        had to offer as evidence of something until
        I saw quotes from the Bible.

        I mean really,
        I think faith is what Lisa offers…
        It’s believing in something you don’t see or hear…
        though I have seen and heard things
        that E. Tate would consider evil…
        he’d have me burned at the stake.

        And I seem to remember going to church
        and the alter boys passing that little basket
        for my parents,
        who didn’t have much money,
        throwing in a nice chunk to keep them happy.

        We are the only truth,
        we make things real or BS,
        if you don’t see or believe in her,
        then it’s not true FOR YOU!

        For someone else she might be the one
        who allows them to continue in this life…
        kindda like the church, right? 🙂

  48. Well, I will be attending one
    of her shows in Ohio on the 29th,
    with an open-mind and hopes of a reading.

    (I know I know,
    I’m not guaranteed a reading!)

    I was just searching websites to read up.

    I will definitely be back to give my opinion!

  49. That is great Tessa,
    everyone needs to think
    for themselves and ignore
    the show business hype.

    See if Lisa still has the curtains
    on the left and right sides of the
    stage with the big ‘orb’ on each
    curtain that appears to be ghostly
    orbs but is actually done with spotlights
    or is printed on the fabric.

    Don’t let my opinion color you’re view –
    22MOON is all about prodding people
    to think for themselves and see through
    propaganda, show business hype,
    theatrical tricks and ‘conversational hypnosis’.

    (Google ‘conversational hypnosis’ or look
    it up in the 22MOON search box.)

    Clear thinkers like you are wise and wonderful,
    the readers and I look forward to your opinions –
    and enjoy the show.

    Thank You for thinking Tessa and
    THANK YOU for reading 22MOON!


  50. I went to her show here in Seattle,
    and believe she is real.

    She was very insistent about details of a death,
    even though the person she was reading for kept saying no,
    that’s not how my (i think it was her brother)

    another person in the audience stood up and said,
    I think you are talking to my husband.

    That to me is proof that she wasn’t “cold reading”
    because Lisa stuck to her guns about what she was
    seeing/hearing from the spirit even though the
    audience member who stood up originally kept
    saying the no.

  51. You make a good point Seattle,
    well said.

    when speaking to a large group,
    the “no” for one person could easily
    be a “yes” for two or three more,
    due to the size of the group.

    But my opinion carries no more weight
    than anyone else,
    and you were the eye witness and
    your feedback is important to this discussion.

    I just wish Lisa would take the Psychic Test
    from The Randi Institute –
    if she proves to The Institute she is a real psychic,
    she would be awarded one million dollars.

    I think for sure some psychics are real –
    I think Edgar Cayce was real and very accurate.

    I can not thank you enough for your eye witness
    account Seattle, you do make excellent points.

    As I always say,
    everyone needs to think and decide for themselves.

    I know way too much about the occult (a long story)
    but I am by no means psychic myself and my field
    of knowledge is more along the lines of psychic oppression
    and demonic attack and influence and also much of
    the practice of witchcraft and hoo doo from Africa.

    Thank You for interesting comments and
    Thank You for reading 22MOON Seattle!


  52. I TiVo’d a couple of Lisa Williams’
    “Life Among the Dead” show
    back when it was on Lifetime.

    As it turned out,
    one of the episodes I had was one on
    which this couple had been on and who
    were trumpeting the accuracy of Lisa’s comments
    on a psychic message board regarding
    the wife’s dead grandfather.

    The couple went on and on about how Lisa
    immediately knew this or that about grandfather,
    but in re-watching the episode,
    Lisa didn’t “know” anything –
    she pumped them for information.

    For example,
    the couple looked to be of Asian descent,
    and Lisa asked “Did grandfather not speak English?”
    the wife agreed,
    “He didn’t.”
    “Right, because he’s speaking Chinese to me…”
    (Note: Even though Lisa was allegedly
    speaking right to Grandpa,
    she didn’t specify a specific language
    like Mandarin or Cantonese,
    but just labeled it some generic Chinese language.

    She was obviously fishing
    based on the physical appearance of the couple.)

    The wife said helpfully,
    “Maybe it’s Portuguese?”
    (Her family,
    she later explained,
    was from Macau.)

    “Ah, right, he’s speaking Portuguese….”

    When I mentioned this and other
    obvious cold-reading tactics I witnessed
    on the message board,
    the husband vehemently denied it,
    even though I had video evidence.

    I have a feeling that most “believers”
    hear what they want to hear,
    and remember only selected portions of readings.

  53. The only fraudulent thing about
    Ms. Williams is this website.

    I was dragged to see her tonight
    kicking and screaming.

    She described people in the audience tattoos
    in honor of their lost loved ones in their exact locations
    on their backs and shoulders, no less.

    What did she do –
    sneak in their homes to watch them
    dressing before the show?

    I came to scoff and left in awe.
    This website blows serious chunks.

  54. Thank You
    for the input Matt.

    I only state Lisa Williams
    “appears” to do cold readings,
    I do not claim to be the an
    expert on “talking to dead people”
    in exchange for money.

    Lisa can make an easy million dollars
    from The Randi Foundation if she takes
    their test to prove her psychic abilities.

    As for Lisa describing the tattoos of
    people in her audience,
    have you never heard the word ‘shill”?

    “Shills” are people a magician plants
    in the audience to make their act
    seem real to the gullible.

    (Why did Lisa stop doing private readings?)

    (Why does Lisa’s website cost money?)

    I’m sorry you do not see the genius
    and love for the readers in 22MOON –
    I certainly do not make any money
    off this website,
    I do it out of a need to tell the truth
    the mainstream media ignores.

    If you hate this site,
    do not support my advertisers –
    oh, I forgot,
    I do not carry advertising.

    My “chunk blowing” website gets over
    80, 000 hit a month,
    the total so far is over
    one and a half million hits –
    and I work on it not for money
    as Lisa does,
    but out of love of the truth
    and love for all the readers.

    I do not dislike Ms. Williams,
    but my readers know I will
    tell them the truth as I see it.

    I feel more than ever
    that Lisa Williams is a “cold reader”.

    Thank You for your comments Matt,
    this is a free speech zone,
    and Thank You for reading 22MOON.


  55. Lisa Williams is sweet,
    warm and REAL!

    She goes into great detail
    and has blown people away
    with that detail!

    A cold reading would be vague,
    not into such detail as describing a tattoo
    on the dead person’s body,
    or other very personal details!

    I had a reading from Lisa,
    and it was wonderful!

    She knew things she never could have known
    unless she was in contact with the other side!

    You have seen the “Ghost Hunters” shows haven’t you?

    They make contact with the deceased all of the time;
    why is it so unbelievable that she could do it too?

    It isn’t fair to try and tarnish a person’s reputation
    when you don’t have indisputable proof!

    How would YOU like it??!
    She does have feelings,you know!

  56. I have seen many of Lisa’s shows,
    and she does NOT use shills!

    She would have to have many of them,
    or I would have seen the same people over and over;
    and I have not!

    (wouldn’t they have come forward by now?)

    And she charges a nominal fee for her website,
    and she gives gifts to the members and other benefits.

    She has a gift,
    just like any artist,
    who charges for their artwork!

    People who have a gift for music charge,
    those who can sing charge, etc;
    is she not allowed to make a decent living?
    (or charge to have the website maintained?)

    Why make her a criminal,
    when you don’t know what you are saying is fact!

    That makes you a person of low morals;
    and those kinds of people are disgusting!

  57. Dear Cheryl,
    forgive my low morals for
    disagreeing with the Great Ms. Williams
    and having my own opinion after seeing
    her in person.

    Forgive me and all the other disgusting
    people who think the “Ghost Whisperer”
    Ms. Williams is not more than a charming entertainer.

    I had no idea doing a “cold reading” was a criminal act,
    thank you for filling me in.

    She is allowed to charge for her act,
    I encourage everyone to pay her fee and
    go see her for themselves,
    I have never told anyone not to go see her.

    As for Ms. Williams being sweet and warm,
    I agree with that.

    She is also very attractive,
    quite good looking,
    also smart,
    sexy and charming.

    I am not trying to criminalize her,
    she is breaking no law.

    It is fine with me if she does not
    accept The Randi Challenge from
    The Randi Institute to prove her powers
    for the one million dollar reward –
    which she could donate to Haiti.

    It is fine with me if she does not
    contact dead people in Haiti to tell
    her where are the living victims trapped
    under the rubble who could be saved.

    I’m not trying to single out Ms. Williams
    or I would keep doing follow up stories
    about her act.

    I know psychic powers are real,
    and I know the occult is real.

    I started my quest into psychic investigation
    around age 7 or 8 and never stopped.

    My Mother had many occult and psychic related
    books and I read all of them.

    My Mom gave me a used Ouji board at age 12.

    I myself used to do “readings” of people I never
    met by looking at photographs –
    I suddenly gained that ability in my early 20’s,
    and I was told I was never wrong.

    I never charged for it.

    I used to go “Out Of Body” a few times
    after 2 years of practice and learning.

    I had a few conversations with demonic creatures,
    others with “spirit animals”.

    I myself never “talked to the dead” but I assume
    it can be done by a few sometimes.

    I have been attacked in my sleep by demons
    at least 7 to 12 times,
    once waking with a deep scratch on my left arm,
    and my fingernails were too short from biting them
    to have done it to myself.

    I saw a UFO at age 14,
    but I’m not sure I ever saw a ghost
    or if it was something else more dangerous.

    I never said Lisa was a “Cold Reader”,
    I said Lisa appears to be a “Cold Reader”.

    If a person is disgusting,
    or has low morals for having
    an opinion of Ms. Williams that
    is different than your own,
    then I am guilty.

    Both my wife and I were giant
    fans of Lisa Williams until we traveled across
    states to see her in person.

    Both of us came away
    thinking she is a “Cold Reader”.

    I encourage everyone to pay her fees
    and see her in person and make up their
    own minds.

    I rarely reveal this,
    but I know far more about the occult,
    witchcraft and demonology than most

    Decades of research,
    combined with speaking with
    “beings” on the other side while
    out of body.

    Personal interviews with witches
    and one Satanist.
    (I will never do that last one again.)

    My own ability of reading photographs,
    which I quit doing for people after a friend
    asked me to read a photo of his pregnant
    whom I had never met.

    He wanted to know the sex of the baby.

    All I saw was a blank black screen,
    which never happened before.

    Their baby was born stillborn.

    I don’t do follow up stories on Ms. Williams
    because I have nothing against her.

    I’m sorry I hurt her feelings
    but I have been burned and burned badly
    by the occult,
    it’s a long story.

    I am no longer welcome on “The Other Side”
    to say the least,
    so I make sure to never go out of body,
    though i still could.

    I almost never read photographs now
    unless there is a very good reason
    and I don’t do it for parlor tricks
    nor money.

    The Occult is not like a wild fire,
    The Occult is like a wild fire with a brain
    and a hidden agenda.

    I played with it for years and it
    played me big time.

    Those forces do nothing for free,
    they “charge” for it and charge dearly.

    I fear for Lisa,
    she is playing with forces
    I don’t think she fully understands.

    Occult forces do not like humans,
    and they never ever help us “for free”.

    Did you see the movie “Paranormal Activity”?

    That movie is the most accurate deception
    of the occult I have ever seen in a film.

    I wish Lisa only the best of health
    but I am afraid she encourages others
    to play with dangerous forces they
    neither understand nor can even hope to control.

    Been there, done that.

    I could easily write an occult/advice website
    with what I have experienced,
    but I choose not to.

    I could read photos by the Internet
    and charge for it,
    but I choose not to.

    The price is one I am not willing to pay.

    Thank you for the well thought out comments Cheryl,
    you write well and stated your case very well.

    Your comments are always welcome at MOON.

    And Thank You for reading 22MOON Cheryl!


  58. Rash,
    My compliments on your very interesting web site.

    My question to you is this:
    why do you not mention “familiar spirits”
    in your explanation of how Lisa Williams
    mimics psychic abilities?

    In all likehood,
    she is not even aware of their presence
    and their influence on her.

    she cannot communicate with the dead.

    In Luke, chapter 16,
    it is clearly stated that the dead
    can’t communicate with us,
    and that any semblance of this happening
    is clearly demonic forces at work.

    Thank you again for your enlightening web site.

  59. Oh my gosh Dr. Tate, (Edward)
    you are so right!

    How did I miss that –
    I think I was too close to
    the forrest to see the trees.

    When I was going out of body
    and speaking with cute looking
    “spirit animals” and a golden angel
    looking being I thought they were
    the greatest thing –
    until during one journey the masks
    were ripped away and the most awful
    creatures were revealed.

    Of course,
    familiar spirits explains perfectly
    how Lisa could know what she knows!

    THANK YOU for that,
    I am so dumb for missing that.

    My favorite writer about the occult,
    Dr. Kurt Koch had much to say about
    familiar spirits –
    how they often use Ouji boards to
    pose as people who have passed on
    and convey information.

    I’ll write more later,
    I’m late for something,
    THANK YOU Edward,
    for pointing out a big hole
    in my thinking!

    Gotta go-
    Ill finish this thought tonight.


  60. Hello everyone.

    I had to go to a movie today
    (The Lovely Bones) and do
    some shopping –
    now to finish my thought.

    Doctor Edward Tate in the posting
    two postings up that came in just
    28 minutes after my long posting
    on the Lisa Williams story cleared
    up a great gapin my thinking
    I should have caught long ago.

    I still think Lisa Williams
    and those like her
    (people who think they are
    speaking with the dead)
    are doing cold reading,
    but the truth is much more
    sinister than thatand explains
    the knowledge of things
    “Cold Reading”
    cannot account for.

    As the wise Dr. Tate pointed out,
    it is “familiar spirits” speaking to Lisa
    which can tell her things about dead people
    she would have no way of knowing.

    (What is that you may say) –

    From Holman’s Bible Dictionary:
    One possessed by (Lev. 20:22)
    or consulting (Deut. 18:11)
    a ghost or spirit of the dead,
    especially for information
    about the future.

    Acting as a medium was
    punishable by stoning (Lev. 20:27);
    consulting a medium,
    by exclusion from the
    congregation of Israel (Lev. 20:6).

    The transformation of Saul
    from one who expelled mediums
    (1 Sam. 28:3) to one who
    consulted a medium at En-dor
    graphically illustrates his fall.

    “The Hebrew word translated
    medium (ob) may refer
    to the spirit of a dead person,
    to the medium possessed by the spirit,
    or to images used to conjure up spirits.

    Manasseh made such images
    (2 Kings 21:6; 2 Chron. 33:6).

    Josiah destroyed them as part
    of his reforms (2 Kings 23:24).

    Saul’s success in quickly locating
    a medium (1 Sam. 28:8)
    points both to the popularity of the
    practice of consulting the dead
    and the difficulty of eradicating it.

    “Isaiah 8:19 suggests a possible
    connection between the consulting
    of mediums and ancestor worship.

    Those to be consulted are termed
    “fathers” and “gods.”
    (Compare 1 Sam. 28:13 where Samuel
    is described as elohim or “god.”)

    The chirping and muttering of the
    spirits perhaps refers to the inarticulate
    sounds which must be
    interpreted by the medium.

    Consulting of mediums defiled
    the land and was described
    as prostitution.

    God’s people were to trust God
    in times of distress and not resort
    to other “gods” in an attempt
    to learn the future.”

    Another source,
    Priscilla Van Sutphin writes –

    Familiar Spirits
    by Priscilla Van Sutphin


    “There are many in the church who
    when praying against demons…
    speak of familiar spirits as if they were
    those passed down from family…
    which is to say they are familiar to us,
    but this is an error as the definition
    has to do with those spirits
    who are called up in seances
    and other such occultic activity,
    like playing the ouija board.

    They should not be confused
    with generational spirits
    inherited from relatives.

    These are a different type entirely.

    They appear as ghosts of dead
    relatives or people we know.

    They cause havoc in manifesting and
    drawing great attention to themselves,
    in order to entice the person away
    from God or to scare them.

    I think that the alien stuff is
    basically the same thing –
    familiar & other spirits
    masquerading as aliens to
    entice people away from interest
    in God and putting doubt in
    them about the Bible and God.

    (look at the Maneelock prophecy
    on the prophecy page)
    have the power of familiar spirits
    and can actually through
    being possessed by these change
    their appearance to be
    like an animal.

    This is where the gypsy
    “werewolf” tales come from.

    There was a show on
    TV a couple years ago,
    a talk show –
    can’t remember which network aired it –
    but there was a Catholic charasmatic
    couple called to minister to a
    man in England who had
    a werewolf spirit.

    They had photos of him in the
    actual changing process and
    showed the deliverance changes.

    He came on afterwards to
    testify of the saving power of
    Jesus Christ from his former state.

    The presence of FAMILIAR SPIRITS
    always signals occultic activity…
    whether it is handed down from family,
    or if they are active in a house haunting
    or causing ILLNESSES in their victims
    who are inhabited by them due
    to past activity of family members
    in the occult or the person

    One example would be a young woman
    I met years ago who had sores & scars
    all over her legs which made her look like
    she was a drug addict,
    but in fact her father was a
    Satanic High Priest and had involved
    her in satanic rituals as a child.

    Demons inhabited her body and
    were making her break out
    in these unsightly sores,
    and it was a perpetual wounding –
    even though she had long before given
    her heart to the LORD,
    at least two years previous.

    She did not yet have the
    deliverance from them.

    Jesus took the curse.
    He became the curse that we
    might be set free.

    In Nehemiah 9 ,
    the children of Israel stood for
    hours repenting of their sins and
    those of their fathers and
    grandfathers, etc.

    For some who have been hurt
    by such activity in their families,
    they may not even KNOW what
    sins to repent of…
    Even if they do,
    Remember how Lisa speaks
    of gettingher gift from her

    As Doctor Tate said in
    his posting above –

    “In all likehood,
    she is not even aware of their presence
    and their influence on her.

    she cannot communicate with the dead.

    In Luke, chapter 16,
    it is clearly stated that the dead
    can’t communicate with us,
    and that any semblance of this happening
    is clearly demonic forces at work.”


    I cannot thank you enough Doctor Tate
    for providing the missing piece of the
    puzzle that was right in front of my
    eyes yet I missed it.

    Your wise words came just 28 minutes
    after I needed some expert advice and
    you provided it.

    I really think the hand of GOD
    was at work herefor people who
    may be going down the occult


    Thank You for exposing the
    gap in my thinking,
    the final piece of the puzzle
    is now in place,
    a puzzle that has been
    bothering me for months.


  61. James,
    please go to the Lamb & Lion Ministries
    and look at what is said about Edgar Cayce.

  62. Some of you are a bunch of bible-thumping
    blithering idiots when it comes to the “occult”.

    I’ve been knee deep in the occult,
    met evil square in the eye,
    had Jesus save me from it,
    later discovered that Jesus came from Z(J)euss
    the Son God (Son of God) blah blah, blah.

    I’ve healed many suffering souls with shamanism,
    Buddhism, Jesus, mysticism, psychology, all helping.

    “Miracles” are a part of my life.

    I say that matter of factly and very lightly
    because it has nothing to do with “me” or “I”.

    It all comes down to what YOU BELIEVE
    is divine power in your life.

    That’s the power of your mind.

    “As you think, so shall you be.”

    (You bible thumpers please read a book called,
    The Prayer of Jabez,
    by Bruce Wilkinson and see for yourself what God
    (the universe) really wants for you.

    I’m afraid it’s not the shame,
    and guilt that’s been bestowed upon us
    by the “business” of religion.

    If you’re really daring,
    also read a book called
    “The Book Your Church Doesn’t Want You To Read”
    by Tim Leedom I believe.

    And please stop with all this insane biblical
    quoting that any half-wit can shoot holes through.

    I believe that the bible also says
    that a son should be put to death for
    disobeying his father,
    amongst other absurdities.

    And gays too.
    Let’s kill them too….
    and while we’re at it…..
    women having pre marital sex
    should be eradicated,

    And our loving God saw fit in His wisdom
    (this is in the Bible folks)
    to inflict an entire city with hemorrhoids.

    Talk about religion being a pain in the ass.
    Way to go God!
    You showed them.

    I’ll bet every camel and donkey in town
    got a much needed rest that week.

    Read about a savior born a virgin birth,
    in a barn,
    crucified between two thieves,
    and ascending into a glorious state (heaven)……..
    all this 1200 years before Jesus.

    Read people.

    Read and read more until you see the lies
    that you’ve all swallowed hook line and sinker.





    For you bible thumpers,
    please read MARK 11:22-25 if you want
    to know what you are all capable of doing.

    Even Jesus (who you think is God)
    said that even we will do greater things
    than he did.

    Seriously, he did say that……..
    according to the stenographer who
    took the notes 2000 years ago with
    his Bic pen and papyrus.

    And if that stenographer translated it right,
    then Jesus in fact told us that we would be evolving……

    That’s not called blasphemy if
    Jesus said it now is it?

    • You sure use the Testaments
      to try to make your points.

      However you are sorely lacking
      in Biblical understanding.

      Back to the “God hates shrimp” argument –
      is it valid?

      Yes and no.

      a Christian should never make an argument
      exclusively using the Old Testament Law.

      Jesus fulfilled the Law,
      ending its requirements
      (Romans 10:4; Galatians 3:23-25; Ephesians 2:15).

      If you use the Old Testament Law
      as the sole argument for homosexuality being a sin,
      you should also declare that everything the Law
      outlaws to be sin:
      eating shrimp,
      wearing clothing of mixed fabrics,
      sowing different types of seed into the same field,

      Jesus fulfilled the Law.

      Christians are not bound by the Old Testament Law,
      but rather are to be subject to the Law of Christ
      (Matthew 22:37-39; Galatians 6:2).

      Before you are so quick to criticize “thumpers”,
      you should do your homework.

  63. I have read the comments posted
    and have had an enjoyable time,
    Dave Stevenson ,
    thank you so much ,
    your comment was the most refreshing one.

    The whole blog seems to be
    a platform for Bible believing .


    I’d like to see proof of it’s claims
    before disproving everyone else
    who falls outside of it ,
    and it’s rewritten by man ,
    to control other men “like sheep” ideology.

    I’m not a Christian ,
    and dare I say a great percentage
    of the human populace isn’t either.

    Hemorrhoids indeed.

  64. Thanks so much for the last two posts!

    Critical Thinking is not dead yet!
    Among all the religious lunatics of this world,
    sometime one starts to wonder…

  65. just one question
    if she is real contact me
    and give me a reading
    i am a mixed believer
    but I’m open minded
    I would love to hear from her
    but i wont hold my breath
    my tel is 07751674053

  66. I like watching LW’s show.
    She is very good at what she does,
    and that gift is cold reading.

    Anyone who guesses
    for a living will hit pay dirt
    some of the time.

    The Law of averages tells us that.

    I’m not buying this “I see the letter M” business.
    Everyone knows someone with a letter M
    somewhere in their name.

    And asking a middle aged person
    if their mother has passed….
    well chances are….

    There have been momenst on her show
    that have taken me aback but I remind myself
    that I’m seeing a small part of a big interview.

    How many Ms and Fs and Gs did
    she go through before she hit the right one?

    And as someone else has said,
    when you’re dealing with coincidence
    you tend to remember the things
    that fit the pattern,
    not the things that don’t.

    To those that say
    “she knew stuff she shouldn’t”
    think about the stuff she said
    that didn’t fit at all,
    or the person being read made it fit
    (like the black and white dog example given earlier)

    I watch the show because I find it interesting.

    My sister thinks it’s cruel to hoodwink people
    (though she believes in psychics – go figure).

    I think if it brings you peace
    no matter the vehicle then that’s OK.

    (I find it strange though that psychics
    say they can’t work properly if the
    subject isn’t open.
    If they are truly communicating
    with dead people,
    it shouldn’t make an iota of difference
    what the subject is or isn’t doing)

  67. Wow,
    what a thinking comment Toni!

    You made a great point
    at the end I never thought of –

    “(if they are truly communicating
    with dead people,
    it shouldn’t make an iota of difference
    what the subject is or isn’t doing)”

    Thank You for pointing that out,
    I never thought of that angle.

    Thank You for your great comment Toni and
    Thank You for reading 22MOON!


  68. The only thing enticing:
    “people away from interest
    in God and putting doubt in
    them about the Bible and God”

    is RELIGION.

  69. Hey Dave loved your post,
    must be somethin’ ’bout us Stevenson’s hey!!! LOL 🙂

    As an ex-Christian who nearly lost his mind
    and his life inside that completely useless,
    dangerous and soul crushing religion
    for more than 15 years I feel
    I have some clout to comment.

    Look let me also say that if someone
    likes religion and it helps them cope with life
    then hey that’s great, I don’t hate religion,
    I don’t argue for its abolition,
    it’s just not for me.

    Yes I will teach others of the pitfalls
    and steer them away from it.

    I do that by showing them how to
    empower themselves and not rely
    on an imaginary person outside of themselves.

    That said I DO believe in the spirit realm.
    I call God, “Source” and to me Source or
    Great Spirit or Allah or The I AM or whatever
    you want to call it is not a sugar-daddy in the sky
    that Christian churches would have you believe.

    Source is real,
    if astral-travel is real then I’ve experienced it here
    in this lifetime and to be honest it was a revelation
    and I really needed that experience at that time,
    it has enriched me,
    strengthened me and allowed me to forgive,
    to let go of my disappointment in the divine realm
    from which I now draw strength to bring
    healing to my clients.

    In fact what is so hilarious (actually very sad),
    is that it wasn’t until I denounced religion as b.s.
    that I in fact truly began to connect with the divine.

    The divine outside of me,
    the divine within me, the divine within others.

    Yes now my eyes are truly opened
    and I can see clearly now.

    I agree totally with Dave,
    and I can now see the metaphysical truths
    encoded in the Bible such as the Law of Attraction
    (if you say unto this mountain cast yourself
    into the sea and believe it, it will obey you).

    One of my mentors told me once that she has
    connected at spirit level with the persona known
    as “Moses” in the OT.

    At one point Moses claimed that the ten
    commandments have been corrupted by
    man and in fact that they did not originally
    say what is now written in the Bible.

    There is so much that could be written about this.
    Essentially the way I see it is that religion ensnares
    those who are not whole inside and they see their
    religion as a way of becoming whole.

    I also see that most believers have their
    Inner-Child running their internal strategies
    usually due to emotional/psychological trauma.

    In this state the idea that the “perfect parent”
    (ie. God the Father) will take care of them is
    so appealing that all logic and reason is
    suspended in the hope of receiving that love.

    Our need for love and security can be so
    strong that it pushes out all other points of view.

    As the Bible says
    “there are none so blind as those who will not see”.

    So ironic as this perfectly describes the
    “religious state of mind” which is by definition non-logical,
    closed and one track.

    I have no desire to evangelise the converted,
    only to support, motivate, educate and bring
    healing to those who are truly seeking a
    higher state of being, health and happiness.

    I agree with Dave that our purpose
    is to evolve as eternal spirits.

    I also believe in Karmic imprinting
    and that we all have both a purpose
    and an opportunity to learn,
    but it is up to us to make that happen.

    As the Bible says “we have been predestined”.
    Not to be the “sons of God” in the religious frame
    but to grow up into the “sons of Source” through
    the refining process of Earth plane carnation.

    In fact I will take this concept one step further
    and say that the purpose of this massive Quantum
    computer we call the Universe is as a nursery for souls.

    We are here I believe to ultimately earn the right
    to exist at a higher plane of existence,
    possibly even to,
    after billions of years of evolution,
    become “Source” ourselves.

    A scary thought no?
    I think this was the message that Christ
    was trying to get across, ie. to be close
    to Source we must make a massive sacrifice,
    we must totally believe in ourselves and
    the laws of the Universe,
    we must be pure of heart and purpose
    (see Ghandi, Nelson Mandella, Mother Teresa, Dalai Lama, etc…)

    I also agree that the Bible has been so massively
    edited and corrupted over centuries that it cannot
    be taken seriously,
    certainly to live ones life by such
    a text in my view is folly.

    I see so many in churches who
    “are sickly and weak among you”
    and I shake my head in disbelief.

    Fear and control only creates dis-ease within
    the human structure, and so does placing your
    personal power outside of yourself,
    whether it be with religion, sex, money,
    gambling, drugs, alcohol or whatever.

    I foresee the day when the veil of ignorance
    is lifted from humanity and we will all see the
    truth more clearly rather “than through a glass darkly”.

    As for Lisa Williams I cannot say for absolute
    certainty what the degree of her psychic ability
    is but my intuition is telling me that she is the real deal.

    I would be able to sense her energy if I met her
    and her truth would be evident.

    After watching about half a dozen of her shows,
    both live and off the street versions it seems
    plainly obvious that what some people are
    claiming to be nothing more than “cold reading”
    cannot be substantiated.

    Edwards was a pure showman,
    much like Derren Brown,
    to someone like me that was always evident.

    The “sense” I get from Lisa is much
    the same as that I get when I see Allison DuBois.

    These gals in my mind are absolutely gifted,
    or cursed, whatever your viewpoint is.

    On a more personal note my brother Adam
    has been interacting with the departed pretty
    much his whole life and so I can honestly say
    that I have some very personal corroborating
    evidence as to the truth and validity of
    communicating with the departed.

    In my case I am an intuitive,
    I can see auras and often know what’s going on
    with people even before they tell me.

    So don’t talk to me about so-called “familiar spirits”,
    pfftt… how silly.

    Then we have organizations specifically
    setup to assist gifted children and their
    parents who exhibit psychic ability that
    cannot be explained away.

    Now we have other paranormal activities
    like remote viewing entering the mainstream
    from the shadowy depths of the CIA and KGB.

    This inherent ability that all humans have
    is in my view pretty strong evidence that
    there is more to us than meets the eye.

    In fact I would go as far to say that the
    existence of psychics is only going to
    increase as the development of the
    sixth sense represents the next
    stage in our evolution.

    And in saying that I am not a believer
    in Darwinian Evolution and I could very
    well be wrong on this but I prefer the
    idea of spirit creation.

    Christians call it the Holy Spirit
    and I call it the Unified Field.

    I personally believe that this solar system
    is not an accident but in fact came into
    existence through the laws built in to the
    Universe according to a predetermined purpose.

    In fact where most people see randomness
    I see the manifestation of complexity
    that appears to be random.

    To me much in the Universe is an illusion.
    For example it appears that we are individuals
    but I believe that at a fundamental level
    we are all connected.

    For all the Christians you would be happy
    to know that I experienced Source as pure
    love and light.

    What I experienced cannot be
    described with mere words,
    what I experienced transcends words.

    That said I will never forget that sensation
    and absolute knowing of being eternal
    (or timeless) and connected to everything.

    I am convinced that there is divinity in all of us,
    we are after all “chips off the old block”.

    We all came from Source
    and we all return to Source
    and even this process cannot
    take place by force,
    we must decide to “cross-over”.

    If Hell is anywhere it’s that state of being
    stuck here on earth after our physical bodies expire.

    You’re not going anywhere in that state,
    you’re stuck in limbo.

    It seems that negative emotions like fear,
    anger, retribution or a need to see justice
    served (judgment) are what can hold people back.

    To me Source is pure non-judgmental love
    and we must enter without fear.

    It wasn’t until I began to wonder
    where I was (or feared what was happening)
    that I dropped out of the travel and back into
    my physical body,
    and that took place with
    quite a shock I can tell you!

    Well it’s been fun sharing and what
    others think of this is none of my concern.

    All I hope is to offer people is another
    point of view,
    encouragement to see things differently,
    and most importantly to empower people
    to take charge of their lives and not be
    controlled by limiting beliefs,
    religious or otherwise.

    Love and Light to you all.


  70. I would like to know where Dr. Tate
    Found this answer in Luke 16

    i have read Luke 16 from many
    bibles it does not refer to this.

    If you could please tell me where
    this statement is I would like to
    read this for myself.

    Thank You,

    From Doctor Edward Tate

    January 26th, 2010 / 8:35 PM

    My compliments on your

    very interesting web site.
    My question to you is this:
    why do you not mention “familiar spirits”
    in your explanation of how Lisa Williams
    mimics psychic abilities?

    In all likehood,
    she is not even aware of their presence
    and their influence on her.

    she cannot communicate with the dead.

    In Luke, chapter 16,
    it is clearly stated that the dead
    can’t communicate with us,
    and that any semblance of this happening
    is clearly demonic forces at work.

    Thank you again for your

    enlightening web site.


  71. That is a good question Rhonda.

    I don’t know where Dr. Tate
    found that reference.

    Here is what my research
    turned up –

    Sorcerers or necormancers,
    who professed to call up the dead
    to answer questions,
    were said to have a “familiar spirit”

    (Deut. 18:11; 2 Kings 21:6;
    2 Chr. 33:6; Lev. 19:31;
    20:6; Isa. 8:19; 29:4).

    Such a person was called
    by the Hebrews an ‘ob,
    which properly means a leather bottle;
    for sorcerers were regarded as vessels
    containing the inspiring demon.

    This Hebrew word was equivalent
    to the pytho of the Greeks,
    and was used to denote both the person
    and the spirit which possessed him
    (Lev. 20:27; 1 Sam. 28:8; compare Acts 16:16).

    The word “familiar” is from the Latin familiaris,
    meaning a “household servant,”
    and was intended to express the idea
    that sorcerers had spirits as their servants
    ready to obey their commands.

    Thank You for a great question and
    Thank You for reading 22MOON Rhonda!


  72. Sorry about the mistake re: Luke Chapter 16.
    A most poignant reference to communication
    with the dead can be found in Deuteronomy 18: 10-13.

  73. Thanks Doctor Tate,
    you’re insights are
    enlightening and
    always important
    and helpful – very big
    Thank You!




  75. When you base your so called facts
    on something that is known to be full
    of inconsistencies and mistakes because
    it is written by people with era and errored agendas,
    you lose all credibilty.

    I refer to the Bible which is an imperfect,
    incomplete and much added to work.

    ALL refernce to such a work without
    a historical grip of the Biible’s formation are idiotic.

    SOme people can see things
    the rest of the poplulace can not.

    Some can hear better see better feel better etc.

    It is a honed innate ability that sometimes
    allows the brain to do extra-ordinary things.

    I do not believe all I hear, see or read.

    SO I have read copius historical and religious accounts
    and they have many differeing stories even and greatly
    within the scriptures of different writing periods.

  76. Oooooooooo,
    demons and familiars.

    What century are we in?

    Are you all so jealous that Lisa Williams
    has God-given talents and you do not?

    I believe it says in the bible that
    jealousy is not becoming to a Christian.

    That’s IF you believe in all
    that brainwashed fairy-story crap.

    On to other things:

    “She is enourmously bottom heavy
    (Like she can help how she’s built?)
    and she was not wearing any makeup.
    (Oh, that’s just a sin, isn’t it?)

    Her face looked like a pimply pubescent.
    (Adult acne? Millions of sufferers.
    So what?)

    She was chugging Starbucks (Infidel!)
    and chatting away with her
    assistant/flight companion.

    I was littlerally mentally boring holes
    in her back thinking,
    if this woman is psychic she will
    turn around and tear me a new one.”

    (Um, it’s called ‘tuning a$$holes like you-OUT.

    She states she is NOT a psychic,
    but a clairvoyant/medium.
    Get your facts straight, stupid.)

  77. Not impressed with what you say.

    You believe in an invisible God,
    and you run down Lisa?

    You have no good argument at all;
    just prejudice!

  78. Talk about looks!
    What is that cartoon picture you hide behind?!

    You must be a real prize!

    how DARE you run down a person on looks!

    How does it have any bearing on the topic?

    How small and trite!

    What a lame attempt at distraction.

    That is what people do when
    they have no good argument!

    You are a sad person who has to run
    others down to make themselves feel better!

    Lisa is beautiful,
    gifted and compassionate!

    YOU could learn A LOT FROM HER!

    • I do hope you are
      not talking about my
      cartoon picture –
      but all the other commenters
      have no pictures so I assume
      you are blaming the comments
      of others on me.

      I have said more than once
      in the comments about Lisa
      I have made that I think she
      is very attractive and pretty,
      as well as charming.

      I have never ever said anything
      unkindly about Lisa’s looks –
      I think she is hot and said
      so in my comments.

      You are confusing me
      with other commenters.

      Thank You for your comment and
      Thank You for reading 22MOON Cheryl P.


  79. Wow!
    I managed to scan through this enormous
    blog and read the many comments.

    I have attended both
    John Edwards and Lisa Williams “events”.

    What a stupid thing to do.

    The John Edwards thing was a trip
    to Tampa and a waste of time.

    Oh well…
    He gave the audience an hour of his time
    and several chatty spirits took up most of the hour.

    I muttered to my friend,
    “I wish they would shut up with meaningless
    information to people who didn’t even like them in life.”

    John spent much time with some of the “Aunties from the beyond”.

    I had just lost my mom and grandmother
    and my friend was sitting next to me in the
    front row loaded down with her dead husband’s ring,

    her dead mother’s rings,
    her dead brother’s belongings,
    some little photos and was such
    a very ripe attitude for a reading.

    Just a word or two
    from one of our loved ones.

    for her and me too.

    Oh no,
    it was not to be and JE talked to people all around us.

    We eventually started to grin at each other
    and almost laugh out loud at the ridiculous scene.

    We at least had a great time visiting
    together and catching up on old times.

    I didn’t mention I was sitting there
    in the hotel ball room with cancer as my foe.

    Surely I would have been a prime candidate.

    He looked at both of us often
    and looked away as fast as he could.

    The Lisa Williams thing was
    in Memphis in October of 2009.

    This time my other friend with me and I got read.
    She was reading number 2 and I was reading
    number 6 or something.

    We were sitting next to each
    other and kept our mouths shut.

    Lisa was charming and did the orb joke
    to demonstrate what one didn’t look like.

    She did mention finding money sometimes at home.

    She “heard” from my mom who was
    very pushy about popping through.

    Many things were said to me that were
    “spot on” as my British friend said.

    Her reading was very clever and very true
    to her grandfather’s personality and her dad.

    Lisa revealed that my friend’s dad had
    produced a son before he married his wife
    and had my friend.

    my friend had a brother somewhere in northern England
    and that was something that had been secretly confessed
    by the dad to her before he died.

    My friend was told not to bring up
    the subject to her mom and my friend
    acknowledged that her mom got upset
    at the very mention of the other child.

    To sum up the experience I did feel that both of us
    volunteered too much when we heard something
    that confirmed a fact.

    I left feeling like I had been listening to
    “familiar spirits” who were masquerading
    as our loved ones.

    They know stuff about all of
    us too and they can be tricky.

    So I feel very sad that I fell into this trap
    and spent my money, time and effort.

    I am still fighting cancer and miss my mom
    and my friends are still enduring miseries of their own.


    • Thank You for the amazing words Cheryl!

      Your experiences add so much and
      you share them in a well written and
      interesting way,
      compelling reading!

      I am so sorry to hear about
      your cancer and pray is will
      go into remission or fade
      away all together.

      Your comments are so well done,

      This story gets so many comments
      and stays so popular month after
      month compared to the other
      5,776 stories on MOON –
      yet this Lisa Williams story
      has stayed in the top ten stories
      people go to directly to read
      for over a year.

      You must be a writer
      you do it so fluidly.

      THank You for such writing and
      Thank You for reading 22MOON.


  80. You are welcome and
    I enjoyed purging my
    lingering doubts.

    I feel you are honestly trying
    to point people in the right direction
    so they can make.

    Don’t tamper with the other side
    is a good recommendation.

    I personally have to cling to the Jesus I know
    who has intervened for me so many times
    just to remind me I can go directly to Him.

    He has given me and my loved ones healings
    and blessings and loving patience with me
    poking around psychics.

    I was devastated and so heartbroken over
    losing my mom/confidant that I probed around
    to hear and see some of them in action so
    I could get a desperate glimpse of the mystery
    that they know

    But when you have direct prayers answered
    in specific ways it gets your attention.

    Many times I have placed my warm hands
    on a critical loved one and quietly thought
    a sincere cry for help and healing.

    Each time I got a answer.

    Through medicine,
    loving care from hospital staff
    and my urgent whisperings to Jesus directly
    I got more quality time with my loved ones.

    That is what I cling to when I get bombarded
    with doubt and new age psycho babble and theories.

    I have studied all the major religions
    and I would rather know that I am loved
    by Him and I must not betray Him.

    I am in need of Him again everyday.

    I am sorry that I got sucked in the “show”
    and hope I have not messed up my relationship with God.

    He gives us choices and free will
    so I must never stray from his New Testament promises.

    When you face a cancer or destructive disease
    the future doesn’t seem attainable like it did before.

    I am so sorry the doubters don’t
    understand the complexity of Bible prophesy.

    The only suggestion I can say is watch
    the news and keep an eye on Israel.

    That is the key. Jews can put up the third temple
    whenever they want and not interfere with the present
    Dome of the Rock or its mosque.

    The temple plans are ready to roll and will be
    pre-fabricated at other sites and put up on site
    near the court of the Gentiles

    Assembling the parts will be simple and quick.

    Young Rabbis from the house of Levi are
    trained and ready to serve in this temple.

    The temple is a significant thing to watch
    for as well as the attempts for peace in Israel
    and the Palestinians.

    When you choose to be a child of God
    you will get nudgings, guidance and responses
    in all sorts of venues and through all sorts of people.

    I would rather be guided by a loved one
    than someone who has ulterior motives.

    Lisa does emote love and concern.

    She is lovely and has an open countenance.

    She hugged me as she greeted us after the
    “readings”. I just wonder who was supposed to
    be on that stage with her when she was getting messages.

    She described my mom, how she passed,
    her dementia,
    and that she will be having a word with my dad
    when he joins her because of how difficult he
    had been during their 65 years of marriage.

    I remember hearing things I would want
    to hear about love from the other side.

    Never did she mention names of anyone
    which is what hoped to hear for validation.

    Instead weird stuff came out about the bra
    she was buried in as being too pointy and
    unnatural looking.

    That was a very private revelation to come out.

    It was an unnerving yet emotional high
    to think I was actually hearing from my lovely mom
    and that she loves me as I went through chemo.

    I hope mom isn’t hanging around
    on this disappointing plane and
    is reaping pain free happy bliss.

    All of Lisa’s and John Edwards visitors
    are “OK” over there and very happy.

    Why would they bother with world?


  81. I may be wrong,
    but I do believe that Christianity
    is the only religion that frowns upon
    “spiritual” communication.

    Most religions have more of
    an open mind about spirituality,
    and actually show great respect for it.

    Growing up in a Christian church,
    I’ve had many doubts,
    and I can say they have increased
    with age and experience.

    I believe anything is possible,
    after all we have this great universe
    where so many things can’t be explained away.

    I have always had “spiritual” experiences,
    since I was a child,
    and I can no longer believe these were
    just bad entities enticing me.

    What is there to entice?

    If you have had a spiritual encounter,
    you realize it can be quite frightening,
    mostly because of a lack of understanding –
    not knowing what it is,
    or why it is there.

    I was not,
    nor am I evil,
    nor did I ask for it.

    These things are real,
    and those that have experienced it KNOW it is real.

    There is no doubt.

    I can not believe that we can
    only be influenced by evil spirits.

    Why would God do that?
    He wouldn’t.

    There is always a balance,
    it is people who are not balanced.

    Do I think “familiar” spirits can influence us?

    but I am not sure.

    If those in the biblical days asked
    “is this a familiar” spirit,
    we wouldn’t have Christianity today.

    if the bible thumpers know their bible,
    they know that spirit influenced every act,
    every dream, every vision,
    that made Christianity what it is today. Jesus,
    the Son of God, was brought by supernatural means.

    What does that say?

    I’ve seen Lisa Williams in person and
    I do believe she is a light of good and of love.

    How about astral travel?

    How do Christians explain that?

    Things happen,
    without explaination,
    without scientific proof,
    but that doesn’t mean they aren’t real.

    Even with a Christian background,
    I tell you,
    Christians make me steer away from religion entirely,
    based on their narrow minded ways.

  82. My home is filled with orbs in specific areas of certain rooms. Mostly where antique furniture is. Especially the furniture my mother had. I do think there are nice, benevolent spirits around me for some reason but I don’t think hanging around this world is what I hope an afterlife will be. The women in my family have had spiritual insights of different types. So, I guess any loved one of mine who has passed on might once in a while pop in to check up on me or any one of us still here. What bothers me is the clear-cut, no nonsense advice in the Bible that wants us to shy away from this fascination with death, after-life, ghosts, seers, sweet Lisa Williams folks (who I met) and necromancer things of the world. I know I should honor the scriptures requests but there is such an insurgence of clairvoyants, mediums and empaths and paranormal stuff going on all around me I feel bombarded and overwhelmed. Should I ignore it all and tune out the way my pets stare and bark at “nothing” sometimes? So…we are told in the Bible to question with intelligence any discerning spirits and if they are from God we will soon know. I would love to have a visit with my mom again but I would rather think she has more important things to accomplish with her afterlife world than be stuck in this one.

    • Cheryl,
      I wish you the best
      and my prayers are with you
      and hope your cancer can be cured.

      It is very understandable for
      one to be curious about death
      and what happens after death,
      especially when you lose someone,
      or when you are facing a health crisis.

      I too have struggled between Christianity and spirituality.

      It is not an easy struggle,
      because the bible clearly says it is bad.

      But, on the other hand I look at how Jesus came about,
      and all the spiritual insights given by God to others.

      What if that were the case today
      and God attempted to guide us on our path
      and we ignored it thinking that it must be bad
      because the bible said so.

      There are so many things we don’t understand
      and there are so many things the bible doesn’t lay out for us.

      There were good spiritual encounters,
      as well as bad, in the bible.

      For sanity sake I have to believe it is the same today.
      I pray and ask for protection and to keep evil away
      and I hope he is listening.

      I also ask for guidance and truth,
      and to have a better understanding of what
      is true spirituality.

      For me,
      spirituality means communicating with God
      and developing a personal relationship with him.

      A little background –
      My quest stems from spiritual encounters
      I’ve had since I was a child.

      I would wake up in the mddle of the night,
      wide awake to “something” standing
      at the foot of my bed,
      and just appeared to be watching.

      Every time I would pray to God
      and ask it to go away.

      It felt indifferent,
      not good, not bad,
      just indifferent and the presence
      was very strong.

      No communication,
      nothing, and after several seconds it would leave.

      I wanted answers,
      and who wouldn’t?

      Then there were probably 3-4 occassions
      where I felt a depression at the foot of my bed,
      like someone had sat down,
      with only me in the room and very noticeable
      movement of the mattress..
      After a few minutes, it would leave.

      Again, it feels indifferent,
      no message, no threat,
      just a strong presence.

      Looking back, it seems personal,
      like someone was checking on me
      and just came to spend a moment.

      I have seen full apparitions too..

      I once had a young girl with long dark brown hair
      come to my beside, it woke me up because I could feel
      someone in my room staring at me, and when
      I looked up there she was.

      I immediately covered my head
      and started praying in a panic.

      A few weeks later, she brought her mom,
      dad, and brother back with her at the foot of my bed.

      All just watching me,
      looking sad and bewildered.

      They seemed to just want to make their presence known.

      I never saw them again after that,
      but always felt a constant presence in the house.

      Needless, to say I had many sleepless nights
      and lived in fear of what else I would see.

      I didn’t feel they were evil,
      but there was evil in that house.

      They weren’t the only ones residing there.

      The only way I can describe the feeling
      of having something evil around you,
      is a dark, piercing, hair raising,
      and very unwelcome feeling.

      Like you better get out NOW!

      These events happen very randomly.

      A couple of years ago I was having
      frequent visitors come to the foot
      or side of my bed,
      and one in particular came with a
      very strong flower scent, like lilac,
      or lavender, like a fresh flower –
      in the middle of winter!

      I tried to take note of what was going on
      with me that might cause this.

      It seemed to happen more in times of stress,
      but certainly not always.

      My grandmother had these experiences all her life too.

      She felt it was a gift from God.

      But, some of the things she experienced
      just spooked me and I probably would have passed out,
      because they communicated with her.

      I guess,
      I’ve been lucky in that sense,
      they didn’t communicate directly with me.

      After her mother died is when activity
      picked up for both of us. She made an 8 hr. drive
      to the funeral and she feel asleep at the wheel,
      she woke to a strong rose scent,
      one my great-grandmother was known for,
      because she wore rose scented perfume,
      the strong scent woke her up,
      but she also heard an urgent voice say
      “Neva, wake up, Neva, wake up NOW!”

      This experience saved her life.
      I can tell you many other experiences
      between the both of us, but I think you get the drift.

      Who wouldn’t want an explanation and seek answers
      after having these kind of experiences?

      Especially when it just happens
      and you didn’t ask for it.

  83. I truly enjoyed your reply and insight.
    If only those “visitors” had been able to
    articulate what in the world they wanted.

    You explained your personal experiences vividly
    and I could really envision the figures you saw
    and imagine what was going on.

    I imagined they were either
    worried about you or curious.

    The most significant thing you experienced
    was the indentations and pressure you felt on your bed
    from the “visitors”.

    How can they do that!

    The figures standing at the foot of your bed
    being seen by you is amazing.

    Were you a child then and therefore not able to cope?

    The girl brought others and they watched.

    If you had known how,
    you could have telepathically thrown thoughts
    and questions at them and received responses.

    That is how my British friend
    communicates with the spirits who pop in.

    Mostly she blocks them out
    but when someone is talking about
    a passed loved one with great detail
    and including special and specific memories
    that spirit pops in and my friend picks up on them.

    She says it makes her very uncomfortable
    because the person who is talking doesn’t see
    the spirit and my friend has a hard time
    acting like a normal listener.

    If the person knows her well
    enough to catch on it helps.

    If she is visiting with a person
    who doesn’t know about her “gift”
    she really has to act cool and unaffected.

    After losing my mom
    I would often talk about my mom
    and catch my friend grinning
    or looking down and squirming a bit.

    I got to be funny after a while.

    Mom or my granny were there and smiling at her.

    I felt hurt and excluded because I couldn’t
    share in the experience and was left out.

    I can tell you that her dad has come to her
    like your grandmother and great grand-mother.

    The scent is always roses when
    he wants to tell her something.

    He doesn’t visit often but it is in dreams.

    You have really been singled out for special visits.

    You are correct about knowing
    if it is a bad or good experience.

    I have felt that too but I don’t
    think I have ever seen a spirit.

    Don’t have what it takes.

    My favorite thing to say to myself is
    “It must be a God thing,”
    when something great comes as a
    blessing or last ditch rescue.

    If it is from God it will be good and nurturing.

    It will also snap us out
    of or away from bad things,
    people and experiences.

    I am so jealous that children and
    animals can see spirits and I can’t.

    But I think I should not protest too much
    because I don’t want to feel or be haunted.

    I thank you for any prayers.
    I need them especially since I just finished
    fighting Mr. “C” in 2007-08.

    Here it is again and I am struggling
    with the reality of that chemo chair again.

    I hate wigs and will have to hide
    under one as I face 130 new students.

    Wouldn’t you know it, I
    T came back just in time for school to start.

    My public will be 10th graders
    and they can be unmerciful.

    If I could just stay home and hide
    out like I did this summer,
    I would love it. B

    ut I must try to have a go at another school
    year if the body will make it.

    Are you still bothered by visiting spirits?

    Have you outgrown them?

    I am fascinated by your experiences.

    If I had them I would really be torn
    between the why and the how.

    I am so curious about the why
    of the visitations of former mortals.

    I don’t wonder about the ones sent by God.

    That I expect and cherish but
    why and how can we mortals manage
    to accomplish being on this physical plane
    without a body and why do some of them
    manage to gather up enough energy to manifest.

    It is just a mystery that some people
    like you and your grannies have had
    these experiences and millions of others have not.


  84. Cheryl,
    It sounds like you have quite a challenge ahead of you.

    I hope the kids will take it easy on you.

    How do you manage the stress?

    It would be wonderful if you could
    find a way to stay home and still make a living.

    I guess there is one good thing about wearing wigs, –
    you can try a hairstyle you always wanted,
    but wasn’t quite brave enough to do,
    and if that doesn’t work you can try another one!
    The celebrities do it all the time.
    Just pretend you are famous 🙂
    And wear it proud my dear,
    because you are obviously a very strong woman,
    and if it makes you feel better about yourself,
    and allows you to face the world it serves its purpose.

    I have always had “visitors”,
    and it is very sporadic. It certainly
    isn’t anything I look for,
    or really want to happen,
    because I am not very brave in that department 🙂

    I couldn’t ever imagine asking questions,
    because I am too busy praying 🙂

    If I knew it was from God I would love to ask questions,
    but Christianity has engrained
    fear into my head of all spiritual activity.

    I’ve done a lot of research and the three things I’ve learned:
    Christianity varies greatly on beliefs,
    spirituality is fairly consistent,
    and there is no real good source of
    information to help answer my questions.

    I tend to lean more toward consistency.

    I took a class on world religions,
    and another on survey of the new testament,
    in the hopes of having a greater insight,
    while learning the cultural background of religions.

    If you look back at religions before Christianity existed,
    they were mostly spiritually centered.

    Even when you look at native american culture,
    they were, and probably still are, extremely spiritual.

    So, these things have eased my mind a bit,
    but not entirely.

    I have also looked into sleep disorders,
    not because I have one,
    but because some in the scientific field
    tend to blame sleep disorders as the cause
    of nightly spiritual activity.

    I say blah, blah, blah, and that certainly doesn’t
    explain the daytime experiences.

    Maybe for some, but not for me.

    I have never had a doubt, or
    wondered was that a dream?

    Because I didn’t have to and that wouldn’t
    explain the daytime stuff anyway.

    I always knew without a shadow of a doubt
    that I was wide awake and couldeven feel my
    heart pounding out of my chest and my breathing
    grow increasingly shallow, and cold –
    very cold in the room.

    I guess you can say I was ultra aware
    and as alert as one can get.

    Have you ever felt someone looking at you
    and turned around to see who it was, and sure
    enough someone was looking at you?

    It is like this only much much more intense.

    At the same time you seem to
    know exactly where to look?

    You “feel” where they are. It is like that
    and when I don’t “see” anything I “feel” where it is,
    like by the side of my bed, or at the foot of my bed,
    or by the window or the door.

    I have come to believe we always have
    some kind of spiritual presence and often
    times don’t see it, feel it, or recognize it.

    I say this because how else could God
    know everything we do, a
    nd how could satan know us so well
    as to as to act as a “familiar” to our loved ones
    after we pass?

    If that is the case?

    I tend to be a logical thinker
    and really like to go by facts,
    but this is one area where there
    are no solid facts,
    only experiences.

    Many people will have some type
    of experience throughout their life,
    and I believe a lot will dismiss it as
    something else.
    I do the same thing.

    The other night I was staying up late watching
    TV and my sons alarm clock went off at 1am,
    and when I went to turn it off –
    it wouldn’t turn off.

    I made sure it was switched to off,
    and it was, s
    o I hit the snooze button and that didn’t work.
    so I tried the off button again and that still didn’t work,
    so I tried sliding the button to every position possible
    and still it wouldn’t turn off.

    I looked at the time and it was blinking 0’s.

    Ultimately I had to unplug it to get it to turn off.

    Well, that was the end of me watching TV.

    I went straight to bed, somewhat “alarmed!”
    I wrote it off as a malfuntion in the clock,
    even though it hadn’t malfunctioned like that before,
    or after,
    and I knew differently,
    but it made me feel somewhat better to find an excuse.

    Many skeptics have become
    believers after a spiritual encounter.

    I never had the opportunity to be a non-believer,
    because I was thrown right into experience at an early age.

    I was about five the first time I had an experience,
    but I have to say it kicked into high gear after
    my great grandmother died when I was 10.

    My grandmother, my brother, and myself
    were walking back to my great grandmothers
    house after her funeral from my great aunts house,
    they lived just right up the hill from her,

    when all three of us saw her standing in front
    of her living room window watching us come
    back down to her house.

    We all saw her about the same time,
    wearing the blue gown she had been buried in.

    My brother and I freaked out a bit
    and my grandmother acted like it was no big deal,
    like she had expected it and it actually comforted
    her knowing her mom was watching over things.

    I was scared to go into that house
    and didn’t get too far from my grandmother.

    She seemed to have unshakeable nerves.

    But like I said before, she thought it was a gift
    and never saw it as bad. Not too long after that
    she told me a story,

    I think in an attempt to make me feel better,
    about when she was young and her infant neice died.

    She resented her sister,
    because she was a young, unmarried mother,
    and would go out partying instead of taking
    care of Rosemary,
    and my grandmother took her from her sister
    when she developed pneumonia and tried to
    nurse her back to health,
    well, she died
    and my grandmother was heartbroken.

    She said she was laying in bed
    one night just weeping over
    Rosemarys death,
    when she saw a ball of light come
    through her window and as it got
    closer it grew in size and intensity,
    then she heard a voice say
    don’t worry about Rosemary,
    she is safe now.”
    She said she never felt so
    much love and comfort.

    This experience helped pull
    her out of unbearable grief.

    I can’t say I have ever felt comforted
    by my experiences,
    even with the indention at the foot of the bed,
    I’ve often wondered if it was my grandmother
    coming to me,
    since she has now passed too,
    but I was too fearful to recognize it as comfort.

    This goes back to thinking all spirits are bad.

    The 3-4 times that I’ve experienced this has
    all been after she passed in 1999,
    and the last time I felt this was a couple
    of years ago.

    But, the bedside/foot of the bed “visitors”
    still show up on occassion,
    but not for a while.

    Thank goodness.
    I wish I knew what,
    or who they are, so I would know what
    I was dealing with.

    Maybe one day I’ll have the nerve to ask,
    but it will almost certainly start off with
    “if you have come in the name of Jesus.”

    Sorry to ramble on,
    I didn’t mean to write a book.

  85. Today at 12:04 pm while
    I was getting my first chemo
    treatment my dad passed away
    in a close-by hospital.

    He suddenly started to slip away.

    I was allowed to be unhooked from the bags
    and slip over to the hospital room and see him
    before they removed him.

    Dad and I have been on this long
    and miserable journey for 6 years.

    Caring for an elderly and helpless parent
    is a life changing blessing and life lesson.

    Both parents were in mental trouble.

    Mom was worse than dad in remembering things
    but he couldn’t navigate around anymore.
    She left us first in 2007.

    What I did for them is what they did for me,
    protect and care for them.

    They deserved all I should give because
    their world was me and my child.
    I had to raise him alone for a while
    and they were awesome.

    They were married for 65 years through World War II,
    loss of a full term baby boy, job losses, surgeries,
    injuries, the usual life altering experiences.

    All caregivers deserve much love and concern.

    They are many of us doing what we should,
    loving and honoring our parent’s dignity
    while they slowly slip away.

    It is taxing on the body,
    mind and spirit.

    I watched my mom care for my granny
    and it was total commitment to her comfort
    and care.

    My family is gone and I have my son,
    his wife and their 4 children.
    My husband is 81 and I am younger.

    But guess what?
    I am the one who might
    be next thanks to Cancer.

    We should make the MOST of everyday
    and try to accomplish the best we can offer
    for as long as we can.

    No slacking allowed.

    • I am so sorry to
      hear about your loss.

      Don’t plan on going anywhere
      for at least ten or fifteen years,
      you have many more stories to tell
      and your writings are always interesting
      and so well written.

      Thank You for writing –
      I think your words can
      inspire people.


    • Cheryl,

      I am so sorry for everything you are having to endure right now, and so very sorry for the loss of your Dad. You painted such a beautiful picture of your family, and you are very lucky to have such a close knit family that stands beside each other come what may. That is the most precious gift anyone could have.
      Hold on to your loving nature and positive spirit, because this is what will get your through and BEAT cancer.
      It is so easy to focus on what is lost, but if you think about what you gained from having such great parents to help mold you in to who you are now and treasure those memories – it will be easier to smile, to love, and to laugh. Because, that is what our loved ones want us to hold on to. Not the sorrow, not the pain, but the love, laughter, and fond memories, and to celebrate the times you shared, because all the experiences, be it good or bad, is worthy of celebration, because you were in it together to experience life and all it encompasses, and that is a beautiful thing.
      May God be with you to help you through and to give you strength. My thoughts and best wishes are with you. Keep your head high and your heart filled with love.

  86. Thank you for prayers, words of encouragement and very wise expressions of faith. I will need a daily dose of them it seems. I can’t go back to school for fear of catching something I can’t fight. The immune support injection I received (just like the others I have received in the past) did not help but hurt in a very adverse way. So I am hoping to receive help in the form of temporary disability and borrowed days for the sick leave bank in my school district. Gotta get well and kick this thing. Meanwhile I am relieved my dad isn’t suffering any more. I learned by going through the VA paperwork he had received 3 bronze stars for his efforts during the liberation of a POW camp. Manilla and the island of Luzon. His service was poignant and inspiring. Take care you two nice folks and thank you again for your cyber friendship. Cheryl

    • Cheryl,
      I am glad to see you posted an update.

      I am really glad you have found options
      to stay home and can now focus 100% on your health.

      what a great thing to learn about your dad.
      You must be very proud.

      I have thought about the struggles
      you are dealing with and my prayers are with you.

      It is refreshing to see there are really nice people
      out there in cyberland.
      I wish you the best and if you need to chat
      you will have listening ears.

  87. Well,
    I have been at home wallowing
    in misery and hurting all over.

    Then I decided to end the pity party and get out.

    I put on my wig and ventured out.

    It was a big deal because at last
    I didn’t have bone or joint ache.

    Lovely change in the weather
    and cooler temperatures lifted my spirits.

    I haven’t told anyone but on the night of
    “visitation” at the funeral home for my dad
    (August 13) I was too ill to go and remained
    at home with a friend.

    The visitation was from 5pm until about 7.

    All the family was there except me and my friend,
    who had to work an all nighter at one of our hospitals.

    I was doped up with pain meds
    and she was keeping me company.

    Three loud blasts and one short one came out
    of a smoke detector in the corner of my bedroom.

    Both of us starred, wide-eyed at
    the little round thing on the ceiling.

    We exchanged comments and
    wonder and a bit of time passed.

    We were startled by three
    more blasts and one short one again.

    Now we were really hyped up.

    We discussed that everyone was at the
    funeral home except me and that it was
    about 6:30 pm.

    Again three more blasts
    and one short one.
    None have sounded since then.

    So we wondered aloud was
    someone saying “Hi” or “I see you”.

    My friend jumped up and grabbed her digital camera.

    She caught two lovely and large orbs near us.

    They were beautiful.

    One was larger than the other one
    had a glowing little wisp of a halo around it.

    I blew a kiss at them and was extremely
    relieved no one else saw me do this.

    I don’t think anyone in the rest of what
    is left of our family would have understood.

    I pray “the visitors” are having a blast
    of a reunion with so many lovely people
    who have left us throughout the years.

    I still can’t figure out how that smoke detector
    could make such odd noises that did not signal
    smoke or heat.

    Never hears the noises since nor have
    I heard any of those little chirps that they
    make when they need a new battery.

    Today is September 7 and the detector
    has been silent ever since 13 Aug.

    On the day of the funeral dad had an honor guard,
    flag and lovely live music.

    A nice fiddler man and guitar player
    came to honor my dad who could play
    many stringed instruments too.

    The service was a surprise because
    the minister had researched the POW rescue
    of the last of the Battan Death March prisoners
    and how it was accomplished.

    He pointed out that my dad and his band
    of brothers had saved the lives of over 500
    men who made it home to wives and girlfriends
    to continue their lives with children and grandchildren.

    Since dad’s great-grand children served
    as pallbearers I would suppose there are lots
    of those around here on earth to honor their
    former WWII great grandfathers too.

    So long…Cheryl

  88. Cheryl,

    I am so glad to get an update.
    I’ve wondered how you were doing.

    Sounds like you had an interesting
    experience with the smoke detector.

    It is strange that it only occured a few times.

    If there were a problem with the detector –
    it would have continued to “warn” you until
    it was corrected.

    It does make you smile and
    feel watched over doesn’t it?

    Did you sense a presence during this time?

    It sounds like you fathers
    memorial was beautiful and heart warming.

    I am sure it makes you proud hearing
    all the wonderful stories and seeing the difference he made.

    How is the treatment going?

    How many more do you have to take?

    Are you meditating, or visualizing the healing process?

    I am not sure if or how it works,
    but some studies have shown it to be beneficial.

    Some are big believers in reiki too.

    It certainly wouldn’t hurt to look into it
    and if anything could be a relaxing experience.

  89. I agree with April Cheryl,
    it is always wonderful to
    hear from you!


    (Great post April!)

  90. Thank you for the reply.
    No more smoke detector blasts.

    Had Chemo yesterday from 9:30 until about 4 pm.

    Packed a lunch and a soda because I couldn’t leave.
    I was so happy to wake up today without
    those joint and bone pains.

    I hope they don’t return.
    They are so debilitating.

    I have one more treatment left,
    then the CT scan to see what is going
    on in my chest.

    I pray they are nuked and none
    have moved onto any more tissue.

    I did however get a Z-pack because
    I have caught something and my throat
    was red and hurting so today
    I already feel better.

    My niece does reiki on me when she visits.
    Meanwhile I pray and so do face book friends.

    It is moving experience to be in an oncology
    chemo room and be with so many other people
    getting treatment.

    I pray for them too.

    None of them are there for the first time.
    That is sad but they are so helpful
    and accepting of their plight.

    My little dogs still bark at nothing.
    Over and out for now and take care.

  91. I went and seen Lisa Williams at cardiff
    and although she was spot on I thought
    it was repetative and we traveled a long way
    and A friend insisted we went to the meet
    and greet where she was given a gift and
    then had a private conversation with the
    person and made the cameras turn off
    and then gave the person a reading in
    the show and none of the people who
    got a reading where welsh or at the back.

  92. Cheryl –
    you are a strong woman indeed and loving.
    Almost everytime you have posted you have
    shown concern and compassion for other people –
    you are truly amazing.

    I hope treatment is going well for you.
    Please keep me and rashmanly
    updated on your progress.

    XOXO – April

  93. I just heard of Lisa through another website.
    How can you assume she’s fake?

    You really don’t know.
    I don’t believe it’s an occult or
    “evil spirit” mumbo jumbo.

    When you lose someone close to you,
    or a relative,
    the last thing you want to know
    it’s something evil at work.

    I believe in the afterlife,
    and that our loved ones are
    trying to get through to us.

    If Lisa is the real deal
    (as I know there are legit fakes out there,
    just to make a quick buck on vulnerable people)
    I would love to see a show of hers.

    • I encourage everyone
      to see Lisa in person
      and make up their own mind –
      do not take my word
      for her powers or
      lack of same –
      it is just my and my
      wife’s personal opinion
      after driving five hours
      one way to see her
      in person.

      We both went in as believers
      and left as non-believers.

      But everyone should pay the fee,
      see Lisa in person,
      and decide for themselves.

      She seems like a nice person
      and she is a great entertainer
      and very nice to look at –
      I have nothing against her –
      but this site is about my
      true opinions and I will not
      lie to the MOON readers.

  94. Hello cyber friends Rash and April.
    I have had a 4th chemo and must have 2 more.

    That is the way it is when it is metastatic.

    I had a bout of weird rashes,
    fever, chills, an sinus infection.

    The good news is my Ct scan showed
    no growth or activity with the 4 lymph
    nodes in my chest.

    So I will soldier on and take my medicine.

    It is more like poison but it does have its purpose.

    Would like to start painting again
    and I am about to muster up the courage
    to get out all the art stuff.

    I miss teaching art to teens.

    They are so much fun to work
    with especially the ones who are
    very serious about their work.
    While I am not at school teaching
    World History I should take advantage
    of the time away from that environment.

    I wonder what my dogs
    are staring at all the time.


    Bye for now.
    Take care.

  95. Hello cyber friends Rash and April.
    I have had a 4th chemo and must have 2 more.
    That is the way it is when it is metastatic.
    I had a bout of weird rashes, fever,
    chills, an sinus infection.

    The good news is my Ct scan showed no growth
    or activity with the 4 lymph nodes in my chest.

    So i will soldier on and take my medicine.

    It is more like poison but it does have its purpose.

    Would like to start painting again and
    I am about to muster up the courage to
    get out all the art stuff.
    I miss teaching art to teens.

    They are so much fun to work with
    especially the ones who are very
    serious about their work.
    While I am not at school teaching
    World History I should take advantage
    of the time away from that environment.

    I wonder what my dogs are staring at all the time.


    Bye for now.
    Take care.

  96. Cheryl,

    Sounds like good news!

    Not the rash, fever, or sinus infection,
    but there is a silver lining – no growth!

    4 down and only 2 to go!
    Woo hoo!

    Painting would be a great way
    to get inspired and to release pent up emotions.

    I used to like to paint,
    although I am not that good –
    it put me in a different frame of mind
    where I felt that creative potential and
    actually wrote an inspiration card for myself that reads…
    Life is like a painting,
    we start out a blank canvas
    and as we experience life,
    brilliant colors and shapes are 
    masterfully applied with each stroke,
    some are dramatic and others more subtle,
    we are continually blended until we become
    a beautiful piece of art,
    hopefully bring joy to many peoples lives.

    There was a time where I needed inspiration
    and encouragement and made flash cards
    to remind myself of the beauty in life
    when I needed a little lift.

    I used excerpts from great writers
    on most and created a few myself.

    This simple project enabled me to focus
    on the beautiful aspects of life in the smallest of ways,
    and to see the positive when things
    were looking a little dark.

    I hope you do make time to do something
    that makes you feel good and inspired –
    that in itself has great healing potential.

    Keep on keeping on Cheryl!
    You are an inspiration!


  97. Cheryl,

    Just checking on you. Are you okay? I hope the treatments are going well and you are okay.

  98. I have seen with my own eyes Psychics,mediums and wizards take advantage of those hurting people that have no concept of truth at all.I realize that these people if they would just houmble themselves and cry out to the living God for answes he would be there for them but One thing I have learned is humilty is some thing that most people Satan has gotten them convinced is weak but I find it so sad because knowing Jesus Christ as a person I have discoverd when a person is humble the hand of God moves.So many want a quick fix because their hurting because a loved one died but so many wealthy people dont realize that God isnt moved by money he is moved by faith.Psychics make millions but their not communicating with the dead their only communicating with familar spirits.I feel so bad for all these people that are being ripped off because their so blind in to seeing any truth.Tim Thompson

    • Tim,
      Have you ever wondered how many people looked to Christ first and did not receive answers, guidance, or comfort? Even though, there are a lot of psychic mediums who are fakes and are in it for the money; the same goes with Christianity, and every other religion.
      I don’t believe in religion, per se, I believe in a personal connection with our creator and I don’t believe religion can dictate how that must work. There were many “religions” before Christianity and even more have sprouted up since. The Christian faith itself has branched off many times because even Christians can’t entirely agree on biblical teachings. Some think Jesus is God, and some believe He was the Son of God who was sent to spread Gods message. Some believe when you die you go to Heaven and others believe you are in a sleep like state until Judgement Day, when Christ returns. There are priests and nuns who believe they can’t get married because they have to be pure and a devoted stictly to God, and then there are ministers who marry and have kids. Some are taught women can not pray for a group when a man is/isn’t present without having their head covered, and others are ministers leading a congregation. Even though priest have devoted their life to God – some have participated in homosexuality and pedophila, which we have all heard several examples on national news.
      I believe in Jesus and God, and I also believe the Buddha was a great spiritual teacher. There is a commonality in most religions and/or practices and that is creation and the powerful nature of spirit. It doesn’t mean one is right and the rest are all wrong – it just means people are taking different paths to the same destination – all with very unique experiences.

  99. If this is to lisa,
    Please can you tell me of any messages
    from my mum who passed in 2004.

    With Terrible Kudney cancer that affected her
    in a kit of places
    .She had good &
    bad to say about my brother,his then girlfriend.&
    also with me.as caring fit her alone
    during her last months,
    says,& 12 hours.

    We come from Glasgow.Scotland.Uk.&
    I was Ill in hospital when a call came through
    that she had passed in 2004.

    Can you tellme anything?

    As inwas in same hospital grounds,&
    other family were run down by her,
    then it was just confusion from her.

    I dud everything possible to make her comfortable,
    but this wasn’t enough for certain
    family members,&
    blamed me for quicker &
    shorter time,despite me keeping it over
    the time given &
    did a special thing 2 weeks before her demise.

    I’mtrying tingivecas kittle as possible,
    as blogs are accusing you Lisa as a scam.

    I am very open minded.&
    if anything told fits,I fo trust lisa’s words.
    all I could give is her

    I wish to have her tell me the things
    said In her bad week or so.

    As I did everything &
    got no respect for it.

    Giving up good career prospects,
    to be there as much as possible.&
    even slept in same room to watch over her.

    But would take info unknown to make me believe,
    as a charliton online filled my head with totally untrue messages.
    Thank you kindly.

  100. Hi April and Rashmanly

    I finished my 6th chemo today.
    Before I got chemo I had a diabetic
    episode of weakness,
    blurred vision, cold sweats
    and had to be wheeled into
    the chemo lab in a wheelchair.

    That cost an extra hour of fluids
    and two blood checks on a meter
    before they would let me have the chemicals.

    It was all day and I was the last to leave.

    During my 5th chemo session I made
    a friend there in that big cold room.

    While it looked like I was dozing
    I overheard a wife talking with her husband.

    I peeked at them because they were so
    close to me and she was sitting close to him
    while he received his chemicals.

    She mentioned needing a new stove.

    He and she were wondering how they
    could replace their range because it
    wouldn’t work and two of the electric burners
    had shorted out and fried themselves.

    Linda, the wife was a bit rotund like me
    and her husband was gaunt and tall.

    Cancer had taken a toll on him.

    They looked like farm folks and I could tell
    she was quite the cook.
    She was discussing how she could accomplish
    a Thanksgiving by using her daughter’s cooking
    range and then they get the food in their own
    home because it was bigger than their
    daughter’s apartment.

    I heard that that the only way they could
    buy a stove was to use the rent to own process.

    It would cost 60 dollars down and 50
    dollars a month until they had paid for it.

    They were so pitiful and I was
    so moved by their plight.

    I knew they had to drive a round trip
    of 60 miles from their rural home.

    While Linda visited the ladies room
    and her husband napped I got my checkbook
    and wrote a check for 500 dollars.

    I did not hesitate because I have faced
    this kind of need many times long ago
    as a young divorced mom living on
    about 400 dollars a month.

    I had been blessed with continuous
    employment for 42 years as a teacher
    and climbed up to a good salary while
    overseas for 26 years serving military
    dependent children.

    Linda lost her job or gave it up to drive her
    husband every week to the clinic.

    I only had to get those expensive chemicals
    every three weeks and he was so bad off
    he needed them every week.

    I hid the check in the blanket that covered me.

    Linda and I made eye contact and she rolled
    the stool over to talk to me so we wouldn’t
    wake her husband.

    I talked to her about some of her dishes
    that she and her family loved.

    We shared economical recipes and she told
    me where I could find lots of food products
    for diabetics.

    We compared our diabetic episodes.

    Then I told her that the chemo was working
    for me and I felt I would be able to return
    to my job in January which would replace
    the disability checks I had coming each week.

    I gave her the check and made a little speech
    about why I had chosen them for the new cooking range.

    I pictured her cooking up a storm for
    Thanksgiving in her own home with her
    kids and grandchildren all around.

    I wondered if her husband would have another
    Thanksgiving after this one but I didn’t mention it.

    She knew anyway.

    I also knew that my own husband and I
    had been worried about my lost income
    and I had been guided to take out the
    short-term disability insurance after
    my first encounter with Cancer.

    That saved us so far.

    Linda was stunned and cried. S
    he must have shared the news with
    the nurses after I left because the doctor
    called me and wanted to be certain that
    I was not being suckered and the chemo
    wasn’t causing dementia.

    I assured her that it was a one-time
    gift of love and meant to be a seed to plant.

    I believed in listening to God
    and then test for authentic need.

    I also remember the stress of worrying
    about money needs and replacing broken
    down appliances.

    When I was living on such a terrible
    salary in the 70’s one breakdown in
    the air conditioning,
    fridge, or car would almost wipe out
    three or four months’ salary.

    The electric bills in the summer challenged
    my house payment.

    So, I made a new friend who called me
    and thanked me for the gift and feels on
    top of the world because the gift took a
    worry off the mind of her husband and
    gave her some hope for all the holidays.

    • What a wonderful Thanksgiving story Cheryl!

      It is wonderful to hear from you
      and you’re story will inspire others.

      Happy Thanksgiving
      to you and everyone.


    • Cheryl,
      What a loving act of kindness!

      One thing is for sure,
      you have touched these peoples
      lives forever and they will never forget it.

      An act of compassion like this is two fold,
      because kindness and generosity spread
      like wildfire and you just ignited the spark.

      Not only did you give something
      that was much needed,
      but more importantly you gave hope,
      and kindess to people who needed it
      more than anything,
      and it will come back to you.

      It goes to show that we do go through
      life’s trials for a reason.

      You lived a period of your life
      where you struggled,
      so you understood their predictament,
      and were in the right place,
      at the right time,
      to help others in need.

      God works in mysterious ways.

      I truly believe God will shine his light
      on you for being so selfless and kind.
      You are amazing!

      How many more treatments do you have left?
      Are you feeling better?

      Rash Manly is right –
      you are inspiring!
      Keep us posted!

  101. I had a reading with Lisa recently
    over the phone and it was a really
    bad reading.

    at the start she said she was going
    to make statements and that I should
    say whether I could relate to the statement or not.

    A lot of the statements i could not relate to at all.

    Given i hadn’t really lost a lot of people
    I was hoping for more a clairvoyant reading,
    but she probably got 10% of things kinda right
    and missed a MAJOR thing that consumes
    my whole life at the moment.

    It was over the phone and people
    I have told seem to believe you cannot
    give good readings over the phone.

    I don’t know.

    Im going to see her in a show soon
    and see what she is like there.

    But yeah I was totally disappointed.
    She also only mentioned one name
    that I could not relate to at all.

    i want to believe she has the gist
    but after this experience i feel kinda
    like she doesn’t.

    Don’t know what to make of it all?

  102. I think the people saying Lisa
    is a fraud are religious people
    who are driven to say this in their
    belief system through fear.

    It is a fact that they will soon
    realise that it is the truth,
    many of us can communicate and
    as we move into the 5th dimension,
    we must all raise our vibration
    into truth and Love.

  103. oh i believe that there are ppl that can communicate from the dead. I just don’t believe lisa is one of them.

    I got my reading on a recording and I listened to it again with a friend and she completely agreed that the reading was crap.

    we could tell where lisa was cold reading….and then when she was failing miserably she went back to something that she had kinda guessed.

    yeah def think she is a fraud.

    her tv shows must be heavily edited or she must receive info from other sources.

    my friend is seeing a show of hers live soon so i guess that will give us more insight. but at the moment i’m mostly sure she is a fakE!!

  104. Cheryl here.
    I have finished the rough chemo sessions,
    the scans show no cancer cells and I am
    on a maintenance program to cut off
    any nourishment to the bad cells IF they
    are lurking about.

    It is called Avastain and it is causing no harm.

    My hair is slowly growing back.
    My job at the school has changed so
    I have been asked to go to a 6th grade
    school to help in Special Ed. and part-time art.

    This abrupt change in my job
    responsibilities is very daunting to me.

    I don’t have a clue what to expect
    and don’t feel the confidence I used to feel.

    The unknown is scary.

    I don’t know if I will manage that new offer.

    I was hoping I could return to something familiar.

    So I will be praying my way
    through this latest adventure.
    I am praying for the courage
    to walk into that school.
    I won’t know anyone and that
    is a place where I have been
    before in past jobs.

    I was younger and stronger
    and very confident.
    I need a big boost of “I can do this.”

    I am not the same person who
    came back to the USA in 2006.

    I have lost the parents I loved so much
    while trying to take care of them while
    fighting my own health battles.

    The main feelings I felt through
    all of it was disappointment,
    helplessness and grief delayed.

    Now I guess the grief has caught up with me
    and I am letting negativity creep in.

    I must proceed and not give up
    but I am tempted to resign.

    Bye Cheryl

  105. Cheryl,

    A big CONGRATS! Thank goodness!! I am very happy for you.
    Compared to the battle you just overcame – this should be easy for you! You will do just fine and it may be something you absolutely love. Maybe there is a special child out there that needs you and that is part of your purpose now. This is an area you can probably make a huge difference in a childs life. Change is not easy, but it can be a blessing in disguise. Stay positive and girl if you can beat cancer you can do anything!!!!!

  106. Just because you may not believe in psychics or mediums doesnt mean you should shove your thoughts down peoples throats. If you don’t believe that is fine, but posting this on a website is barbaric. It shows immaturity on your behalf since you cannot leave this subject alone. You believe whatever you feel is right. But putting a belief into peoples lives isnt okay either. I am a psychic and all I do is give messages to those who need it. How can I possibly know the names of loved ones who passed if I’m not told so before hand? There is no evidence that God is here and there can be no evidence to show psychic ablities either. Its just the same thing. The bible was created by Man that put their thoughts into it, not God’s words. No one can have proof of anythings thats why people say that believing something beyond Earth is poweful. God isn’t here and yet people believe in Him. You can’t see Him and yet people believe. Is there no God?

  107. I think rash and edward need to read the bible again, didn’t God speak through Moses on the mountain to the people. That means Moses was a psychic or channel, so it must be ok for us to practise this soon as it was in the bible but you didn’t mention that did you boys. Thats ok.
    You probably need some healing, love to you both

  108. I went to see Lisa Williams in Sept 2010. I found it interesting but i’m still on the fence about her ability. It wouldn’t be hard to rig the audience of a large theatre with half a dozen ‘plants’ and then ask the appropriate questions then eliminate those that aren’t the plants.

    Also as i write this i’m actually watching her US programme from a few years back on DMAX. What i’ve noticed is that she tends to ask about a person’s grandmother/father, which is a safe bet in some ways that they have passed away, she also asks the question in a vague manner as if she’s asking if anyone’s grandmother/father has passed away..

    Don’t know, not convinced personally…. still open to the whole psychic thing but on the fence about Lisa Williams

  109. je parle le français seulement, et j’écoute votre programme a la télévision, et ce que vous faites est très bon, les antités qui vous parlent , et qui communique avec vous je voudrais bien vous voir en personne, mais comme je suis malade et que je demeure dans un foyer pour ma maladie , j’aimerais bien si vous pouvez, me comprendre en français, que vous seriez capable de me répondre par votre courier , si vous pouvez me dire des choses que mon époux me dit de ou il est ?
    et me parler de ma soeur décédé et mes parents , je vous en serais très reconnaissante , je suis votre programme a tous les semaines et je trouve fantastique ce que vous gaites , merci a vous si vous pouvez me répondre merci

  110. I could not care less what the Bible says…..in case you missed it the Bible was written by humans beings not by GOD!!! Then after they wrote it it was translated into other languages and after that it was altered by people trying to promote their own agendas (King James Bible) Lets not kid ourselves into thinking just because its in the Bible it’s a fact. GOD is within our hearts and that is what we should use to judge this woman’s authenticity.

  111. i have a nanny that past a way 4 yaers ago i would like you to come see me i live in davie

  112. No matter what you do, if you do it full-time, you need to be paid.
    How come if you’re a plumber and are paid, you’re a plumber, but if you’re a medium and are paid, you’re a fraud?
    Everyone uses their own talents and has their own abilities.
    Quoting from the Bible doesn’t prove me anything.
    I trust my own experiences and my own judgement rather than take the Bible’s word for it.
    No offense, but this is a poorly-build argument against Lisa Williams.
    And you could do a lot better with this site, it’s hard to work with it.

  113. So much bible quoting to persecute mediums.
    Why not include scripture that after Jesus was crucified he appeared to Mary and his disciples and many others on various occasions.
    Have you not realized that while scripture can be contradictory it is consistent with one thing, Jesus works in mysterious, miraculous ways.
    Your restricted belief system would have prevented you from recognizing that Jesus Christ truly was the son of God had you lived during biblical times.
    You would have been a skeptic of Christ himself.
    I’m not a medium, but I have had spiritual encounters from those on the other side.
    It is not fabricated nor do I attempt to conjure up spirits for others who have lost loved ones.
    Nor do I try to convince others of my encounters.
    It is a gift from God to be blessed with such miraculous encounters.
    What I’ve learned from these experiences is that there is no limit to God’s power rather we have the power to limit ourselves.

  114. Cheryl here.
    I did not teach for the 2010-2011 school year.
    Big changes.
    My husband and I sold one house and put the other one up for sale in Feb. 2011.
    I resigned the teaching job and we moved to a big university town in the northern part of our state.
    My only family left lives there and we are together.
    The cancer is still gone and has been for a year.
    My son and daughter-in-law were worried about us and wanted to see if we could get a bigger house and combine resources.
    Getting settled was tough but we are OK.
    I am thinking about getting another MA in art, this time. It has been a life long dream and I would love to pursue teaching at this university.
    I can’t let my 26 overseas years in Italy go to waste.
    All that time I was teaching and taking every course I could in art, art history, Italian language and culture and painting up a storm.
    I will see what happens.

    • That sound great Cheryl!
      It sounds like you are living
      life and doing good things.

      The study of art sounds
      super interesting!

      It is uplifting to
      know how well
      you are doing!


  115. First you cite James Randi in a vain attempt to inject scientific skepticism, then you start spewing Bible quotes.

    Personally, I’ve never watched the show in question and agree that this woman may well be cold reading.

    I do not, however, believe that she communes with demons. That’s psychotic.

    The “religious” beliefs of any Tea Bagger or neocon are ten times more wacked out than those of any new age wingnut. And MUCH more intolerant.

  116. Seriously? Demons are speaking to Lisa? Gads. You should have stop at “cold reading scammer”.

  117. You refer to Luke Chapter 16 in regards to mediums but Myself & my husband have read & re-read Luke Chapter 16 & find no reference as to what you recite.
    Also you mention a few other scriptures and a couple do speak of mediums but a few mention nothing of it. Could you please explain in Luke 16 ~ NKJV which verse?

    The problem with mediums work is when people make the mistake of seeking their advice & answers to all of lifes delimmeas instead of seeking answers through prayer & scipture, wouldn’t you agree with this?

    That is if we are reading from the same Word of God. I also do agree that people should exercise extreme caution with the subject matter no matter what they believe.

    Also, you should use extreme caution to never incorrectly quote or misrepresent “The Word of God”.

    If you want to quote from the Bible please do so accurately.

    Kind Regards

  118. I went ahead and looked at the NIV also & it is as follows; again where is the mention of your quote ~ “In Luke, chapter 16,
    it is clearly stated that the dead
    can’t communicate with us,
    and that any semblance of this happening
    is clearly demonic forces at work.”

    Luke 16

    The Parable of the Shrewd Manager

    1 Jesus told his disciples: “There was a rich man whose manager was accused of wasting his possessions. 2 So he called him in and asked him, ‘What is this I hear about you? Give an account of your management, because you cannot be manager any longer.’
    3 “The manager said to himself, ‘What shall I do now? My master is taking away my job. I’m not strong enough to dig, and I’m ashamed to beg— 4 I know what I’ll do so that, when I lose my job here, people will welcome me into their houses.’

    5 “So he called in each one of his master’s debtors. He asked the first, ‘How much do you owe my master?’

    6 “‘Nine hundred gallons[a] of olive oil,’ he replied.

    “The manager told him, ‘Take your bill, sit down quickly, and make it four hundred and fifty.’

    7 “Then he asked the second, ‘And how much do you owe?’

    “‘A thousand bushels[b] of wheat,’ he replied.

    “He told him, ‘Take your bill and make it eight hundred.’

    8 “The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light. 9 I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.

    10 “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. 11 So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? 12 And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?

    13 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

    14 The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus. 15 He said to them, “You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of others, but God knows your hearts. What people value highly is detestable in God’s sight.

    Additional Teachings
    16 “The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing their way into it. 17 It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law.
    18 “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

    The Rich Man and Lazarus
    19 “There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. 20 At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores 21 and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.
    22 “The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 24 So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’

    25 “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. 26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’

    27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’

    29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’

    30 “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’

    31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”

  119. aile, anaokulu, seminerleri ve psikolojik destek…

    […]Lisa Williams: Life Among The Dead act appears to be “cold reading”! « 22MOON.COM[…]…

  120. Jesus did say, in the last days the anti Christ
    will do signs and wonders in the sky and miracles
    even in my name but he is not of me.

    Now that’s some food for thought.

    You know that Nostradamus read the Bible
    in Revelation probably a thousand times. 🙂

  121. Why believe Jesus is the only one
    who can speak to angels or communicate
    with God or Angels?
    He was the teacher,
    our guide,
    and this is what he did.

  122. dear miss willams.i would like to have a meeting with you if at all possable sincerly melissa

  123. Hi everyone, it’s my first pay a quick visit at this web site, and article is actually fruitful in support of me, keep up posting these content.

  124. ignorance is bliss. some people just dont get it so they turn to negativity. shame one you. unless you have had a real experience, you cant possibly understand. boy are you synical
    people are missing out

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  127. Read Luke 16:31 very closely! It says, that the man(who died and went to hell) wanted Lazarus(who went to heaven to be w/ Abraham) to go to his brothers and warn them of their sins and of hell. It says,”If they won’t listen to Moses and the prophets, they won’t listen even though someon rises from the dead”. It doesn’t say that we can’t communicate w/ the dead or them, us. It states that if they don’t listen to the word, they won’t listen to anyone, including the dead. Please be very careful in quoting the scriptures. God mentions seers and talking to those who have passed over a number of times. Just because you don’t believe in psychic ability doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Just like you can’t SEE God, but yet you believe in him! God Bless You.

  128. I have watched many shows on Lisa and i have been completely in awe of her talents and i do not think she is cold reading? also if they do large audiences it could be possible to rig an audience member, but don’t you think they would then try and expose that Psychic ro the world? and why hasn’t anyone come forward yet?

    You need to ask yourself is there an after life well according to the Bible there is? so why is it not possible for people like Lisa to have these kind of exceptional abilities that can see other dimensions?

  129. Saved as a favorite, I love your blog!

  130. Hello! I know this is kind of off-topic but I had to ask.

    Does operating a well-established website
    like yours require a lot of work? I am brand new to blogging but I do write in my journal every day.

    I’d like to start a blog so I will be able to share my
    experience and thoughts online. Please let me know if you have any kind of recommendations or tips for new
    aspiring blog owners. Thankyou!

    • My website requires alot
      of reading far more stories
      than ever appear on the site.

      If a story does not interest me,
      I assume the readers won’t be

      Updating more than once a
      day is lots of work also,
      but keeps the site vibrant
      and ever changing.

      Then doing the comedy and
      making amusing and/or interesting
      photos/posters/splashy visuals
      is work.

      Every photo I use I re-crop
      and add color enhancements.

      But if you write your blog
      like your daily journal it
      should be less time consuming,
      just write from your heart
      like I do.

      Doing this site yields far more
      rewards than the work,
      and as changed my life in
      ways never expected.

      After years of rejection slips
      from editors I finally have a
      voice and people can hear me.

      I highly encourage you to
      do a blog/website and your
      skills will improve through
      trail and error.

      Never try to please everyone,
      write to please yourself and
      be a straight shooter with
      the reader.

      Have fun with it also
      and your readers will find you
      and the rest can read the
      less interesting stuff that
      fills the Internet.

      Don’t worry about numbers of hits,
      worry about entertaining and being
      interesting and true.

      Truth is so rare in reporting
      these days.

      I don’t carry advertising by choice
      so this is a labor of love.

      Write a blog and feel joy
      in it and you will be fine Katherine!


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